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State abbreviations include non-US states and provinces. The DWH Source is the entity that paid the settlement, fine, or voluntary payment. We are waiting for funding information for some Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI) projects; they currently display “0” as a placeholder.
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Project Name | State/Province | Project Category | DWH Funding Amount | DWH Funding Program | DWH Source |
Southeastern Gulf of Mexico Processes Affecting Basin-Wide Connectivity and Hydrocarbon Transport: the Role of Mesoscale Eddies and Upwelling Near Cuba | FL | Science | 5,999,928 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Alabama Center for Ecological Resilience (ACER) | AL | Science | 6,497,050 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Assessing the Impact of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on Coastal Waters of the Florida Panhandle: Water Sediments and Fish | FL | Science | 193,518 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Molecular Diagnostics of Coral Exposed to Oil and Dispersants: A Holobiont Approach to Investigate Potential Effects on the Host Corals, Symbiotic Algae, and Mucus Associated Microbial Communities | FL, GA | Science | 285,346 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
The Impact of Crude Oil and the Dispersant Corexit on Three Key Gulf of Mexico Invertebrate Species | FL, GA | Science | 104,374 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: Assessing Impacts on a Critical Habitat, Oyster Reefs and Associated Species in Florida Gulf Estuaries | FL, SC | Science | 337,631 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Impacts from MC252 Oil on Ecologically and Commercially Important Plankton of the Gulf of Mexico | FL, FRA - AN | Science | 322,531 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Effects of a Major Oil Spill on Nektonic Assemblages of Salt Marshes and Adjacent SAV Habitats in Florida and Alabama | AL, FL | Science | 193,561 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Assessing Impacts of Oil Exposure to Deep Sea Ecosystems of the Gulf of Mexico Using Sharks and Scavengers As Integrative Models | FL, MA, VA | Science | 281,197 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Tracing the Intrusion of the GOM-2010 Oil Spill on Coastal and Marine Food Webs Radiocarbon and Stable Isotope | FL | Science | 266,250 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Assessment of Deepwater Fish Assemblages Associated with Desoto Canyons and Continental Slope Waters in the Eastern GOM | FL, MA, VA | Science | 97,225 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Penetration, Accumulation and Degradation of BP DWH Oil in Florida Sandy Beaches | FL, GA, IL | Science | 232,556 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Coast Watch: Remote Sensing and Verification Sampling of Oil Spill Impact on Florida Coast | FL | Science | 258,157 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Effects of the BP Oil Spill on Diatoms, Nannoplankton, and Related Protists at the Base of the Food Chain in the NE Gulf of Mexico of the food chain in the NE Gulf of Mexico | FL, GA | Science | 177,853 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Deepwater Horizon Oil Deposition in Gulf of Mexico Beaches Phase 2: Recovery of the Beach Sedimentary Environment | FL, GA | Science | 122,353 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Uncertainty Quantification of Oil Spill Transport | FL, FRA - AN | Science | 65,000 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Impact of Crude Oil on Coastal and Ocean Environments of the West Florida Shelf and Big Bend Region from the Shoreline to the Continental Shelf Edge: Radiocarbon and Stable Isotope Tracing | CT, FL | Science | 113,801 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Automated Mapping of Surface Oil Spill: Surface Physics and Remote Sensing Associated with Movement and Identification of a Slick | FL, UT | Science | 349,314 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Impact of Crude Oil on Coastal and Ocean Environments of the West Florida Shelf and Big Bend Region from the Shoreline to the Continental Shelf Edge | FL, GA, MA | Science | 497,188 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Deepsea to Coast Connectivity in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico (DEEP-C) | AL, FL, GA, MA, MS, VA, CAN - AB, NOR | Science | 20,245,000 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
NGI BP Earth System Modeling (Phase II) | FL | Science | 172,592 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Expanding Contaminated Sediment Sampling In Gulf Coast Beaches | FL, GA | Science | 69,171 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Biomarker Prospecting: Detection of Impacts of DHOS-related Hydrocarbon & Dispersant Discharge in North-Central Gulf of Mexico Estuaries Using Gulf Killifish, Fundulus Grandis, As an Aquatic Vertebrate Sentinel | AL | Science | 4,595 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Measuring Direct and Indirect Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on Coastal Low Salinity Fauna | AL | Science | 86,250 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Recruitment Patterns of Reef Fishes and the Recent Gulf Oil Spill | AL | Science | 34,500 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Analysis of hydrocarbons (PAHS) in sediment samples | AL | Science | 46,575 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Physical Model Investigation on the Mixing of Oil-Dispersed Substances in Mobile Bay Navigation Canal | AL | Science | 69,000 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
The Distribution of Residual Oil in Alabama Coastal Marshes and Its Impact of Marsh Vegetation | AL | Science | 74,750 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Assessment of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Degradation Using Mineralization Assay and Functional Gene Analysis | AL | Science | 14,877 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Photochemical degradation and ozonation of persistent BP oil compounds in the spill-affected Alabama coast water and sediment - Penetration, Accumulation and Degradation of BP DWH Oil in Florida Sandy Beaches | AL | Science | 177,975 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Wetland and Shoreline Recovery | AL | Science | 102,376 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Emergency Funds to Continue Monitoring DHOS Effects within a Heavily-Oiled Gulf of Mexico Salt Marsh- Barataria Bay, LA | AL, TN, VA | Science | 132,000 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Gene Quantification to Elucidate Intrinsic Bioremediation Potential and Efficacy in the Oil Impacted Gulf Sediment | AL | Science | 87,400 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Studies of Microbial Communities Affected by the Deepwater Horizon Spill | AL, FL | Science | 15,000 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Biotransformation of BP Oil Spill Using Hydrocarbon-Utilizing Marine Microbes | AL, OH | Science | 15,000 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Data Sampling and Modeling of Contaminant Dispersant | FL, MS | Science | 989,000 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Impact of Hydrocarbon Oil Spill on Coastal Plant Community | AL | Science | 12,650 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Application of Passive Samplers to Monitor PAHs Concentrations in Water, Sediment Porewater, Sediment, and Commercially Important Organisms in the Gulf of Mexico in Order to Quantify Site-Specific, Chronic Damages to the Natural Resources | FL, MD, TX | Science | 95,000 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Dispersion of Oil in the Ocean Surface Layers: Development, Testing and Applications of Subgrid-Scale Parameterizations | MD, PA | Science | 708,851 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Wave and Surge Simulations for Spilled-Oil Redistribution By Gulf of Mexico Tropical Cyclones | LA | Science | 74,750 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Modeling, Data and Visualization of Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill | LA | Science | 800,002 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Biological Impacts of Oil and Dispersants on the Fish Fauna of Deep Waters: Assessing Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Event | LA | Science | 249,298 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Water Column Characterization of Selected Metals Associated with Crude Oil as a Tracer for Plume Movement from the Deepwater Horizon Site | LA | Science | 39,768 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
The Dynamics of Social Influence: A Longitudinal Look at Socially Structured Disaster Response | LA | Science | 104,911 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Microbial Community Responses to Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: Pre-Spill Background Assessment | FL, GA, LA | Science | 179,937 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Dispersant Surfactants: Effect on Oil & Oil Soot Constituent Bioaccumulation and Developmental Toxicity in the Fish Embryo | LA, MN | Science | 144,948 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Elementally Resolved Chemistry of the Evolution of the Oil Spill | AL, LA, TN, CAN - SK | Science | 149,999 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
The Influence of Oil Dispersants on the Biodegradation of South Louisiana Crude Oil and the Resulting Toxicological, Molecular and Physiological Effects on the Gulf Killifish | LA, TX | Science | 311,561 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Physiological Effects of Deepwater Horizon Oil on Phytoplankton and Microbial Communities from the Coastal/nearshore Waters of Louisiana | LA | Science | 225,022 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Fates and Effects of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on the Ecological Structure and Function of Coastal Wetland Ecosystems | LA | Science | 149,573 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Impacts and Recovery in Louisiana Coastal Wetlands: Long-Term Effects on Plant-Soil-Benthic Systems | LA | Science | 249,822 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Monitoring Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Exposure in Seafood with Imaging Mass Spectrometry | LA | Science | 148,268 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Recovery and Remediation of Emulsified Oil in Contaminated Marshes: Biostimulation and Natural Recovery | LA | Science | 149,967 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Understanding the Phase Behavior of Oil/ Dispersant/ Water System at Different Salinities, Temperature and Pressure | LA | Science | 189,998 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Understanding the Social Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Context of Community Vulnerability and Resiliency | LA | Science | 128,016 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Functional Design and Sizing for Subsea Capping System | LA | Science | 244,999 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Analysis of Samples Collected to Measure Effects of Stressors on Coastal Wetlands | LA, SD, TN | Science | 150,000 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Satellite Remote Sensing of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: Providing a Context for Shipboard Measurements | LA | Science | 37,540 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Development of A High Sensitivity, Lab-on-Chip Instrument for On-site Monitoring of Spilled Oil in Coastal Water | LA | Science | 239,856 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Novel Nanomaterials for Absorption and Decomposition of Oil and Dispersed Oil | LA | Science | 100,603 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Deepwater Horizon Oil Exposure Effects on Marsh Fishes in At-Risk Habitats: Integrated Laboratory and Field Studies | LA, SC, TX | Science | 149,967 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
An Interdisciplinary Topic Map for Understanding the Impact of the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Incident | LA | Science | 166,307 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Documenting Impacts of the Subsea Plume Using Gulf SERPENT ROV Surveys | LA, MD, WI | Science | 56,090 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Post Macondo Well Oil Spill Water Quality Sampling - Barataria, Lake Pontchartrain, and Coastal Waters. Part 2 | LA | Science | 59,653 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Impact of Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on the Louisiana Coastal Environments | LA, TX | Science | 100,000 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Acquisition of a Towed, Zooplankton Imaging System for Use in Quantifying the Distribution and Abundance of Zooplankton in the Waters around the MC252 Incident Site | LA | Science | 249,967 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Coping with Natural and Technological Disasters: Human Adaptive Capacities after Katrina and the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill | LA | Science | 150,000 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
BP Research Program Management | LA | Science | 947,460 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Decision Making in Post-Catastrophe Uncertainty: An Examination of Impacts of the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill on Local Businesses in Coastal Louisiana | LA | Science | 149,999 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Long-term Site Selection and Analysis of Biota to Determine the Effect of Oil, Dispersant, and Remediation-related Human Activities on Marsh Plants and Associated Insects and Mollusks | LA, SD | Science | 249,999 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Analysis of Massive In Situ Data from Moorings and Ships for Fate of Oil Spills and Dispersant and for Supporting Model Validation | LA | Science | 114,999 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Aquatic Primary Productivity and Spatial/Temporal Water Quality Variations of the Breton Sound Estuary and Impacts of Oil Pollution | LA | Science | 168,002 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Tracking Community Resilience in the Wake of the Deepwater Horizon Disaster: Developing Infrastructure for Analyzing the Human Impact on Coastal Communities | LA | Science | 65,974 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Effects of Oil, Dispersant, and Remediation-related Human Activities on Marsh Plants and Associated Insects and Mollusks | LA, SD, TN | Science | 100,758 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Macondo 252 Oil Spill Impacts in Louisiana Coastal Wetlands: Effects on Soil-Microbial-Plant Systems | LA | Science | 63,143 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Field Observation and Modeling of the Impact of Oil Spill on Marsh Erosion in Southern Louisiana | LA | Science | 681,464 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Louisiana State University Agricultural Center: Oil-Contaminated Sample Collection in Louisiana Coastal Areas: Toward an Optical Sensor for Quick Detection and Quantification | LA | Science | 48,178 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Biodegradability of MC252 Oil-Sand Aggregates on Rapidly Eroding Coastal Beach Environments | HI, LA | Science | 56,006 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Accelerating Recovery after the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: Response of the Plant-Microbial-Benthic Ecosystem to Mitigation Strategies Promoting Wetland Remediation and Resilience | FL, LA | Science | 1,669,040 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Tracking Community Resilience in the Wake of the Deepwater Horizon Disaster: Assessing the Evidence | LA | Science | 60,553 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Psychosocial and Health Consequences After Disaster: Human Adaptive Capacities and the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill | LA | Science | 121,998 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Developmental Toxicity of Weathered Water-in-Oil Emulsions in Fish Embryos | LA, MN | Science | 51,659 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Collection of Near-Shore Sediment Samples Associated with Potential Fishery Impacts | LA | Science | 250,711 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Observations and Modeling to Advance a Louisiana Coastal Circulation and Oil Spill Prediction System | LA, MS | Science | 900,000 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
A Multidisciplinary Analysis of Linkages among Wetland Vegetation, Rhizosphere Microbial Communities and Soil Stability and Decreased Coastal Wetland Sustainability in Response to Oiling | LA | Science | 800,000 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Integrated Laboratory and Field Studies on effects of Oil on Key Wetland Soil/Sediment Biogeochemical Processes. | FL, LA | Science | 550,000 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Investigating the Potential Ecological Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and the Biologically-mediated Mechanisms of Removal of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) | LA, MA | Science | 900,000 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Biodegradation Processes in Oiled Marshes: Remediation and Recovery in Rapidly Eroding Coastal Systems | LA, TX | Science | 700,033 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Assessing the Fate of Hydrocarbons, Heavy Metals and Dispersants in Louisiana Marsh Soil and Development of Bioremediation Strategy | LA | Science | 149,554 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Continued Sampling of Tabanid Populations as Indicators of Acute and Potentially Chronic Effects of Oil Spill Stress on Coastal Marsh Health | LA | Science | 80,898 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Oyster Health and Reproduction One Year After the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill | FL, LA | Science | 88,915 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Coastal Waters Consortium (CWC) | CT, DC, FL, LA, MA, MD, MN, NC, NH, NJ, OH , PA, PR, TN, TX, VA, VT, WI, PRI | Science | 12,185,000 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Defining Ecologically Relevant Sublethal Effects: How do Low Levels of Exposure to Oil and Dispersants Affect Performance and Survival of Larvae of Gulf Nekton? | LA, NC, TX, WA | Science | 657,945 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Coastal Waters Consortium II (CWC II) | CT, FL, LA, MA, MD, ME, MS, NC, NJ, TN, TX, VA | Science | 16,113,900 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Using Embryonic Stem Cell Fate to Determine Potential Adverse Effects of Petroleum/Dispersant Exposure | FL, IN, MN, SC | Science | 1,148,710 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Integrated Assessment of Oil Spill | MS | Science | 1,000,000 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Oil: Comprehensive Study of the Impact of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on the Health and Productivity of Gulf Coast Salt Marshes | GA, MS | Science | 99,741 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
The Influence of Weather and Ocean Processes Using Numerical Modeling on the Fate and Transport of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill | MS | Science | 140,000 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Quantitative Studies of the Effects of Oil Exposure on the Pelagic Microbial Community and Sheepshead Minnow, Using a Global Proteomics Approach | MS | Science | 749,181 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Extend Sulis Toolkit | AL, FL, LA, MS | Science | 188,074 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Analyses of the Effects of Crude Oil on Increased Disease Susceptibility and Physiological Responses of Selected Gulf of Mexico Fishes | AL, LA, MS | Science | 250,000 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Oil: Community Earth Modeling System for the Northern Gulf of Mexico | FL, LA, MS | Science | 91,253 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Comprehensive Study of Impact of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on the Health and Productivity of Gulf Coast Salt Marshes | MS | Science | 80,876 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Characterizing the Composition and Biogeochemical Behavior of Dispersants and Their Transformation Products in Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ecosystems | LA, MS, NC, NY | Science | 1,122,300 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Effects of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on Epipelagic and Large Coastal Sharks and Teleosts of the Gulf of Mexico | AL, CA, CT, FL, MA, NH, RI | Science | 243,811 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Consortium for Resilient Gulf Communities (CRGC) | AL, LA | Science | 8,000,000 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
A Molecular Survey of Marine Cilliates in Oil-Spill Contaminated Waters | AL | Science | 76,866 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Genetic Implications of Relocating Loggerhead Sea Turtle Eggs from the Alabama Coast in Response to the Deep Water Horizon Oil Spill | AL | Science | 87,400 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Gulf of Mexico Integrated Spill Response Consortium (GISR) | AZ, CA, FL, GA, HI, MA, MD, NC, NY, RI, TX, MX - DF, GBR - WLS | Science | 14,403,000 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Aggregation and Degradation of Dispersants and Oil by Microbial Exopolymers (ADDOMEX) | CA, TX, VA, CAN - NB | Science | 7,245,430 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Sampling for Reproductive and Developmental Recovery in Fish from the Gulf of Mexico One Year after Exposure to BP Oil/Dispersants | LA, TX | Science | 115,000 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Exploring the Mechanisms of Nitrate-aided Biodegradation of Petroleum Hydrocarbon under Anaerobic Conditions | AL | Science | 14,375 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Analysis of Continental Shelf Meiofauna in the Northern Gulf of Mexico: Effects of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Investigated during a Long Term Community Study (2007-Present) | AL, LA, MD, NV, TX, CAN - BC, CL, N, AUS - QLD | Science | 641,313 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Consortium for the Molecular Engineering of Dispersant Systems (C-MEDS) | AL, AZ, CO, DC, FL, GA, LA, MA, MD, MI, MN, MS, NC, NJ, NY, PA, RI, TX, KOR | Science | 10,338,000 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Sampling of Megalopal and Larval Stages of Blue Crabs | AL, FL, LA, TX | Science | 130,698 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Development of Cost-Efficient and Concentration-Independent Dispersants for Improved Oil Spill Remediation | CA, LA, MS | Science | 1,035,730 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Visible Light Activated Photocatalysis for the Chemical Evaluation, Photodegradation of Oil-Dispersant Interaction in Deepwater Horizon Oil-Spill | AL | Science | 14,375 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil/Dispersant Pollution on Ecosystem Functioning: Assessing C and N Dynamics in Salt Marshes along an Exposure Gradient | AL | Science | 170,132 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Assessing the Impact of Oil/Dispersant on Marine Sponges and their Symbiotic Communities | AL | Science | 34,395 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Geophysical Characterization of the Water Column and Seafloor on the Alabama Continental Shelf | AL | Science | 34,150 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Microbial Responses to Hydrocarbon and Dispersant-Lab and Field-based Studies | AL, OK, TN | Science | 80,615 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Biorenewable Seafood Wastes for Removal or in Situ Remediation of Complex Oil Or Oil/Dispersant Mixtures in the Gulf of Mexico | AL | Science | 25,300 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Chemical Engineering Applications to Study the Chemical Evolution and Biological Degradation of the Oil-Dispersant Systems and Subsequent Interaction with the Marine and Coastal Ecosystems | AL, FL, NY | Science | 228,377 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Determining the Degradation Rate Constants of the Hydrocarbons from the Macondo Well and Weathered Oil in Alabama Beaches and Marshes | AL | Science | 74,750 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Creating a Predictive Model of Microbially Mediated Carbon Remediation in the Gulf of Mexico | IL | Science | 238,780 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Dispersion Research on Oil: Physics and Plankton Studies (DROPPS) | CA, MD, MI, PA, PR, TX, WI, NOR, PRI | Science | 6,770,000 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Dispersion Research on Oil: Physics and Plankton Studies II (DROPPS II) | MD, NJ, PA, TX, WI, NOR | Science | 9,236,400 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Chemical Dispersants in the Marine Environment: Harnessing the Fish Acute Phase Response for Rapid and Sensitive Evaluation of Exposure | AL | Science | 34,500 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Assessing the Impact of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on the Diamondback Terrapin: a Top Carnivore and Keystone Species in the Salt Marshes of Alabama | AL | Science | 25,645 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Analysis of the Biodegradative Microbial Population and their Genes in Deepwater Horizon Oil Contaminated Water and Sediments of Coastal Alabama | AL | Science | 190,900 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Development of High-Fidelity Lagrangian Tracking Module for Oceanic Dispersion-Sedimentation Predictions | AL | Science | 19,965 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
High-Fidelity Modeling of Transport of Oil-Derived Particulates Using an Equilibrium Eulerian Method | AL | Science | 12,788 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Oil Spill Impact along the Alabama Coastal Areas | AL, MS | Science | 15,000 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Nanostructure Surface Plasmon Resonance Enhanced Spectroscopic Sensing for Hydrocarbon Contaminants in the Gulf of Mexico | AL | Science | 40,106 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Impacts of the 2010 Deep Water Horizon Oil Spill on Estuarine Bottlenose Dolphin Populations in the West Florida Panhandle | FL, MI | Science | 204,386 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
The Combined Effect of Environmental and Anthropogenic Stressors on Fish Health | CT, IN, MS, NLD | Science | 1,385,340 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Dynamics of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon and Dissolved Oxygen Following Natural or Manmade Petroleum Carbon Release into Marine Environments | DE, GA, TX | Science | 443,377 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Flow Structures on the Northern Shelf of the Gulf of Mexico Using Drifters and Underway Velocity Profiles | AL, FL | Science | 46,000 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Integrative Biodiversity Assessment of Coral-Sponge Communities of W Florida Shelf: Establishing a Baseline for a Sensitive Ecosystem | DC, FL, TX, VA, BRA - CE | Science | 195,399 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Collection of Water Column Samples in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Hypoxic Zone and Areas Near the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Site | DE, GA, LA, TX | Science | 100,664 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Stop-Gap Sampling to Assess the Impact of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Impact on Macroalgae and Macrocrustaceans in the Northern Gulf of Mexico | LA | Science | 93,093 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Continued Sampling of Blue Crab Larvae, Juveniles and Adults to Evaluate Oil Spill Effects on Population Connectivity and Adaptation, and Predict the Dynamics of Recovery | LA | Science | 52,509 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
The Environmental Effects of an Oil Spill on Blue Crabs in the Gulf of Mexico and the Dynamics of Recovery: Integrating Oceanography and Molecular Ecology | LA | Science | 1,355,820 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
The Effect of Sediment Bioturbators on the Biological Degradation of Petroleum in Coastal Ecosystems | LA | Science | 1,025,090 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Littoral Acoustic Demonstration Center - Gulf Ecological Monitoring and Modeling (LADC-GEMM) | LA, MS, OR, TX | Science | 5,238,170 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Resolving Chemical Properties and Extent of Crude Oil and Dispersant Distribution in the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill | CA, FL | Science | 185,780 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Consortium for Advanced Research on Transport of Hydrocarbon in the Environment (CARTHE) | AZ, CA, DE, FL, LA, MA, MS, NC, NY, PA, TX, NOR, ITA, NLD | Science | 15,296,000 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Monitoring of Oil Spill and Seepage Using Satellite Radars | FL, ME | Science | 800,000 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Relationship of Effects of Cardiac Outcomes in Fish for Validation of Ecological Risk (RECOVER) | CA, FL, TX | Science | 8,996,490 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Consortium for Advanced Research on Transport of Hydrocarbon in the Environment II (CARTHE II) | CA, CT, DE, FL, GA, IL, MA, MS, NC, NJ, NY, PA, RI, TX, WA, GBR - ENG, ITA, NLD | Science | 20,249,500 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
NIUST Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Multi-Task Research Proposal | AL, GA, MS | Science | 165,416 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Ecosystem Impacts of Oil and Gas Inputs to the Gulf (ECOGIG) | AK, AL, CA, FL, GA, HI, MA, MD, ME, MS, NC, NY, OR, PA, TX, DEU - MV | Science | 20,250,000 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Monitoring of Natural Resources in the Pontchartrain Basin following the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: Processes, Habitats, and Fisheries | LA | Science | 57,709 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Effect of Photochemistry on Biotransformation of Crude Oil | CT, LA, OK | Science | 1,469,130 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Multifunctional Colloidal Particles as Dispersants for Maximizing Biodegradation of Crude Oil | FL, RI | Science | 1,246,900 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Hyperspectral Imaging based Estimation of Physical Distribution, Dispersion and Dilution of Contaminants | AL | Science | 47,150 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Composing Gridded Surface Wind Field Data through Observations and Numerical Modeling | AL | Science | 39,137 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Identifying Transport Pathways and Quantifying Exchange in Alabama's Coastal Waters: from the Shelf to the Delta | AL, FL, MS | Science | 34,500 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Enhanced Detection of Hydrocabons through Optical Scattering | AL | Science | 14,998 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Framework for Dynamic Configuration and Interoperability of Heterogeneous Off-shore Oil Spill Wireless Sensor Networks | AL | Science | 15,000 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Improving Deepwater Horizon Risk Assessment for Large Pelagic Rays: Global Scale Positioning Via Satellite Telemetry | AL | Science | 66,148 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Investigating the Fisheries Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Disaster through Socioeconomic Surveys | AL | Science | 95,382 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
In-Situ WSN to Monitor the Transport and Dispersion of Oil-Derived Substances | AL | Science | 45,310 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem Integrity: Resilience of Seagrass Beds to Oil Contamination | AL, TN | Science | 15,000 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Quantifying the Effects of Oil Exposure on the Carbon Cycling and Diversity of Pelagic Microbial Community of Coastal Alabama | AL | Science | 192,713 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Feasibility study of applying multi-spectral acoustical imaging techniques to estimate physical distribution of oil-derived substances in the water columns in the Alabama Gulf coast and Mobile Bay | AL | Science | 14,637 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Baseline for Impact Assessment of Zooplankton and Imaging Oil Droplet Detection on the West Florida Shelf | DE, FL | Science | 377,310 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Assessing the Impact of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on Sediments and Benthic Communities on the West Florida Shelf and Slope | FL, GA | Science | 284,654 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Toxicity of Deepwater Horizon Oil and Dispersants on Florida's Reef Biota | FL | Science | 173,449 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Assessing the Concentration and the Molecular and Isotropic Composition of Deep sea Submerged Oils in the Northern Gulf of Mexico | AL, FL, PA | Science | 178,916 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Early Warning 4-D Remote Sensing System to Assess Synoptic Threats to Coastal Ecosystems of Florida and of Adjacent States and Nations | FL, MS | Science | 877,796 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
A Coordinated Modeling Approach in Support of Oil Spill Tracking | FL | Science | 660,000 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Center for Integrated Modeling and Analysis of Gulf Ecosystems (C-IMAGE) | AL, CA, FL, MA, PA, TX, CAN - AB, DEU - BE, NLD | Science | 11,002,000 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Oil Spill Impacts on Food Webs of Barrier Islands: Critical Sampling of Florida Beaches | FL | Science | 49,296 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Center for the Integrated Modeling and Analysis of Gulf Ecosystems II (C-IMAGE II) | AL, CA, FL, GA, MA, PA, TX, CAN - AB, MX - DF, DEU - HH, N | Science | 20,247,000 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
An Examination of Pre- and Post-Spill Ichthyoplankton Assemblage Dynamics | AL, MS | Science | 67,781 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Evaluating Changes in Fluorescence EEM and Size Spectra During the Degradation of Crude Oil and Dispersant in Seawater | MS, TX | Science | 103,369 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Chemical Effects Associated with Leaking Macondo Well Oil in the Northern Gulf of Mexico: Phase II | MS | Science | 500,000 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
A Comprehensive Assessment of Oil Distribution, Transport, Fate and Impacts on Ecosystems and the Deepwater Horizon Oil Release | KY, MS | Science | 105,913 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
An Ecosystem Modeling Framework to Examine Ecological Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill | AL, FL, LA, MS | Science | 40,343 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on the Health and Growth of Estuarine Fish and Ecosystem Functionality | MS | Science | 500,000 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Responses of Benthic Communities and Sedimentary Dynamics to Hydrocarbon Exposure in Neritic and Bathyal Ecosystems: Phase II | KY, MS, TX | Science | 144,792 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Floating Sargassum Communities of the Gulf of Mexico: Data Collection for the Continued Assessment of Associated Faunal Assemblages, Trophic Interations and Habitat Function in the Wake of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill | AL, MS | Science | 203,776 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Resolving Deepwater Horizon Impacts on Highly Variable Ichthyoplankton and Zooplankton Dynamics in the Northern Gulf of Mexico | MS, OR | Science | 455,812 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Measuring Habitat Utilization, Plant Growth Rates and Secondary Productivity in Response to Oiling in a Northern Gulf of Mexico Salt Marsh | AL | Science | 153,977 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Uncoupling of Autotrophy and Heterotrophy: Effects of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on Microbial Food Webs | FL | Science | 215,021 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Collection and Analysis of Oiled Sand Patties along the Gulf Coast | MA | Science | 47,846 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Weathering of Petroleum and Dispersant Components in the Aftermath of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill | MA, PA | Science | 1,053,160 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
The Assessment of Hydrocarbon and Hydrocarbon Dispersants Impacts on Embryos of Grass Shrimp (Palaemonetes Pugio) | AL | Science | 74,750 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Evaluating the Changing Surfactant Capabilities of Sodium Dioctyl Sulfosuccinate and Its Commercial Product Forms of Corexit EC9500A, Corexit EC9527A and Corexit EC9580A in a Marine System | AL | Science | 14,794 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Environmental Chemistry of the BP Oil Spill | AL | Science | 247,250 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Recovery: Benthic Meiofauna Survey | AL | Science | 210,584 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Spatial and Temporal Effects of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on Growth and Productivity of Recreational and Commercial Fisheries in the Gulf of Mexico | FL | Science | 1,366,540 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Sampling of Oil and/or Dispersal-Related Contamination on Mississippi Marsh Ecosystem Functioning | MS | Science | 100,000 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Consortium for Oil Spill Exposure Pathways in Coastal River-Dominated Ecosystems (CONCORDE) | AL, MS, NJ, OR, VA | Science | 11,003,600 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Ecosystem Impacts of Oil and Gas Inputs to the Gulf-2 (ECOGIG-2) | CA, FL, GA, MA, MD, ME, MS, NC, NY, OR, PA, TX | Science | 18,808,300 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
A Combined Analytical and Synthetic Approach Based on Line Narrowing Spectroscopy for Specific Isomer Determination of Petroleum Oil Spills | FL | Science | 1,523,290 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
A study of horse fly (Tabanidae) populations and their food web dynamics as indicators of the effects of environmental stress on coastal marsh health. | LA | Science | 1,847,460 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
A systems approach to improve predictions of biodegradation and ecosystem recovery in coastal marine sediments impacted by oil spill | FL, GA | Science | 1,010,250 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Chemical evolution and plant-microbe degradation of petroleum in saline marsh plants and soils | LA, NC | Science | 1,580,320 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Deep-sea Risk Assessment and species sensitivity to WAF, CEWAF and Dispersant | FL, TX | Science | 1,936,870 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Genomic Responses to the Deepwater Horizon event and development of high-throughput biological assays for oil spills | DC, MA, NH, TX | Science | 2,477,880 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Influence of river induced fronts on hydrocarbon transport | FL | Science | 2,220,530 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Investigation of Mechanisms for Reproductive Failure in the Aftermath of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill to Understand Population Recovery Scenarios for Cetaceans | AL, CA, CT, DC, FL, IL, LA | Science | 2,460,920 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Investigation of Oil Spill Transport in a Coupled Wind-Wave Current Environment Using Simulation and Laboratory Studies | FL, MN | Science | 992,274 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Long-Term Impact, Recovery and Resilience: Wetland plant-microbial-benthic ecosystem responses to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill and mitigation strategies promoting sustainability | FL, LA | Science | 1,525,900 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Molecular Engineering of Food-Grade Dispersants as Highly Efficient and Safe Materials for the Treatment of Oil Spills | LA, MD, MN, RI | Science | 1,369,140 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Oil-Marine Snow-Mineral Aggregate Interactions and Sedimentation during the 2010 Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill | CA, FL, GA | Science | 893,187 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Role of Microbial Motility for Degradation of Dispersed Oil | CA, IN, TX, VA | Science | 1,818,340 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
The Design of Synergistic Dispersant and Herding Systems using Tubular Clay Structures and Gel Phase Materials | LA | Science | 1,226,360 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
The State-of-the-Art Unraveling of the Biotic and Abiotic Chemical Evolution of Macondo Oil: 2010-2018 | FL, MA, ME | Science | 1,943,780 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Three-Dimensional Gulf Circulation and Biogeochemical Processes Unveiled by State-of-the-Art Profiling Float Technology and Data Assimilative Ocean Models | FL, MA, NC | Science | 2,828,780 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Toxicological Properties of Specific Aromatic Hydrocarbons Isolated from Fresh and Aged Crude Oil from the Deepwater Horizon Spill | LA | Science | 1,574,110 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Transport and fate of oil in the upper ocean: Studying and modeling multi-scale physical dispersion mechanisms and remediation strategies using Large Eddy Simulation | MD, PA, TX | Science | 877,162 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Understanding How the Complex Topography of the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico Influences Water-column Mixing Processes and the Vertical and Horizontal Distribution of Oil and Gas after a Blowout | MA, TX | Science | 2,979,970 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Understanding Resilience Attributes for Children, Youth, and Communities in the Wake of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill | LA, NY | Science | 1,929,830 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Vertical upwelling and bottom-boundary layer dispersal at a natural seep site | GA, NY | Science | 1,204,900 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Aggregation and Degradation of Dispersants and Oil by Microbial Exopolymers 2 (ADDOMEx-2): Towards a synthesis of process and pathways of marine oil snow formation | CA, NH, TX, VA | Science | 4,736,265 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Development of Portable Lab-on-CD Instrument for In-Situ and High Precision Detection of Spilled Oil Particles in Coastal Water System | LA | Science | 2,540,646 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Radium Isotope Release from Oil Degradation: Development of an Oil Clock | SC | Science | 2,769,179 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
A Comprehensive Petrochemical Vulnerability Index for Improved Decision-Making and Marine Biodiversity Risk Assessment in the Gulf of Mexico Large Marine Ecosystem | AZ, TX, VA | Science | 5,999,451 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Consortium for Advanced Research on Marine Mammal Health Assessment (CARMMHA) | AL, CA, CT, DC, IL, LA, WA | Science | 5,098,831 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Consortium for Advanced Research on Transport of Hydrocarbons in the Environment III (CARTHE-III) | CA, DE, FL, MS, NJ, NY, RI, TX, WA | Science | 4,799,897 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Modeling Modification of Surface Oil Transport by Air/Sea Interactions and Tropical Storms | FL | Science | 4,495,588 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Impact of Oil Spill to Human Lung Health: Next Generation Sequencing and Mouse Model Based Analyses | FL, LA | Science | 425,012 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Center for the Integrated Modeling and Analysis of Gulf Ecosystems III (C-IMAGE III) | CA, FL, GA, PA, TX, VA | Science | 922,784 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
The impact of Deepwater Horizon oil exposure on the vertebrate stress response | FL | Science | 541,657 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Beach Exposure And Child Health Study (BEACHES) | AR, FL, NC, TX | Science | 499,813 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Meta-analytic synthesis of long-term wetland impacts, recovery, and resilience following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill | FL, LA, VA | Science | 686,873 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Inferential/Parametric Forecasting of Subsurface Oil Trajectory Integrating Limited Reconnaissance Data with Flow Field Information for Emergency Response | FL | Science | 900,821 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Consortium for Simulation of Oil-Microbial Interactions in the Ocean (CSOMIO) | DE, FL, MD, TX, VA | Science | 705,732 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Resuspension, Redistribution and Deposition of Deep Water Horizon (DwH) Recalcitrant Hydrocarbons to offshore Depocenters | FL, MS | Science | 709,456 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Coastal Waters Consortium III (CWC III): Oil Spills as Stressors in Coastal Marshes - The Legacy and the Future | CA, CT, FL, LA, MA, MD, MI, NC, NJ, TN, TX, VA | Science | 995,981 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Designing Nanoparticle-based Dispersants with Improved Efficiency and Biocompatibility | FL, LA | Science | 457,588 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Molecular Understanding of Emulsion Formation in Environmentally Photo- Oxidized Crude Oils: In Situ Generation of Interfacially Active Species and Their Impact on Emulsification | FL, LA | Science | 518,043 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
A Decade-Long Study on Impact, Recovery, and Resilience in Louisiana Salt Marshes: The Evolution of the Oil Transformation Compounds and Plant-Soil-Microbial Responses to the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill | FL, LA | Science | 596,256 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Turbulent Vertical Mixing and the Formation of Oil Particle Aggregates: LES, Measurements and Modeling | FL, NJ | Science | 422,399 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Synthesis of the Physical Processes in Subsea Bubble Plume to Connect Natural Seeps and Oil Spills | MO, TX | Science | 671,806 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Dispersion Research on Oil: Physics and Plankton Studies III (DROPPS III) | FL, MD, NJ, PA, TX | Science | 626,097 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Biodegradation of "Hidden" High Molecular Weight Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: Closing Critical Research Gaps | FL | Science | 369,645 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Coral-Tox: A Species-Sensitivity Assessment of Petroleum Hydrocarbon Toxicity to Scleractinian Corals | FL | Science | 865,883 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Integrating Teleost Transcriptomes to Identify Ecologically Meaningful Responses Following Oil Exposure | IN, MS | Science | 970,553 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Relationship of Effects of Cardiac Outcomes in Fish for Validation of Ecological Risk II (RECOVER II) | CA, FL, MA, TX | Science | 1,000,000 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Deep-Pelagic Plankton Communities of the Northern Gulf of Mexico: Trophic Ecology, Assemblage Dynamics, and Connectivity with the Upper Ocean | LA, MS, OR | Science | 999,185 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Effects of Mesoscale Eddies on Three-Dimensional Oil Dispersion: Data Integration, Interpretation and Implications for Oil Spill Models | FL | Science | 547,914 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Effects of Turbulence and Waves on the Dispersion, Transport and Fate of Oil Droplets in the Upper Ocean: A Large Eddy Simulation Study | CA, LA, MD | Science | 436,123 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Science Policy Fellow - Diana Del Angel | FL | Human and Social | 55,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early Career Research Fellow - Helen White | PA | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early Career Research Fellow - Anna Michel | MA | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early Career Research Fellow - Joel Fodrie | NC | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early Career Research Fellow - Kelly Dorgan | AL | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early Career Research Fellow - Zack Darnell | LA | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early Career Research Fellow - Alberto Caban-Martinez | FL | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Jessica Henkel | LA | Human and Social | 55,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early Career Research Fellow - Julie Albert | LA | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Cholena Ren | LA | Human and Social | 45,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Elizabeth Gomez | MS | Human and Social | 55,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Advancing Optimization of Ecosystem Services to Inform Management and Restoration of the Gulf of Mexico | CA | Science | 128,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Assessing Long-Term Linkages Between Development of Oil and Gas Industry-Related Coastal Infrastructure, Societal Well-Being and Ecosystem Function in Coastal Louisiana | LA | Science | 130,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Developing a Decision Support Tool to Evaluate Ecosystem Services and Associated Uncertainties Using a Bayesian Belief Network | MS | Science | 124,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Expanding Ecosystem Service Provisioning from Coastal Restoration to Minimize Environmental and Energy Constraints | LA | Science | 148,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Modeling Stress-Associated Health Effects of Multiple Impacted Ecosystem Services in the Gulf of Mexico | SC | Science | 126,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Living Shorelines: Synthesizing the Results of a Decade of Implementation in Coastal Alabama | AL | Science | 469,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Synthesis of Historical Observations Using Novel Model Approaches to Improve Understanding and Predictability of Deep Gulf of Mexico Circulation | FL | Science | 897,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
The Transport of Oil to the Coast in the Top Centimeter of the Water Column | FL | Science | 433,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Understanding the Trajectory of Coastal Salt Marsh Structure, Function, and Processes in the Face of Sea-Level Rise: A Synthesis from Historical Imagery, Biophysical Processes, and Hierarchical Modeling | MS | Science | 507,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Linking Energy Production Technologies to Human Health Protection: A """"To and Through"""" Approach to the Interdisciplinary Training of a Middle-Skilled Workforce | LA | Science | 125,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Synthesizing Spatial Dynamics of Recreational Fish and Fisheries to Inform Restoration Strategies: Red Drum in the Gulf of Mexico | FL | Science | 480,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Improved Understanding of the Northern Gulf of Mexico Pelagic Ecosystem: Integration, Synthesis, and Modeling of High-Resolution Zooplankton and Fish Data | MD | Science | 504,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Quantifying Environmental and Anthropogenic Drivers of Sea Turtle Distribution and Abundance in the Gulf of Mexico | FL | Science | 494,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Preparing Underserved Communities for Career Paths in Energy, Environmental Health, and Restoration | MA | Science | 177,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Using Problem-Based Learning to Develop a Future Labor Force of Environmentally Knowledgeable and Safety-Certified Workers | AL | Science | 125,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Immersion Simulation: Interdisciplinary Training for the Gulf of Mexico Workforce (ISIM) | MS | Science | 125,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Integrating Visual and Acoustic Data on Cetacean Abundance and Habitat in Gulf of Mexico Deepwater | CA | Science | 451,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Community Cohesion and Recovery After the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill | KS | Science | 530,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Synthesizing Ship Tracking Data, Oil Spill Model Results, and Subsistence Use Information into a Unique, Interactive Tool to Aid Research and Planning in Coastal Communities Bordering the Alaska Beaufort Sea | AK | Science | 1,000,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Understanding Oil Spill Impacts on Fishing Communities of the Gulf of Mexico: From Deepwater Horizon to Future Spill Scenarios | FL | Science | 590,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Can Deliberative Discussions Lay a Foundation for Integrated Decision-Making Networks? | SC | Science | 259,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Collaborative Modeling with Fuzzy Cognitive Maps: A Novel Approach to Achieving Safety Culture | OR | Science | 407,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Virtual Reality Offshore Operations Training Infrastructure: Enhancing Expert Containment, Decision Making, and Risk Communications | OK | Science | 383,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - Ann Cook | OH | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - Jennifer Pazour | NY | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Caitlin Young | MS | Human and Social | 55,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - Adam Skarke | MS | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Makyba Charles | FL | Human and Social | 55,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Krystal Pree | FL | Human and Social | 45,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - Jordon Beckler | FL | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Kristen Dorans | LA | Human and Social | 55,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - Michelle Meyer | LA | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - Jill Trapanier | LA | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Building Coastal Community Subject Matter Expert Capacity through an Innovative “Citizen Science” Program to Collect Quantitative Beach Dynamic and Tar Ball Data for Oil Spill Planning and Response in Coastal Regions with Offshore Oil and Gas Operations | LA | Science | 481,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Paulina Kolic | LA | Human and Social | 55,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Developing a Systems-Theoretic, Cross-Disciplinary, Scenario-Based Approach to Reducing Risk in Offshore Oil and Gas Operations | MA | Science | 231,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - Kerri Pratt | MI | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Geoffrey Roest | LA | Human and Social | 45,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Debra Butler | MS | Human and Social | 45,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Stephanie Sharuga | LA | Human and Social | 55,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Alejandra Mickle | AL | Human and Social | 55,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Enhancing Community Resilience and Optimizing Oil Spill Response through the Participatory Design of a Decision Support System | AZ | Science | 460,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Early Career Research Fellow - Davin Wallace | MS | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
CoastWatch for Action: Engaging Alaska Teachers, Youth, and Community in Preparedness and Response to Coastal Hazards and Climate Change | AK | Human and Social | 203,841 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Sustainable Solutions During Disaster | AL | Human and Social | 408,275 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Strengthening Gulf Coast Resilience by Engaging, Educating, and Empowering Vulnerable Populations | FL | Science | 377,455 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Building Industry Engagement Within the Gulf of Mexico Alliance to Increase Impacts to Regional Efforts | MS | Human and Social | 149,744 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Expanding Coastal Community Capacity for Climate Change Adaptation | MS | Human and Social | 168,905 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Using Island Institute Cross-Boundary Connections to Build Disaster Preparedness in Maine and Beyond | ME | Human and Social | 240,480 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Supporting the Isle de Jean Charles Community Resettlement Through Cross-Boundary Networks and Knowledge Synthesis | LA | Human and Social | 198,120 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Building Bridges to Understand Fishing Communities and Fisheries | MS | Science | 433,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Unobtrusive Assessment of Macrocognition Processes in Team Decision Making | FL | Science | 788,302 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Mitigating Risks to Hydrocarbon Release Through Integrative Advanced Materials for Wellbore Plugging and Remediation | LA | Science | 2,614,143 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Experiments on Multiphase Flow of Live Muds in a Full-Scale Wellbore with Distributed Sensing for Kick and Gas-in-riser Detection/Mitigation | LA | Science | 4,910,159 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Advanced Cement Characterization and Modeling to Evaluate Novel Additives to Improve Wellbore Integrity | OK | Science | 670,720 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Passive Acoustic Technique for Detecting, Locating, and Characterizing Hydrocarbon Leakages | MS | Science | 591,061 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Inland from the Coast: A Multi-Scalar Approach to Regional Climate Change Responses | LA | Science | 2,936,369 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Community Resilience Learning Collaborative and Research Network | LA | Human and Social | 2,522,193 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Community and Family Resilience, Strength and Well-Being: Sociocultural Influences on Cambodian and Laotian Refugee Communities' Responses to Environmental Challenges | GA | Human and Social | 3,076,003 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Housing Resilience in Greater New Orleans | DC | Science | 2,265,985 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Assessing Toxicity of Oil Weathered on the Sea Surface: The Importance of Oil Photo-Products | ME | Science | 992,416 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Standard Logical Models and Metrics for Gulf Restoration: Linking Project Outcomes to Economic, Health, and Well-Being Benefits for People | NC | Science | 1,335,798 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Developing an Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Framework for Evaluating Ecosystem Service Outcomes from Seagrass Restoration in the Gulf of Mexico | FL | Science | 365,699 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
The Efficacy of Marsh Terraces in Enhancing and Restoring Gulf Coastal Wetlands | MS | Science | 852,386 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Transport Thresholds for Fine Sediment in Vegetation | LA | Science | 592,179 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Using Past Seagrass Restoration Projects to Inform Research and Improve the Monitoring of Future Restoration Efforts | FL | Science | 428,929 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Building Organizational Capacity Through a Community-Based Citizen Science Program for Monitoring Environmental Contamination in Louisiana Coastal Parishes | LA | Human and Social | 185,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Building Scientific Literacy and Resilience Through Community Citizen Science in the Gulf of Mexico | AL, FL, LA, MS | Science | 157,750 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Enhancing Community Resilience by Linking Conservation and Restoration with Coastal Hazards Risk Reduction via the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Community-Rating System | FL | Human and Social | 243,687 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - Wanyun Shao | AL | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - Betty Lai | MA | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - Sarah Davies | MA | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - Christoph Aeppli | ME | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - Lauren Clay | NY | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - Michael Martinez-Colon | FL | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Marcy Cockrell | FL | Human and Social | 55,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - Jill McDermott | PA | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - Nicole Errett | WA | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - David Murphy | FL | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - Marccus Hendricks | MD | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - Beth Stauffer | LA | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - Vincent Lecours | FL | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - Hannah Vander Zanden | FL | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - Talea Mayo | FL | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - Laura Bakkensen | AZ | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - Srijan Aggarwal | AK | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Project Resilience: Empowering Gulf Coast Youth to Thrive in Transformative Communities | CO | Human and Social | 293,506 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - Kevin Smiley | NY | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
WeatherBlur: Engaging Students in Mississippi, Alabama, and Maine Through Citizen Science and Inquiry-Driven, Project-Based Learning | NC | Human and Social | 438,140 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Kathryn Keating | LA | Human and Social | 45,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Brittany Bernik | LA | Human and Social | 55,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Seeding Wetland Restoration and Conservation in Mississippi High Schools | MS | Human and Social | 399,930 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Building Sea-Level Rise and Flood Resilience Capacity in the Northern Gulf Through Students and Teachers | AL | Human and Social | 391,536 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Magnolia Bayou: A Catalyst for Change in Downtown Bay St. Louis, Mississippi | MS | Human and Social | 98,080 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - Alejandra Ortiz | NC | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Kathleen Ernst | MS | Human and Social | 55,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Janessy Frometa | MS | Human and Social | 45,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - Cameron Thrash | LA | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - Ipsita Gupta | LA | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - Mark Losego | GA | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - Paul Harnik | PA | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - YeongAe Heo | OH | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Okefenokee—Understanding Real-world Relevance through Suwannee Watershed Assessment and Monitoring Project (OUR2 SWAMP) | GA | Human and Social | 763,897 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Conceptualizing Human Alteration and Natural Growth in Estuaries and Savannas (CHΔNGES) | MS | Human and Social | 100,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Michelle Culver | MS | Human and Social | 45,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Krista Jankowski | LA | Human and Social | 55,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Philip Lee | MS | Human and Social | 55,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Huy Vu | LA | Human and Social | 55,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Stephen Durham | FL | Human and Social | 55,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Elizabeth Robinson | LA | Human and Social | 55,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Youth-Led, Community-Based Citizen Science Projects in the Gulf Region | LA | Human and Social | 294,912 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Numerical Modeling | NC | Science | 2,100,946 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Hannah Brown | FL | Science | 45,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Abbey Hotard | MS | Science | 45,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Rachel Kirpes | LA | Science | 55,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Andrew Lade | LA | Science | 45,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Emily Mazur | LA | Science | 45,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Dustin Reuther | LA | Science | 45,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Amy Teller | LA | Science | 55,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Huy Vu | MS | Science | 55,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - Trisha Atwood | UT | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - Shanondora Billiot | IL | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - Traci Birch | LA | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - Edward Camp | FL | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - Rebeca de Jesus Crespo | LA | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - Kim de Mutsert | VA | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - Mariana Fuentes | FL | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - Evan Goldstein | NC | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - James Nelson | LA | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - Kwame Owusu-Daaku | FL | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - Allison Reilly | MD | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - Isabel Romero | FL | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - Derek Sawyer | OH | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - Elaina Sutley | KS | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - Yufei Tang | FL | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - William Tarpeh | CA | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - Gabrielle Wong-Parodi | CA | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Inventory of Gulf of Mexico ecosystem indicators using an ecological resilience framework | LA, TX, VA | Science | 399,955 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 4: NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program | Transocean |
Evaluation of Gulf of Mexico oceanographic observation networks impact assessment on ecosystem management and recommendation | FL | Science | 398,812 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 4: NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program | Transocean |
Ecosystem modeling efforts in the Gulf of Mexico: current status and future needs to address management and restoration activities | FL, TX | Science | 395,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 4: NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program | Transocean |
Defining abnormal events of oceanographic, biological, and physical properties in the Gulf of Mexico to identify data gaps | MS | Science | 366,787 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 4: NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program | Transocean |
The Central role of the Mississippi River and its delta in the oceanography and ecology of the Gulf of Mexico large marine ecosystem | LA | Science | 309,276 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 4: NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program | Transocean |
Linking community and food-web approaches to restoration: An ecological assessment of created and natural marshes influenced by river diversions | LA | Science | 2,057,684 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 4: NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program | Transocean |
SPAT: Shellfish Portfolio Assessment Tool | MS | Science | 590,143 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 4: NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program | Transocean |
Population Connectivity of Deepwater Corals in the Northern Gulf of Mexico | PA | Science | 1,338,193 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 4: NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program | Transocean |
Linking habitat to recruitment: evaluating the importance of pelagic Sargassum to fisheries management in the Gulf of Mexico | MS | Science | 1,770,853 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 4: NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program | Transocean |
A decision support tool for evaluating the impacts of short- and long-term management decisions on the Gulf of Mexico red snapper resource | FL | Science | 528,945 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 4: NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program | Transocean |
A multiscale approach to understanding migratory land bird habitat use of functional stopover habitat types and management efforts | AL, LA, TX | Science | 1,492,151 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 4: NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program | Transocean |
A Web-Based Interactive Decision-Support Tool for Adaptation of Coastal Urban and Natural Ecosystems (ACUNE) in Southwest Florida | FL | Science | 995,487 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 4: NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program | Transocean |
Assessment of movement patterns and critical habitat for coastal and continental shelf small cetaceans in the Gulf of Mexico using newly developed remote satellite tagging techniques | FL | Science | 407,128 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 4: NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program | Transocean |
Living shoreline site suitability model transfer for selected water bodies within the Gulf of Mexico: A GIS & remote sensing-based approach | AL | Science | 519,853 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 4: NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program | Transocean |
Use of elemental signatures to detect and trace contaminant entry to the northern Gulf of Mexico coastal food web: managing multiple stressors | AL | Science | 231,671 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 4: NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program | Transocean |
Gulf-wide assessment of habitat use and habitat-specific production estimates of nekton in turtlegrass | MS | Science | 992,136 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 4: NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program | Transocean |
Ecosystem Modeling to Improve Fisheries Management in the Gulf of Mexico | FL | Science | 1,167,586 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 4: NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program | Transocean |
Expansion of for coastal Alabama resource management | FL | Science | 720,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 4: NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program | Transocean |
Fire Effects in Gulf of Mexico Marshes: Historical Perspectives, Management, and Monitoring of Mottled Ducks and Black and Yellow Rails | MS | Science | 3,922,699 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 4: NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program | Transocean |
Trends and drivers of faunal abundance in the offshore Gulf of Mexico: narrowing the largest data gap in the GulfΓÇÖs large marine ecosystem | FL | Science | 2,794,147 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 4: NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program | Transocean |
Optimization and expansion of Gulf-wide video survey efforts to better characterize temporal and spatial variability in reef fish assemblages in response to drivers at multiple scales: G-FISHER Program | FL | Science | 6,018,538 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 4: NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program | Transocean |
Assess management options to mitigate lionfish impacts to reef ecosystems | FL | Science | 294,006 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Optimizing economic value and sustainability of Florida's recreational fisheries. | FL | Science | 294,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Better use of directly-observed data in ecosystem simulation models | FL | Science | 285,119 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Informing fishery-independent reef fish surveys through advanced survey techniques | FL | Science | 290,742 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Evaluating the role of artificial reefs as hotspots of biological productivity | FL | Science | 293,991 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Monitoring oil spill effects and recovery in large deep-sea fishes | FL | Science | 293,960 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Robotic monitoring of Red Grouper in the Eastern GoM. | FL | Science | 293,555 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Tracking sea turtle ""lost years"" in the Gulf of Mexico | FL | Science | 290,803 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Egg and larval DNA barcoding support Gulf reef fish stock assessments | FL | Science | 129,265 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Spawning Habitat and Early-life Linkages to Fisheries | FL | Science | 887,200 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Integrating High-Fidelity Models with New Remote Sensing Techniques to Predict Storm Impacts on Louisiana Coastal and Deltaic Systems | LA | Science | 501,270 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Evaluation of Radar-Based Precipitation Datasets for Applications in the Louisiana Coastal Master Plan | LA | Science | 71,148 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Coupling Hydrologic, Tide and Surge Processes to Enhance Flood Risk Assessments for the Louisiana Coastal Master Plan | LA | Science | 499,882 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
An Evaluation of Faulting in Holocene Mississippi River Delta Strata through the Merger of Deep 3-D and 2-D Seismic Data with Near Surface Imaging and Measurements of Vertical Motion at Three Study Areas | LA | Science | 349,174 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Assessment of coastal island restoration practices for the creation of brown pelican nesting habitat | LA | Science | 299,733 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
From Adapting in Place to Adaptive Migration: Designing and Facilitating an Equitable Relocation Strategy | LA | Science | 295,915 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Plant and Soil Response to the Interactive Effects of Nutrient and Sediment Availability: Enhancing Predictive Capabilities for the Use of Sediment Diversions and Dredge Sediment for Marsh Creation | LA | Science | 292,915 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Electrokinetic barrier for seawater intrusion in coastal Louisiana | LA | Science | 57,519 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Constructing Mississippi River Delta Plain soil stratigraphy - Implications for coastal land building and compactional subsidence | LA | Science | 70,070 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Multiple Tools for Determining the Fate of Nitrate in Coastal Deltaic Floodplains | LA | Science | 63,100 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Determining the Influence of Surface Water Diversions on physical and nutrient characteristics of wetland soils | LA | Science | 83,328 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Enhancing Sediment Retention Rates of Receiving Basins of Louisiana Sediment Diversions | LA | Science | 292,495 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Project Louisiana Rivers’ Sediment Flux to the Coastal Ocean using a Coupled Atmospheric-Hydrological Model | LA | Science | 77,015 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Spawning Habitat and Early-life Linkages to Fisheries Phase II (SHELF II) | FL | Science | 650,599 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Bayou L'Ours Marsh Terracing | LA | Environmental | 973,096 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Central SD Wetlands and Prairies | SD | Environmental | 1,000,000 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Iowa Mississippi River Valley | IA | Environmental | 1,000,000 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Island Road Marsh Terracing | LA | Environmental | 704,000 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Kansas Prairie Wetlands | KS | Environmental | 1,000,000 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Mississippi Wetlands Conservation Initiative I | MS | Environmental | 876,479 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Mississippi Wetlands Conservation Initiative II | MS | Environmental | 999,830 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Missouri Coteau Habitat Conservation XIII | ND | Environmental | 2,000,000 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Border Prairie Wetlands - Phase III | MN | Environmental | 1,000,000 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Glaciated Wetlands and Prairies of North Dakota and Minnesota - Phase IV | MN, ND | Environmental | 1,000,000 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
James River Lowlands / Missouri Coteau Project - Phase VI | SD | Environmental | 1,500,000 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Tom's Bayou | LA | Environmental | 761,675 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Long Term Conservation of Key Wetlands in the Alvarado Lagoon System 1A | MX - VE | Environmental | 184,353 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Establishment of the Gulf of Mexico Private Wetlands Conservation Network - Phase I | MX - VE | Environmental | 47,110 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
James River Lowlands / Missouri Coteau Project - Phase VII | SD | Environmental | 1,000,000 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Glaciated Wetlands and Prairies of North Dakota and Minnesota - V | ND, MN | Environmental | 2,000,000 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Golden Meadow Marsh | LA | Environmental | 846,215 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Enhancement of Habitat for Waterfowl in Northern Yucatan Peninsula | MX - YU | Environmental | 59,277 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Manitoba Prairie Parkland Macondo Oil Spill Mitigation Project | CAN - MB | Environmental | 250,000 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Allan/Dana Hills Landscape | CAN - SK | Environmental | 2,000,000 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Killarney Landscape | CAN - MB | Environmental | 1,200,000 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Nicolet Marsh Restoration | CAN - PQ | Environmental | 300,000 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Massettes Marsh Enhancement | CAN - PQ | Environmental | 200,000 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Touchwood Hills/Conjuring Creek Landscape | CAN - SK | Environmental | 2,100,000 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Virden/Lightning Landscape | CAN - SK, CAN - MB | Environmental | 1,100,000 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Long Point and Lake St. Clair Marsh Restoration | CAN - ON | Environmental | 700,000 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Loyalist - St. Lawrence Wetland Restoration Initiative | CAN - ON | Environmental | 122,088 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
NCC Missouri Coteau, SK: Protecting Wetland and Upland Habitat | CAN - SK | Environmental | 175,106 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Atchafalaya River Basin I | LA | Environmental | 1,000,000 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Bayou Monnaie Marsh | LA | Environmental | 1,000,000 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Creole Marsh | LA | Environmental | 1,000,000 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
James River Lowlands / Missouri Coteau Project VIII | SD | Environmental | 1,000,000 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
MAV Wetlands Conservation I | MS | Environmental | 999,623 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Mid-Barataria Wetlands I | LA | Environmental | 1,000,000 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Missouri Coteau Habitat Conservation Project XIV | ND | Environmental | 1,000,000 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Prairie Lakes VIII Wetland Initiative | IA | Environmental | 1,993,650 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Lower Mississippi Delta Wetlands | MS | Environmental | 999,481 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
South Dakota Habitat Legacy II | SD | Environmental | 967,000 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Pine Pasture Wetlands Enhancement | LA | Environmental | 999,828 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Missouri Coteau Habitat Conservation Project XV | ND | Environmental | 1,000,000 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
James River Lowlands / Missouri Coteau Project IX | SD | Environmental | 1,000,000 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
White Acquisition - Salvador WMA | LA | Environmental | 1,000,000 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Rockefeller Refuge Unit 4 Wetlands Enhancement | LA | Environmental | 971,988 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Mid-Barataria Wetlands II | LA | Environmental | 1,000,000 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
At-Risk Prairie Pothole Conservation | ND | Environmental | 1,019,700 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Hydrological Restoration Of Key Wetland Habitats For Aquatic Migratory Birds | MX - CM, MX - VER | Environmental | 454,530 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Parkland Bird Production Project Phase I | CAN - MB | Environmental | 300,000 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Prairie Pothole Region Landscapes Phase I | CAN - AB, CAN - MB, CAN - SK | Environmental | 5,000,000 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Hydrological Restoration Of Wetlands At Chuburna Puerto, Yucatan Phase II | MX - YU | Environmental | 124,244 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Parkland Bird Production Project Phase II | CAN - MB | Environmental | 250,000 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Prairie Pothole Region Landscapes Phase II | CAN - MB | Environmental | 2,923,302 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Biscuit Bayou Marsh Enhancement | LA | Environmental | 935,703 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
At-Risk Prairie Pothole Conservation II | ND | Environmental | 1,000,000 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Atchafalaya River Basin II | LA | Environmental | 1,000,000 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Missouri Coteau Habitat Conservation XVI | ND | Environmental | 1,000,000 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Parkland Bird Production Project Phase III | CAN - MB | Environmental | 250,000 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Deep Lake Unit Marsh Enhancement | LA | Environmental | 1,000,000 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Missouri Coteau Working Wetlands | ND | Environmental | 1,000,000 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Phil's Cut Marsh Enhancement | LA | Environmental | 878,259 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Freshwater Bayou II | LA | Environmental | 1,000,000 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Live Oak Farm | LA | Environmental | 698,900 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Missouri Coteau Habitat Conservation XVII | ND | Environmental | 1,000,000 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Montana Hi-Line Prairie Wetland VIII | MT | Environmental | 1,000,000 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Parkland Bird Production Project Phase IV | CAN - MB | Environmental | 250,000 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Seven Runs Creek Easement | FL | Environmental | 2,400,000 | MOEX Supplemental Environmental Projects | MOEX |
Escribano Point | FL | Environmental | 2,470,000 | MOEX Supplemental Environmental Projects | MOEX |
Shell Island East | LA | Environmental | 47,600,000 | Berms to Barriers Project | BP |
Portion of Cat Island Acquisition | MS | Environmental | 4,987,330 | MOEX Supplemental Environmental Projects | MOEX |
Primary Care Capacity Program | AL, FL, LA, MS | Human and Social | 46,700,000 | Gulf Region Health Outreach Program GRHOP | BP |
Environmental Health Capacity and Literacy Project | AL, FL, LA, MS | Human and Social | 15,000,000 | Gulf Region Health Outreach Program GRHOP | BP |
Community Health Workers Training Project | AL, FL, LA, MS | Human and Social | 4,000,000 | Gulf Region Health Outreach Program GRHOP | BP |
Community Involvement | AL, FL, LA, MS | Human and Social | 4,000,000 | Gulf Region Health Outreach Program GRHOP | BP |
Mental and Behavioral Health Capacity Project - Florida | FL | Human and Social | 5,040,000 | Gulf Region Health Outreach Program GRHOP | BP |
Mental and Behavioral Health Capacity Project - Alabama | AL | Human and Social | 8,280,000 | Gulf Region Health Outreach Program GRHOP | BP |
Mental and Behavioral Health Capacity Project - Mississippi | MS | Human and Social | 8,280,000 | Gulf Region Health Outreach Program GRHOP | BP |
Mental and Behavioral Health Capacity Project - Louisiana | LA | Human and Social | 14,400,000 | Gulf Region Health Outreach Program GRHOP | BP |
Lisenby Avenue Stormwater Management | FL | Environmental | 870,497 | MOEX Clean Water Act Penalties | MOEX |
Destin Harbor Stormwater Management | FL | Environmental | 283,538 | MOEX Clean Water Act Penalties | MOEX |
Tanglewood and Overbrook Stormwater Management | FL | Environmental | 414,432 | MOEX Clean Water Act Penalties | MOEX |
Mississippi River Hydrodynamic Modeling | LA | Science | 2,585,060 | MOEX Clean Water Act Penalties | MOEX |
Spring Street Stormwater Management | FL | Environmental | 774,775 | MOEX Clean Water Act Penalties | MOEX |
PO-142: Hydrologic Restoration of the Amite River Diversion Canal | LA | Environmental | 3,400,000 | MOEX Clean Water Act Penalties | MOEX |
Biodegradation of the Deepwater Horizon Oil in Florida Marsh Ecosystems and Exploration of Novel Passive Remediation Strategies | FL, CAN - ON | Science | 188,407 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Chitamacha Tribal Youth Conservation Corps Program | LA | Human and Social | 100,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Choctaw Tribal Youth Conservation Corps Program | MS | Human and Social | 100,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Poarch Creek Tribal Youth Conservation Corps Program | AL | Human and Social | 100,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Seminole Tribal Youth Conservation Corps Program | FL | Human and Social | 100,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Miccosukee Tribal Youth Conservation Corps Program | FL | Human and Social | 100,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Bahia Grande Coastal Corridor (BGCC) (Implementation) | TX | Environmental | 4,308,461 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Matagorda Bay System Priority Landscape Conservation (Implementation) | TX | Environmental | 5,987,350 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Council Monitoring & Assessment Program Development (USGS) (Planning) | AL, FL, LA, TX, MS | Other | 1,174,999 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Pensacola Bay Living Shoreline - Phase I (Planning) | FL | Other | 231,314 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Baseline Flow, Gage Analysis & On-Line Tool to Support Restoration (USGS) (Implementation) | AL, FL, LA, TX, MS | Environmental | 5,549,800 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Tate's Hell Strategy 1 (Implementation): Tate's Hell Restoration | FL | Environmental | 4,500,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Tate's Hell Strategy 1 (Implementation): Hydrologic Study | FL | Other | 2,500,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Strategic Conservation Assessment of Gulf Coast Landscapes (Planning) | AL, FL, LA, TX, MS | Other | 1,841,808 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Council Monitoring & Assessment Program Development (NOAA) (Planning) | AL, FL, LA, TX, MS | Other | 1,630,228 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Beach Haven - Joint Stormwater & Wastewater Improvement Project - Phase II (Implementation) | FL | Environmental | 5,967,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Bayou Chico Contaminated Sediment Removal- Planning, Design, and Permitting (Planning) | FL | Other | 356,850 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Apalachicola Watershed Agriculture Water Quality Improvement (Implementation) | FL | Environmental | 2,219,856 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Suwannee River Partnership Irrigation Water Enhancement Program (Implementation) | FL | Environmental | 2,884,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Bayou Greenways (Planning & Implementation) | TX | Environmental | 5,692,731 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Gulf of Mexico Habitat Restoration via Conservation Corps Partnership (Implementation) | AL, FL, LA, MS, TX | Environmental | 8,677,184 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Gulf Coast Conservation Reserve Program (GCCRP) (Planning & Implementation) - Mississippi | MS | Environmental | 1,500,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Gulf Coast Conservation Reserve Program (GCCRP) (Planning & Implementation) - Alabama | AL | Environmental | 1,500,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Tampa Bay National Estuary Program (Implementation) | FL | Environmental | 1,544,960 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Palm River Restoration Project Phase II, East McKay Bay (Implementation) | FL | Environmental | 856,430 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Apalachicola Bay Oyster Restoration (Implementation) | FL | Environmental | 4,679,877 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Gulf of Mexico Estuary Program (GMEP) (Planning) | AL, FL | Environmental | 2,200,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Plug Abandoned Oil and Gas Wells (Implementation) | TX | Environmental | 1,317,567 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Texas Beneficial Use/Marsh Restoration (Planning) | TX | Environmental | 968,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Robinson Preserve Wetlands Restoration (Implementation) | FL | Environmental | 1,790,546 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Marsh Restoration in Fish River, Weeks Bay, Oyster Bay & Meadows Tract (Planning) - Fish River and Weeks Bay Marsh | AL | Environmental | 333,651 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Marsh Restoration in Fish River, Weeks Bay, Oyster Bay & Meadows Tract (Planning) - Oyster Bay | AL | Environmental | 264,370 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Marsh Restoration in Fish River, Weeks Bay, Oyster Bay & Meadows Tract (Planning) - Meadows Tract | AL | Environmental | 295,279 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Mobile Bay National Estuary Program (Planning) | AL | Other | 350,268 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Bahia Grande Wetland System Restoration (Planning) | TX | Environmental | 1,373,181 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Money Bayou Wetlands Restoration (Planning) | FL | Environmental | 1,240,379 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
The Mississippi Sound Estuarine Program | MS | Science | 2,270,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Paradis Canal Gate | LA | Human and Social | 2,827,150 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
Canal Backfilling at Jean Lafitte (NPS) | LA | Environmental | 8,731,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Remote Oyster Setting Facility | MS | Science | 9,298,031 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
Monitoring of the Coastal Pelagic Fish Complex for Assessing DWH-Related Trophic Changes and Contaminant Exposure | FL | Science | 216,692 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Baseline and Oil Spill Impacted Marine Sponge Microbial Communities and Gene Expression Analysis with Metagenomics | FL, GA, IL | Science | 219,004 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Gulf of Mexico Research and Resource Support Tools (GulfBase, Gulf of Mexico Biodiversity Project, Gulf of Mexico books, etc.) | TX | Science | 135,891 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Texas Agrilife Research: Oil-Contaminated Sample Collection in Louisiana Coastal Areas: Toward an Optical Sensor for Quick Detection and Quantification | TX | Science | 41,184 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Novel Sensor System for the Early Detection and Monitoring of Offshore Oil Spills | TX | Science | 740,268 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Deep-Pelagic Nekton Dynamics of the Gulf of Mexico (DEEPEND) | DC, FL, MD, MS, TX | Science | 8,532,060 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Avoiding Surprises: understanding the impact of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on the decision making behaviors of fishers and how this affects the assessment and management of commercially important fish species in the Gulf of Mexico using an agent-bas | FL | Science | 971,900 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Transport of Aerosolized Oil Droplets in Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer: Coupling Wind LiDAR Measurements and Large-Eddy Simulations | TX | Science | 334,344 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Identifying Critical Middle-Skilled Positions and Career Pathways in the Upstream Oil and Gas Industry | TX | Science | 138,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Virtual Offshore Safety Awareness (Vosa) Site | TX | Science | 125,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Utilizing Secondary Data to Assess the Health and Health System Impacts of Natural and Technological Disasters in the Gulf | TX | Science | 181,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
The Effect of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on Human Well-Being in the Gulf of Mexico | TX | Science | 118,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Advancing a Societal Impact Assessment Framework for Oil and Gas Operations in the Northern Gulf of Mexico | TX | Science | 250,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Lindsey Saum | TX | Human and Social | 55,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - Diego Figueroa | TX | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - Brad Erisman | TX | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - Huilin Gao | TX | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Multidisciplinary Knowledge Integration to Support Louisiana Coastal Indigenous Communities’ Response to Natural and Technological Disasters and Adaptation to Climate Change | LA | Science | 312,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Factoring in the Human in Offshore Operations: Forces for Scenario Planning | TX | Science | 199,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Making Monitoring Matter: Breaking Down Barriers to Interdisciplinary Collaboration in the Houston-Galveston Area | TX | Science | 182,334 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Hydrocarbon Influx Behavior within a Deepwater Marine Riser –Implications for Design and Operations | TX | Science | 1,199,743 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Prioritizing Risks from Oil Spills: Supporting Decisions with Read-Across Using 21st Century Exposure and Toxicological Sciences | TX | Science | 700,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Hydrocarbon Influx Behavior within a Deepwater Marine Riser: Implications for Design and Operations | TX | Science | 392,196 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Laura Mansfield | LA | Human and Social | 45,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Meredith Jennings | TX | Human and Social | 55,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Christianah Oyenuga | TX | Human and Social | 55,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - Ali Mostafavi | TX | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - Courtney Thompson | TX | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - Xingyong Song | TX | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - Christopher Patrick | TX | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - Ashley Ross | TX | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - Pedram Hassanzadeh | TX | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - Adrienne Correa | TX | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Brittany Blomberg | TX | Human and Social | 55,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - David Reeves | LA | Human and Social | 45,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Benjamin Wilson | LA | Human and Social | 55,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Shelby Servais | AL | Human and Social | 55,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Kelcee Smith | TX | Human and Social | 45,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Environmental Health Youth Council Promoting Science-Based Learning and Leadership for Underserved Houston-Area Youth | TX | Human and Social | 443,906 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Loop Current Floats: Near-Real-Time Hydrography and Deep Velocity in the Loop Current System Using Autonomous Profilers | MA | Science | 1,155,371 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Passive Gulf of Mexico Loop Current Observations from High Frequency Radar Across the Yucatan Strait | TX | Science | 844,263 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Dry Tortugas and Lower Keys High Frequency Radars | FL | Science | 1,371,027 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Pressure and Current Meters | RI | Science | 2,078,240 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Taking the Pulse of the West Florida Shelf at a Hypothesized Loop Current Control Point | FL | Science | 937,997 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Gulf of Mexico Loop Current and Eddy Observations from High Frequency Radar Systems | MS | Science | 1,229,424 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Informing the Loop Current Campaign: Data Compilation to Improve Understanding, Simulation, and Prediction of the Loop Current System | TX | Science | 647,813 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Lauris Hollis | TX | Science | 55,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Kathryn O'Shaughnessy | TX | Science | 55,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - Jessica Fitzsimmons | TX | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early-Career Research Fellow - Lauren Stadler | TX | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Indicators and assessment framework for ecological health and ecosystem services | TX | Science | 398,349 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 4: NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program | Transocean |
Cooperative monitoring program for spawning aggregations in the Gulf of Mexico: an assessment of existing information, data gaps and research priorities | TX | Science | 391,021 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 4: NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program | Transocean |
Effects of nitrogen sources and plankton food-web dynamics on habitat quality for the larvae of Atlantic bluefin tuna in the Gulf of Mexico | FL | Science | 1,613,288 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 4: NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program | Transocean |
Trophic Interactions and Habitat Requirements of Gulf of Mexico Bryde's Whales | FL | Science | 2,312,275 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 4: NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program | Transocean |
Building Resilience for Oysters, Blue Crabs, and Spotted Seatrout to Environmental Trends and Variability in the Gulf of Mexico | AL | Science | 2,887,250 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 4: NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program | Transocean |
Habitat mapping to inform future survey efficiencies, management strategies, and climate change research | FL | Science | 293,202 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Texas OneGulf Center of Excellence Pilot Project Program | TX | Science | 150,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Gulf of Mexico Report Card Prototype for Texas | TX | Human and Social | 550,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Isotope Geochemistry of Texas Coastal Waters | TX | Science | 220,365 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Socio-Economic Indicators for Coastal Community Disaster Response and Resilience | TX | Human and Social | 125,060 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Red Tide Data Integration Project | TX | Science | 103,650 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Texas OneGulf Network of Experts Communications | TX | Human and Social | 81,390 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Restoring and enhancing structurally complex nursery habitat to enhance reef fish populations | TX | Environmental | 223,752 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Developing a predictive ecosystem model for the Lower Laguna Madre | TX | Science | 213,956 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Species Identification Training for Effective Monitoring and Management of Harmful Algal Blooms | TX | Human and Social | 60,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Impact of Environmental Criminal Enforcement on Disaster Response | TX | Human and Social | 80,251 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
The marine microbiome as a sentinel for ecological health and resiliency | TX | Science | 186,224 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Texas OneGulf Knowledge Base | TX | Science | 389,443 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Environmental, Human Health and Safety | TX | Science | 313,504 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Stress Wave Assisted Communications in Subsea Environments | TX | Science | 300,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Hazard Mitigation and Facility Monitoring Program: Fiber-Optic Seismic Systems | TX | Science | 298,001 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Biosensors for the Measurement of Bivalve Valve Movement | MS | Science | 625,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Water Quality and Benthic Habitat Observations for Enhanced Understanding and Sustainable Management of Oyster Reefs in Mississippi Sound | MS | Science | 625,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Abiotic and Biotic Influences on Current and Historic Distributions of Oyster Reefs | MS | Science | 625,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Sustainability and Restoration of Oyster Reef Habitat in Mississippi Sound: A Larval Transport and Recruitment Approach | MS | Science | 625,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Flexible Low-Temperature Lithium Ion Batteries for Subsea Applications | TX | Science | 39,997 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
SmartTouch: Towards Autonomous Subsea Robotics for Underwater Pipeline Inspection | TX | Science | 40,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Hurricane Harvey Decision-Support – Resilient Environments and Communities | TX | Human and Social | 791,853 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Stakeholder Communication and Engagement Plan | TX | Human and Social | 94,759 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Harmful Algal Bloom Monitoring and Assessment Plan for Texas Estuaries | TX | Environmental | 217,501 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Bayou Sauvage Protection | LA | Environmental | 888,735 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Chase Lake Area Wetland Project - XI | ND | Environmental | 1,000,000 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Restoration & Enhancement of Freshwater Wetlands on the Coastal Plain of Tamaulipas: Rancho El Mezquite | TX | Environmental | 280,109 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Protection & Restoration in the Rio Bravo (Grande) Delta: Laguna Madre - Phase III | TX | Environmental | 244,220 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Enhancement of Wetlands for Habitat for Migratory Waterfowl on the Coastal Plain of Tamaulipas | TX | Environmental | 280,109 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Montana Hi-Line Prairie Wetland VI | MT | Environmental | 1,000,000 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
North Dakota Drift Prairie Project V | ND | Environmental | 1,300,000 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
North Dakota Northern Prairie III | ND | Environmental | 1,000,000 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Texas Gulf Coast XIII | TX | Environmental | 999,846 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Coastal Texas I | TX | Environmental | 998,622 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Restoration Of Freshwater Wetlands As Waterfowl Habitat: La Mezquitoza Ranch | TX | Environmental | 260,649 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Chase Lake Area Wetland Project XIII | ND | Environmental | 1,000,000 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Coastal Texas II | TX | Environmental | 999,823 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Follets Island | TX | Environmental | 1,000,000 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Enhancement of Freshwater Wetlands as Wintering Habitat for Waterfowl, Laguna Madre | TX | Environmental | 304,906 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Coastal Texas III | TX | Environmental | 989,790 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
North Dakota Great Plains X | ND | Environmental | 1,000,000 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Sabine Ranch - Mcfaddin NWR II | TX | Environmental | 1,000,000 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Texas Beaches to Bays | TX | Environmental | 1,000,000 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
North Dakota Drift Prairie VI | ND | Environmental | 1,000,000 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Gulf Breeze Stormwater Management Project | FL | Environmental | 1,570,000 | MOEX Clean Water Act Penalties | MOEX |
Fort Walton Beach Stormwater Management | FL | Environmental | 963,824 | MOEX Clean Water Act Penalties | MOEX |
South Padre Island | TX | Environmental | 1,198,350 | MOEX Supplemental Environmental Projects | MOEX |
Big Tree Ranch Acquisition | TX | Environmental | 1,900,000 | MOEX Supplemental Environmental Projects | MOEX |
Expansion of Maurepas Wildlife Management Area | LA | Environmental | 6,700,000 | MOEX Supplemental Environmental Projects | MOEX |
Central Flyway Migration Corridor | KS, NE | Environmental | 1,000,000 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Riverine Sand Mining / Scofield Island Restoration | LA | Environmental | 60,800,000 | Berms to Barriers Project | BP |
Montana Hi-Line Prairie Wetland V | MT | Environmental | 1,000,000 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Texas Gulf Coast XI | TX | Environmental | 992,051 | North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA | BP |
Gulf Coast Conservation Reserve Program (GCCRP) (Planning & Implementation) - Texas | TX | Environmental | 1,500,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
15-5: Artificial Reef Program - Hudson Reef | FL | Recreational Use | 10,768 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
Round Island Living Shoreline Demonstration and Protection Project (Planning) | MS | Environmental | 2,160,747 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
8-2: Coastal Access Program – Bayside Marina | FL | Recreational Use | 52,784 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
Wastewater Improvement – Combined Project 1 | FL | Environmental | 709,196 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
Gulf of Mexico Citizen Led Initiative | MS | Environmental | 1,899,702 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
16-1: Lake Seminole Sediment Removal | FL | Environmental | 1,237,121 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
State Expenditure Plan #11: Lillian Park Beach Habitat and Shoreline Protection | AL | Environmental | 2,460,382 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
State Expenditure Plan #12: Perch Creek Area Sanitary Sewer Trunk Line CIPP | AL | Other | 8,670,394 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
State Expenditure Plan #15: Mobile Area Storm Water Mapping & Resiliency Planning | AL | Other | 3,899,593 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
State Expenditure Plan #22: Canal Road Improvements E. of SR-161 | AL | Other | 6,067,878 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
State Expenditure Plan #25: Fairhope Sewer Upgrade Phase I | AL | Environmental | 13,515,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
State Expenditure Plan #9: Extension of Effluent Force Main from Bayou La Batre WWTF | AL | Environmental | 21,073,770 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
State Expenditure Plan #23: Orange Beach North Sewer Force Main Upgrade | AL | Environmental | 5,998,795 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
State Expenditure Plan #17: Fairhope Area Community-Based Comprehensive Land Use Plan | AL | Other | 714,500 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
State Expenditure Plan #18: Fort Morgan Parkway Trail Extension | AL | Recreational Use | 7,591,608 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
Capacity and Change in Climate Migrant-Receiving Communities Along the U.S. Gulf: A Three-Case Comparison | DC | Environmental | 2,978,545 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Climate, Culture, Movement: Navigating Decision‐Making in a Shifting Landscape for a Resilient United Houma Nation | LA | Human and Social | 2,101,958 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Making Gulf Communities More Resilient: Scaling-up Customized Vulnerability Assessment for Extreme Events in Gulf Cities | MI | Human and Social | 2,190,667 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
The New First Line of Defense: Building Community Resilience through Residential Risk Disclosure | FL | Human and Social | 3,403,554 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Bringing High-Reliability Safety Culture Decisions into Focus: Training with Interactive Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping | OR | Science | 684,054 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Employee Well-Being and Mindfulness as Predictors of Process and Personal Safety | TX | Science | 828,113 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Safety Reporting Action Program for Offshore Oil and Gas Industry in the Gulf of Mexico | ND | Science | 755,851 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Measuring and Improving Blended Project-Safety Culture in Operations of Offshore Oil and Gas Facilities | TX | Science | 733,631 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Aggregating Essential Exposure Data to Enable Meaningful Analysis of Safety Incident Rates Around the World | LA | Science | 739,992 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Development of an Evidence-Based, Multilevel Safety Culture Assessment Battery for the Offshore Industry | CT | Science | 1,130,591 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
EMPOWER Safety Dashboards: Evaluate, Measure, and Promote Offshore Worker Engagement and Readiness | TX | Science | 943,008 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Developing an Integrated Offshore Energy Industry Safety Culture Evaluation, Benchmarking, and Improvement Toolbox | TX | Science | 1,440,330 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
An Altimetry-Based Statistical Forecast Model for the Loop Current System | ME | Science | 78,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Development of an Unstructured-Grid Nesting Method for the Study of Loop Current Frontal Eddies | LA | Science | 283,847 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
A Lagrangian Methodology to Quantify and Predict the Impact of Caribbean Eddies on LCS Dynamics | LA | Science | 349,847 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Lagrangian Metrics for the Identification and Prediction of Loop Current Eddy Shedding Events | DE | Science | 302,287 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Assessing Long-term Trends and Processes Driving Variability in Cetacean Density throughout the Gulf of Mexico using Passive Acoustic Monitoring and Habitat Modeling | GOM | Environmental | 3,588,922 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 4: NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program | Transocean |
6-2: St. Joseph Peninsula Coastal Erosion Control Project – E&D | FL | Other | 3,065,101 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
State Expenditure Plan #16: Three Mile Creek Watershed Restoration | AL | Environmental | 23,866,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
17-1: Cockroach Bay Aquatic Preserve Land Acquisition and Ecosystem Restoration | FL | Environmental | 5,132,239 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
12-2: Suwannee Sound / Cedar Key Oyster Restoration | FL | Environmental | 2,080,054 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
Baldwin County Aldot Capacity Improvements | AL | Other | 14,948,187 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Mobile Greenway Initiative: Three Mile Creek Greenway Trail | AL | Human and Social | 14,284,128 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Bay County East Pass Environmental Impact Statement (Eis) And Inlet And Beach Mgmt Plan (Ibmp) | FL | Other | 1,193,539 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Linda Pedersen Park Improvements | FL | Human and Social | 561,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Okaloosa County Snorkel And Dive Reef Construction | FL | Environmental | 1,233,566 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Lafitte Crescent Stormwater Infrastructure Retrofit | FL | Environmental | 420,432 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Key Vista Shoreline Stabilization And Dredge | FL | Environmental | 500,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Eufala Outfall Treatment | FL | Environmental | 373,895 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Coastal Dredging Project For Keaton Beach And Steinhatchee Boat Ramp | FL | Other | 148,500 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Retrofit Of Lift Station #76 | FL | Environmental | 144,406 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Grand Bayou Freshwater Reintroduction Project Phase II And III | LA | Environmental | 195,277 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Manchac Landbridge (Rock Breakwater) Shoreline Protection Project- Phase 2 | LA | Environmental | 1,832,026 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Freshwater Bayou Canal Shoreline Protection Project | LA | Environmental | 508,037 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Pearl River Community College Workforce Center | MS | Human and Social | 8,551,007 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
University Of Southern Mississippi Oyster Hatchery And Research Center | MS | Environmental | 11,624,559 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Africatown Welcome Center: Phase I | AL | Human and Social | 6,375,969 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Access To Broadband | FL | Human and Social | 6,050 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Yellow River Marsh Preserve State Park Restoration | FL | Human and Social | 75,985 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Us 331 Water And Sewer Infrastructure - Phase 1 | FL | Environmental | 3,018,557 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Lake Lery Marsh Creation (Phase 2) | LA | Environmental | 300,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Belle Terre Blvd Streetscape And Stormwater Management Enhancements Project | LA | Human and Social | 328,799 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Catahoula Park Landing & Dick Davis Campground Landing – Floating Docks | LA | Recreational Use | 212,330 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Fy20 Restore Promotion Of Tourism Bkt 1 | TX | Human and Social | 19,917,671 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Fy20 Restore Workforce Development (Bkt 1) | TX | Human and Social | 13,527,504 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Ft. De Soto Park Dune Walkovers | FL | Environmental | 499,388 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Planning Assistance For The Development Of The Required Multiyear Implementation Plan | MS | Other | 372,568 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Planning Assistance For The Development Of The Multi-Year Implementation Plan | FL | Other | 415,850 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Direct Component Planning Assistance | FL | Other | 499,222 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Lee'S Landing Boat Launch Repair-Reconstruction | LA | Recreational Use | 341,106 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Planning Assistance Towards The Preparation Of A Multiyear Implementation Plan | FL | Other | 23,930 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Planning Assistance For Preparation Of The Bay County, Florida, Multi-Year Implementation Plan (Myip) | FL | Other | 62,617 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Restore Act Direct Component Planning Assistance Grant | FL | Other | 176,966 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Calcasieu River Salinity Control | LA | Other | 28,679,743 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Coastal Ocean Monitoring And Prediction System (Comps) | FL | Other | 233,780 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
A Very High Resolution Estuary Circulation Nowcast/Forecast Model For Tampa Bay And Vicinity | FL | Science | 477,746 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Pinellas County Assessment Of Vulnerability To The Impacts Of Sea Level Rise & Infrastructure Resiliency Plan | FL | Other | 300,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Restoring Bay Scallops In Charlotte Harbor | FL | Environmental | 107,605 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Work-Ready Community Program | MS | Human and Social | 2,924,392 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Facilities Construction At The Sunwest Park Project | FL | Recreational Use | 220,021 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Harbor Walk | FL | Human and Social | 225,042 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Barataria Marsh Creation And Ridge Restoration Project | LA | Other | 434,760 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Grand Bayou Freshwater Reintroduction | LA | Other | 79,869 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Port Bienville Trans-Loading Terminal Facility Completion | MS | Human and Social | 7,569,868 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Jackson County Corridor Connector Road - Phase I | MS | Human and Social | 14,996,389 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Mississippi Aquarium | MS | Human and Social | 17,748,244 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Stennis International Airport Hangar | MS | Human and Social | 2,111,955 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Improved Fiber Optic Infrastructure - Planning Activities | MS | Other | 45,654 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Off-Bottom Oyster Aquaculture Program | MS | Human and Social | 1,061,371 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Strategic Stream Restoration | MS | Environmental | 471,258 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Accreditation Support For William Carey University School Of Pharmacy | MS | Human and Social | 985,904 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Fy16 Restore Planning (Direct Bkt 1) | TX | Other | 243,340 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Planning Assistance Grant For Myip Development | FL | Other | 46,595 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Planning Assistance For The Development Of Amendments To The Required Mip. | MS | Other | 2,147,955 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Orange Lake Restoration Project | FL | Environmental | 102,440 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Bayou Drive Repair And Restoration | FL | Environmental | 651,893 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Gulf Coast Discovery Center, Phase I | FL | Other | 108,989 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Amikids Pcmi Dock | FL | Human and Social | 250,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Bay County Stormwater Master Plan And Capital Improvement Strategic Plan Update | FL | Other | 299,990 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Alabama Mip Planning Assistance | AL | Other | 174,159 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Planning Assistance For Development Of The 2018-2022 Myip Amendments | FL | Other | 122,037 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Planning Assistance For The Carpenter Creek And Bayou Texar Revitalization Plan | FL | Other | 1,043,157 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Planning Assistance For The Development Of The Universal Public Access Plan | FL | Other | 171,832 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Planning Assistance For The Development Of The Eleven Mile Creek Basin Stormwater Ponds | FL | Other | 4,590,972 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Bayou Eau Noire Ridge Restoration And Marsh Creation | LA | Other | 3,949,897 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Paris Road Corridor Streetscape Enhancement | LA | Human and Social | 1,289,640 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Nunez Community College Fisheries Workforce Development Program | LA | Human and Social | 331,744 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
University Of Southern Mississippi Oyster Hatchery And Research Center | MS | Other | 74,298 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Closure Of Two (2) Breaches On The North Shore Of Vermilion Bay | LA | Environmental | 415,704 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Carl Gray Park Boat Ramp | FL | Recreational Use | 499,945 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Highway 51 Greenway Planning And Study From City Of Ponchatoula Southward To Pass Manchac | LA | Other | 70,113 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Planning Assistance For The Hollice T. Williams Stormwater Park | FL | Other | 1,419,990 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Planning Assistance For The South Dogtrack Drainage Design Project | FL | Other | 95,305 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
North Rail Connector - Planning Assistance | MS | Other | 546,148 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Rock Jetty Plan And Study | LA | Other | 20,619 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
National Oceans And Applications Research Center (Noarc) - Planning Assistance | MS | Other | 2,629,110 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Fisheries Monitoring - Coral Creek | FL | Environmental | 185,322 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Comprehensive Watershed Improvement Plan Project Development And Permitting | FL | Environmental | 1,454,318 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Muscogee Nation Of Florida Micro Farm Agritourism Project - Project 7 | FL | Human and Social | 543,840 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Mississippi Coast Coliseum And Convention Center Site Capacity Improvements | MS | Human and Social | 4,759,488 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Mississippi Gulf Coast Water Quality Improvement Program | MS | Environmental | 13,100,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Fletcher Technical Community College Water Management/Coastal Restoration Curriculum/Coastal Restoration And Protection Institute (Water Management W | LA | Human and Social | 250,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Old Town Of Santa Rosa Tmdl Water Quality Restoration, Phase 1 | FL | Other | 594,506 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Western Lake Drainage Improvement Project | FL | Human and Social | 436,045 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Santa Rosa County Oyster Habitat Restoration Project | FL | Environmental | 308,686 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Cedar Key Aquarium At Nature Coast Biological Station | FL | Human and Social | 297,794 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
St. Joseph Peninsula Beach Restoration | FL | Environmental | 2,781,380 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Restoring Bay County'S Recreational Fishing Industry Through Artificial Reef Construction And Monitoring | FL | Human and Social | 651,976 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Porter Park Improvements | FL | Human and Social | 392,639 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Alabama State Port Authority Automotive Logistics/Ro-Ro Terminal | AL | Human and Social | 28,860,138 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Gulf Coast Center For Ecotourism And Sustainability | AL | Other | 13,666,271 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Working Waterfront & Greenspace Restoration Project | AL | Human and Social | 9,975,095 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Mobile County Blueway Trail Development | AL | Other | 14,264,355 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Gulf County Public Safety Center | FL | Human and Social | 1,210,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Promoting Eco-Tourism In Levy County Via Outdoor Electronic Information Kiosk | FL | Human and Social | 34,175 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Florida Maritime Museum Facility Enhancement | FL | Human and Social | 391,170 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Coastal Watershed Program | FL | Other | 620,309 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Gulf Shellfish Institute Sea Farm To Table | FL | Other | 94,896 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Coral Reef Restoration For Environmental And Economic Enhancement Of The Florida Keys | FL | Environmental | 578,308 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Retrofit Of Existing Train 1 At Otter Creek Wwtp | FL | Human and Social | 3,288,384 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Walton County Artificial Reef Construction- Miramar/Frangista Project 1 | FL | Human and Social | 92,275 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Bayou Casotte Industrial Buffer Concept – Planning Assistance | MS | Other | 474,430 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Harrison County Bulkhead And Dock Construction | MS | Human and Social | 3,389,457 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Fy19 Restore Restoration And Protection (Bkt 1) | TX | Environmental | 31,712,166 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Aloe Bay Harbour Town | AL | Other | 3,041,095 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Fy19 Restore Flood Protection (Bkt 1) | TX | Human and Social | 29,609,046 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Bayou Little Caillou Flood Risk Reduction System (Conveyance Channel, Access Road And Pumps) | LA | Human and Social | 2,359,593 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Walton County Storm Water Projects- Mack Bayou Road | FL | Environmental | 725,002 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Canal Wq Improvements And Restoration For Canals In Monroe County (Islamorada) | FL | Environmental | 128,308 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Economic Revitalization Of Niceville'S Historic Old Downtown | FL | Human and Social | 389,289 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Paradis Canal Gate | LA | Human and Social | 398,727 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Sustainable Economic Matrix And Master Plan (Semmp) - Project 14 | FL | Other | 112,877 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
University Of Southern Mississippi Marine Research Center | MS | Science | 1,837,798 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Mount Vernon Water Treatment Plant Upgrades | AL | Other | 1,541,978 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Captain Royal Melvin Heritage Park And Plaza | FL | Human and Social | 1,192,066 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Trent Lott International Airport Runway Improvements | MS | Human and Social | 6,318,145 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Northwest Satsuma Water And Sewer Project Phase 1 | AL | Other | 3,938,520 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Dirt Road Paving Districts 1, 4, 5 | FL | Environmental | 570,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Canal Wq Improvements And Restoration In Unincorporated Monroe County | FL | Environmental | 867,142 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Redevelop Bayou La Batre City Docks Phase I | AL | Other | 30,683,840 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Blackwater Heritage State Trail Infrastructure Improvements | FL | Human and Social | 120,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Bayou La Batre Water Distribution System Upgrades Phase I | AL | Other | 7,990,180 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Innovating St. Louis Street: Mobile’S Technology Corridor | AL | Human and Social | 11,501,990 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Ecological Restoration of Priority Seabird Nesting Islands | MX - YU, MX - QR | Environmental | 545,200 | NFWF Recovered Oil Fund for Wildlife | BP |
Mexico Sea Turtle Bycatch Reduction | MX - YU | Environmental | 150,000 | NFWF Recovered Oil Fund for Wildlife | BP |
Enforcing Mexican TED Regulations to Protect Kemp's Ridleys | MX - VE | Environmental | 263,858 | NFWF Recovered Oil Fund for Wildlife | BP |
Refurbishment of Critical Coastal Marsh Impoundments in Louisiana | LA, TX | Environmental | 729,393 | NFWF Recovered Oil Fund for Wildlife | BP |
Turtle Exclusion Devices for the Skimmer Trawl Fishery | LA, MS, TX | Environmental | 350,000 | NFWF Recovered Oil Fund for Wildlife | BP |
Reducing Sea Turtle Interactions with the Fly Net Fishery | FL, GA, NC, SC | Environmental | 110,000 | NFWF Recovered Oil Fund for Wildlife | BP |
Advancing American Oystercatcher Conservation | VA | Environmental | 100,000 | NFWF Recovered Oil Fund for Wildlife | BP |
Angler Action Program | AL, FL, LA, MS, TX | Environmental | 35,000 | NFWF Recovered Oil Fund for Wildlife | BP |
Building International Capacity for Seabird Conservation | AL, FL, LA, MS, TX, MX - CM, MX - QR, MX - TB, MX - TM, MX - VE, MX - YU | Environmental | 299,680 | NFWF Recovered Oil Fund for Wildlife | BP |
Oyster Restoration in the Gulf of Mexico | AL, LA, MS | Environmental | 1,100,000 | NFWF Recovered Oil Fund for Wildlife | BP |
Restoration of Gulf Coast Shorebirds and Habitats | AL, FL, MN | Environmental | 200,000 | NFWF Recovered Oil Fund for Wildlife | BP |
Beach-Nesting Bird Conservation in the Gulf of Mexico | TX, FL, AL | Science | 270,000 | NFWF Recovered Oil Fund for Wildlife | BP |
Gulf Coast Migratory Waterfowl Habitat Enhancement | LA, TX | Environmental | 2,500,000 | NFWF Recovered Oil Fund for Wildlife | BP |
The Oyster Opportunity | AL, FL, LA, MS, TX | Science | 70,000 | NFWF Recovered Oil Fund for Wildlife | BP |
Conservation of Shorebirds in Gulf Region | GA, FL, NC, SC | Environmental | 647,861 | NFWF Recovered Oil Fund for Wildlife | BP |
Weak Hook Distribution Program | AL, FL, LA, MS, TX | Environmental | 23,000 | NFWF Recovered Oil Fund for Wildlife | BP |
Restoring Allen Cay for Shearwaters | BHS - Exuma | Environmental | 148,486 | NFWF Recovered Oil Fund for Wildlife | BP |
Evaluating Alternative Fishing Gear to Reduce Bluefin Tuna Bycatch in the Gulf of Mexico | FL, LA | Science | 379,629 | NFWF Recovered Oil Fund for Wildlife | BP |
Reducing Interactions Between Fishermen and Gulf Sea Turtles | MS | Environmental | 107,084 | NFWF Recovered Oil Fund for Wildlife | BP |
Private Lands Moist Soil Initiative | TX | Environmental | 527,050 | NFWF Recovered Oil Fund for Wildlife | BP |
Bird Habitat Creation | MS | Environmental | 500,000 | NFWF Recovered Oil Fund for Wildlife | BP |
Alafia Bank Shoreline Restoration and Management | FL | Environmental | 250,000 | NFWF Recovered Oil Fund for Wildlife | BP |
Coastal Wetland Restoration on Private Lands | LA | Environmental | 991,268 | NFWF Recovered Oil Fund for Wildlife | BP |
Comprehensive Reef Fish and Headboat IFQ in the Gulf | TX | Environmental | 200,002 | NFWF Recovered Oil Fund for Wildlife | BP |
Cooperative Marine Mammal Stranding Network for Alabama | AL | Environmental | 148,563 | NFWF Recovered Oil Fund for Wildlife | BP |
Delta Plantation Wetland Habitat Expansion | LA | Environmental | 157,000 | NFWF Recovered Oil Fund for Wildlife | BP |
Evaluation and Creation of Alternative Gulf Oyster Habitat | LA | Environmental | 291,800 | NFWF Recovered Oil Fund for Wildlife | BP |
Lanark Reef Shorebird Protection | FL | Environmental | 50,000 | NFWF Recovered Oil Fund for Wildlife | BP |
Maximizing Florida Sea Turtle Nesting Success | FL | Environmental | 556,717 | NFWF Recovered Oil Fund for Wildlife | BP |
Migratory Bird Habitat Development in Coastal Alabama Counties | AL | Environmental | 368,500 | NFWF Recovered Oil Fund for Wildlife | BP |
Monitoring Post-Nesting Movements of Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtles | TX | Science | 60,181 | NFWF Recovered Oil Fund for Wildlife | BP |
Oyster Restoration in the Pensacola Bay System | FL | Environmental | 309,151 | NFWF Recovered Oil Fund for Wildlife | BP |
Perdido Bay/Pass Islands Acquisition-Restoration | AL | Environmental | 435,848 | NFWF Recovered Oil Fund for Wildlife | BP |
Piloting Turtle Friendly Beach Nourishment Methods (FL) | FL | Environmental | 700,000 | NFWF Recovered Oil Fund for Wildlife | BP |
Providing Critical Habitat for Birds in the Gulf of Mexico | TX | Environmental | 218,107 | NFWF Recovered Oil Fund for Wildlife | BP |
Restoration Benefits to Wading Bird Habitat In Florida Bay | FL | Science | 200,000 | NFWF Recovered Oil Fund for Wildlife | BP |
Wetland Enhancement and Early Flood Up | TX | Environmental | 136,762 | NFWF Recovered Oil Fund for Wildlife | BP |
Yellow River Aquatic Preserve Shoreline Restoration | FL | Environmental | 397,120 | NFWF Recovered Oil Fund for Wildlife | BP |
Coastal Bird Habitat Stewardship in Florida | FL | Environmental | 117,852 | NFWF Recovered Oil Fund for Wildlife | BP |
Maximizing Sea Turtle Nesting Success and Increasing Rehabilitation | FL | Environmental | 1,574,150 | NFWF Recovered Oil Fund for Wildlife | BP |
Migratory Bird Habitat Development in Coastal Florida | FL | Environmental | 88,500 | NFWF Recovered Oil Fund for Wildlife | BP |
Louisiana Deltaic Wetland Habitat Restoration and Enhancement | LA | Environmental | 350,000 | NFWF Recovered Oil Fund for Wildlife | BP |
Predation Control to Maximize Sea Turtle Nesting Success | FL | Environmental | 200,015 | NFWF Recovered Oil Fund for Wildlife | BP |
Vouchers for TEDs in the Skimmer Trawl Fishery (LA) | LA | Environmental | 300,000 | NFWF Recovered Oil Fund for Wildlife | BP |
U.S. Gulf Shorebird Assessment and Management Plan | FL | Science | 125,000 | NFWF Recovered Oil Fund for Wildlife | BP |
Migratory Bird Habitat Initiative | MS | Environmental | 250,000 | NFWF Recovered Oil Fund for Wildlife | BP |
Florida Mobile Aquatic Sea Turtle Hospital (MASH) | FL | Environmental | 172,883 | NFWF Recovered Oil Fund for Wildlife | BP |
Reduce turtle hatchling disorientation on Florida beaches | FL | Environmental | 500,000 | NFWF Recovered Oil Fund for Wildlife | BP |
D'Olive Watershed Restoration | AL | Environmental | 12,781,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Coastal Bird Stewardship Program in Mississippi | MS | Environmental | 1,700,104 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Caminada Beach and Dune Restoration Increment II: Engineering and Design | LA | Environmental | 1,359,542 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Eliminating Light Pollution on Sea Turtle Nesting Beaches | FL | Environmental | 1,500,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Powderhorn Ranch Land Acquisition | TX | Environmental | 34,622,034 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Sea Rim State Park Coastal Dune Restoration | TX | Environmental | 71,415 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Apalachicola Bay Oyster Restoration | FL | Environmental | 3,578,150 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Coastal Stream and Habitat Initiative | MS | Environmental | 1,731,493 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Comprehensive Panhandle Coastal Bird Conservation | FL | Environmental | 3,945,600 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
East Timbalier Island: Engineering and Design | LA | Environmental | 7,066,888 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Enhanced Assessment for Recovery of Gulf of Mexico Fisheries - Phase I | FL | Environmental | 1,812,862 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Fowl River Watershed Restoration - Phase I | AL | Environmental | 2,789,305 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Galveston Island State Park Marsh Restoration and Protection | TX | Environmental | 2,089,979 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Government Street Regional Stormwater Pond at Corrine Park Jones | FL | Environmental | 2,106,500 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Gulf Coast Migratory Waterfowl Habitat Enhancement | TX | Environmental | 1,249,534 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Increase Atchafalaya Flow to Terrebonne: Planning | LA | Environmental | 4,523,643 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Lower Mississippi River Sediment Diversions: Planning | LA | Environmental | 10,109,147 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion: Engineering and Design | LA | Environmental | 16,199,240 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Mississippi Coastal Preserves Program | MS | Environmental | 3,300,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Mississippi Coastal Restoration Plan | MS | Environmental | 2,564,205 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Oyster Reef Restoration in East Bay | TX | Environmental | 840,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Restoration and Enhancement of Oyster Reefs in Alabama | AL | Environmental | 3,716,355 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Caminada Beach and Dune Restoration Increment II: Construction | LA | Environmental | 140,812,339 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Escribano Point Coastal Habitat Acquistion and Restoration - Phase I | FL | Environmental | 1,731,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
West Galveston Bay Conservation Corridor Habitat Preservation | TX | Environmental | 7,250 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Restoration and Management of Escribano Point Coastal Habitat - Phase II | FL | Environmental | 602,585 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Alabama Barrier Island Restoration Assessment | AL | Environmental | 4,277,600 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Coastal Habitat Restoration Planning Initiative | AL | Environmental | 4,218,483 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Alabama Marine Mammal Conservatio. and Recovery Program | AL | Environmental | 1,902,600 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Enhanced Assessment for Gulf of Mexico Fisheries - Phase II | FL | Environmental | 2,493,847 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Bayou Chico Restoration | FL | Environmental | 11,032,300 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Destin Harbor, Joe's Bayou, and Indian Bayou Water Quality Improvement | FL | Environmental | 2,837,499 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Utilization of Dredge Material for Marsh Restoration in Coastal Mississippi | MS | Environmental | 24,082,200 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Reef Fish Assessment for Mississippi Coastal and Nearshore Gulf Waters | MS | Environmental | 3,404,002 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Invasive Species Management on Coastal State Land | MS | Environmental | 2,676,700 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Anahuac N.W.R. Coastal Marsh Acquisition | TX | Environmental | 4,343,572 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Virginia Point Shoreline Protection and Estuarine Restoration | TX | Environmental | 1,903,103 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Oyster Lake Shoreline Protection and Restoration | TX | Environmental | 1,096,153 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Dollar Bay-Moses Lake Shoreline Enhancement and Restoration | TX | Environmental | 120,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Benthic Habitat Mapping, Characterization and Assessment | FL | Environmental | 4,276,825 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Oyster Reef Habitat Restoration in Saint Andrew Bay | FL | Environmental | 1,973,500 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Coastal Heritage Preserve Initiative: Bayside Acquisition and Easement | TX | Environmental | 2,632,500 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Restoration of Florida's Coastal Dune Lakes | FL | Environmental | 5,916,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Florida Shorebird Conservation Initiative | FL | Environmental | 1,613,400 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Boggy Bayou Watershed Water Quality Improvement | FL | Environmental | 4,223,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Nueces Bay Rookery Islands Restoration | TX | Environmental | 3,051,354 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Egery Flats Marsh Restoration | TX | Environmental | 1,587,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Greens Lake Protection and Marsh Restoration: Engineering & Design | TX | Environmental | 117,996 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Enhanced Fisheries Monitoring in Alabama's Marine Waters | AL | Environmental | 1,456,472 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Adaptive Management: Louisiana River Diversions & Barrier Islands | LA | Environmental | 13,247,800 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Florida Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund Restoration Strategy | FL | Environmental | 3,192,703 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Habitat Restoration and Conservation in Turkey Creek - Phase I | MS | Environmental | 7,536,400 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Oyster Restoration and Management - Phase I | MS | Environmental | 11,780,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Design Challenge for Improvement of Water Quality from Beach Outfalls - Phase I | MS | Environmental | 556,088 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Habitat Restoration: Federal Lands Program - Phase I | MS | Environmental | 9,905,300 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Bahia Grande Restoration - Phase I | TX | Environmental | 400,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Galveston Island State Park Marsh Restoration and Protection in Carancahua Cove - Phase II | TX | Environmental | 3,234,500 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Galveston Bay Sustainable Oyster Reef Restoration | TX | Environmental | 2,500,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Cow Trap Lake Bird Nesting Island Improvements | TX | Environmental | 605,409 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Matagorda Bay Rookery Island, Feasibility Study and Alternative Analysis | TX | Environmental | 305,901 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Candy Abshier Wildlife Management Area Shoreline Protection and Marsh Restoration | TX | Environmental | 1,525,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Bahia Grande Coastal Corridor - Boswell Jenkins Tract Acquisition | TX | Environmental | 4,000,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Falcon Point Ranch Conservation Easement Acquisition | TX | Environmental | 2,905,156 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Grand Bay Acquisition | AL | Environmental | 7,477,500 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Mobile Bay Shore Habitat Conservation and Acquisition Initiative - Phase I | AL | Environmental | 265,855 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Alabama Artificial Reef and Habitat Enhancement | AL | Environmental | 11,726,883 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Pensacola East Bay Oyster Habitat Restoration Project - Phase I | FL | Environmental | 1,345,587 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Water Quality Improvements to Enhance Fisheries Habitat in the Lower Choctawhatchee River Basin - Phase I | FL | Environmental | 953,485 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Eliminating Light Pollution on Sea Turtle Nesting Beaches - Phase II | FL | Environmental | 3,050,778 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Enhanced Assessment of Gulf of Mexico Fisheries - Phase III | FL | Environmental | 4,992,564 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Multifaceted Fisheries and Ecosystem Monitoring in Alabama's Marine Waters and the Gulf of Mexico - Phase II | AL | Environmental | 1,916,603 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Mobile County Conservation Acquisition | AL | Environmental | 4,217,803 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Fowl River Watershed Restoration: Coastal Spits and Wetlands Projec. Phase I | AL | Environmental | 1,641,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Enhancement of Sea Turtle Stranding Response Capacity in Florida | FL | Environmental | 6,246,200 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Dagger Island Restoration Project | TX | Environmental | 4,255,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Recovery and Resilience of Oyster Reefs in the Big Bend of Florida | FL | Environmental | 8,334,400 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Mad Island Marsh Preserve Shoreline Protection and Coastal Ecosystem Restoratio. Phase I | TX | Environmental | 104,261 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Smith Oaks Bird Sanctuary Rookery Island Restoration and Enhancement | TX | Environmental | 262,999 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Follets Island Land Acquisition and Conservation Progra. Phase I | TX | Environmental | 1,199,125 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Hydrologic Restoration of the Salt Bayou Watershed | TX | Environmental | 5,186,400 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Increase Atchafalaya Flow to Terrebonne: Engineering & Design - Phase I | LA | Environmental | 16,367,400 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Restoring Florida's Shorebird & Seabird Population. Phase I | FL | Environmental | 9,004,537 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Matagorda Wetlands Acquisition and Conservation | TX | Environmental | 97,949 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Bon Secour - Oyster Bay Wetland Acquisition Project | AL | Environmental | 12,511,400 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Dollar Bay-Moses Lake Wetlands Restoration and Protectio. Phase II | TX | Environmental | 850,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Enhanced Assessment for Recovery of Gulf of Mexico Fisheries - Phase IV | FL | Environmental | 5,377,245 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Gulf Highlands Conservation Acquisition | AL | Environmental | 46,157,100 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Enhanced Fisheries Monitoring in AlabamaaTMs Marine Waters - Phase III | AL | Environmental | 4,406,200 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Sabine Ranch Acquisition | TX | Environmental | 10,199,101 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Salt Bayou Beach Ridge Restoratio. Engineering and Design | TX | Environmental | 823,081 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Mid-Breton Sediment Diversion: Engineering & Design | LA | Environmental | 90,701,600 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Mississippi River Mid-Basin Sediment Diversion Program Management | LA | Environmental | 16,099,200 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Coastal Headwaters Protection Due Diligence | MS | Environmental | 1,310,200 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle Conservation, Recovery, and Monitoring Progra. Phase I | MS | Environmental | 9,933,900 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Coastal Bird Stewardship in Mississipp. Phase II | MS | Environmental | 6,280,400 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion: Engineering & Desig. Phase II | LA | Environmental | 113,346,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Lightning Point Acquisition and Restoration Projec. Phase I | AL | Environmental | 5,903,100 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Dauphin Island Conservation Acquisition | AL | Environmental | 4,200,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Alabama Coastal Bird Stewardship Program | AL | Environmental | 1,410,368 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Utilization of Dredge Material for Marsh Restoration in Coastal Mississippi - Phase II | MS | Environmental | 34,624,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Reef Fish Assessment for Mississippi Coastal and Nearshore Waters: Restoration through Improved Data Collection and Management - Phase II | MS | Environmental | 1,383,488 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Mississippi Comprehensive Restoration Planning - Phase II | MS | Environmental | 2,234,100 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Restoring Colonial Waterbirds on the Texas Coast | TX | Environmental | 363,400 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Beach-nesting and Wintering Bird Protection and Habitat Stewardship | TX | Environmental | 274,893 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Bahia Grande Coastal Corridor - Holly Beach Tract Acquisition | TX | Environmental | 2,000,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Pascagoula River Corridor Acquisitions | MS | Environmental | 11,849,800 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Follets Island Land Acquisition and Conservatio. Phase II | TX | Environmental | 2,150,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Salt Aire Shoreline Restoration | AL | Environmental | 12,700,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge Coastal Marsh and Dunes Acquisition | TX | Environmental | 2,500,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Mobile Bay Shore Habitat Conservation Acquisition Initiative - Phase II | AL | Environmental | 8,924,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Hydrological Restoration of Brazoria National Wildlife Refuge Wetlands - Phase I | TX | Environmental | 200,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Enhanced Assessment for Recovery of Gulf of Mexico Fisheries - Phase V | FL | Environmental | 9,238,100 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Carancahua Bay Habitat Preservation and Enhancement | TX | Environmental | 392,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Bon Secour National Wildlife Refuge Acquisition | AL | Environmental | 5,866,177 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Dauphin Island Bird Habitat Acquisition and Enhancement Program | AL | Environmental | 3,525,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Little Dauphin Island Restoration Assessment | AL | Environmental | 1,600,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Restoration of JD Murphree WMA Water Management Infrastructure | TX | Environmental | 80,538 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Repair ARK Wildlife Rescue Facility | TX | Environmental | 193,288 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Galveston Island State Park Marsh Restoration & Protection - Phase III | TX | Environmental | 5,000,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Adaptive Management: Louisiana River Diversions & Barrier Island. Phase II | LA | Environmental | 19,632,100 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Acquisition of Priority Tracts for Coastal Habitat Connectivity - Phase I | MS | Environmental | 17,433,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Increased Capacity for Marine Mammal Response & Analysis | FL | Environmental | 7,965,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Pensacola East Bay Oyster Habitat Restoration - Phase II | FL | Environmental | 15,166,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Eliminating Light Pollution at Sea Turtle Nesting Beaches - Phase III | FL | Environmental | 5,000,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Long-Term Sea Turtle Predation Management | FL | Environmental | 4,000,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Lightning Point Acquisition and Restoration Project - Phase II | AL | Environmental | 16,578,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Bon Secour National Wildlife Refuge Acquisitions - Phase II | AL | Environmental | 4,340,805 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge Acquisitions | FL | Environmental | 4,507,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Enhanced Fisheries Monitoring in Alabama's Marine Waters - Phase IV | AL | Environmental | 2,413,374 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Deer River Shoreline Stabilization - Phase I | AL | Environmental | 748,264 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Southwest Florida Wading Bird Nesting Island Enhancement | FL | Environmental | 5,592,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Bon Secour River Headwater Restoration - Phase I | AL | Environmental | 1,504,526 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Terrebonne Basin Barrier Island and Beach Nourishment Construction | LA | Environmental | 161,442,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
South Padre Island Land Acquisitions - Phase II | TX | Environmental | 8,088,301 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Bahia Grande Coastal Corridor Acquisitions - Phase III | TX | Environmental | 5,698,675 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
East Matagorda Bay Land Conservation | TX | Environmental | 5,469,016 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Port Aransas Nature Preserve Debris Removal | TX | Environmental | 99,988 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Greens Lake Protection and Marsh Restoration - Phase II | TX | Environmental | 6,525,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Dauphin Island Causeway Shoreline Restoration Engineering and Design | AL | Environmental | 250,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Restoration of the North Side of Dauphin Island - Phase I | AL | Environmental | 714,162 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Restoration of Florida’s Coastal Dune Lakes - Phase II | FL | Environmental | 2,503,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Dollar Bay-Moses Lake Wetland Restoration and Protection Project - Phase III (TX) | TX | Environmental | 2,290,701 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Salt Bayou (McFaddin NWR) Beach and Ridge Restoration | TX | Environmental | 26,500,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Apalachicola Bay Oyster Reef Restoration- Phase II | FL | Environmental | 20,057,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
MK Ranch Hydrologic Restoration | FL | Environmental | 21,997,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Blackwater River South Tract | AL | Environmental | 4,836,701 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Panhandle Dune Restoration | FL | Environmental | 6,390,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Enhancement of St. Louis Bay Oyster Reef | MS | Environmental | 4,858,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Apalachicola River Slough Restoration- Phase I | FL | Environmental | 5,357,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Mission River Land Acquisition | TX | Environmental | 596,776 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Wulfert Bayous Bird Nesting Habitat Restoration | FL | Environmental | 5,309,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge Saltmarsh Restoration- Phase I | FL | Environmental | 298,201 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Lower Halls Mill Creek Protection | AL | Environmental | 2,687,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Nueces Delta Shoreline Erosion Protection | TX | Environmental | 3,328,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Invasive Species Management on Coastal State Land- Phase II | MS | Environmental | 2,837,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Mad Island Marsh Shoreline Protection | TX | Environmental | 3,041,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Enhancement of Buffalo Lake Marsh Complex | TX | Environmental | 1,025,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Reef Fish Assessment for Mississippi Coastal and Nearshore Waters: Restoration through Improved Data Collection and Management – Phase IV | MS | Environmental | 4,122,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Oyster Restoration and Management- Phase II | MS | Environmental | 3,393,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Swan Lake Marsh Restoration | TX | Environmental | 5,000,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Chocolate Bay Wetland Habitat Acquisition | TX | Environmental | 10,500,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Matagorda Peninsula Acquisition | TX | Environmental | 2,426,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Lake Wimico Acquisition and Management | FL | Environmental | 12,225,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Alabama Artificial Reef and Habitat Enhancement – Phase II | AL | Environmental | 22,499,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Mississippi Offshore Artificial Reef and Habitat Enhancement (MS) | MS | Environmental | 2,663,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Franklin County Living Shoreline | FL | Environmental | 8,312,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Dauphin Island Causeway Shoreline Restoration Project- Phase II | AL | Environmental | 28,362,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Lower Fish River Watershed Restoration | AL | Environmental | 6,554,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Alabama Dune Restoration Cooperative Project | AL | Environmental | 737,202 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Florida Boat Ramp Enhancement and Construction Project | FL | Recreational Use | 5,295,061 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Florida (Pensacola Beach) Dune Restoration Project | FL | Environmental | 358,091 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Lake Hermitage Marsh Creation - NRDA Early Restoration Project | LA | Environmental | 7,157,038 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Louisiana Oyster Cultch Project | LA | Environmental | 14,874,300 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Marsh Island (Portersville Bay) Restoration Project | AL | Environmental | 11,280,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Mississippi Artificial Reef Habitat Project | MS | Environmental | 2,053,176 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Mississippi Oyster Cultch Restoration Project | MS | Environmental | 9,920,952 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Enhanced Management of Avian Breeding Habitat Injured by Response Activities in the Florida Panhandle, Alabama, and Mississippi | AL, FL, MS | Environmental | 3,903,377 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Improving Habitat Injured by Spill Response: Restoring the Night Sky | AL, FL | Environmental | 3,889,125 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Alabama Oyster Cultch Restoration | AL | Environmental | 3,239,485 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Alabama Swift Tract Living Shoreline | AL | Environmental | 5,000,080 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Apalachicola River Wildlife and Environmental Area Fishing and Wildlife Viewing Access Improvements | FL | Recreational Use | 258,680 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Bald Point State Park Recreation Areas | FL | Recreational Use | 1,350,839 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Beach Enhancement Project at Gulf Islands National Seashore | FL | Recreational Use | 10,836,055 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Big Lagoon State Park Boat Ramp Improvement | FL | Recreational Use | 2,317,275 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Bob Sikes Pier, Parking, and Trail Restoration | FL | Recreational Use | 1,023,990 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
City of Parker - Oakshore Drive Pier | FL | Recreational Use | 4,371,895 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Deer Lake State Park Development | FL | Recreational Use | 1,392,675 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Developing Enhanced Recreational Opportunities on Escribano Point Portion of the Yellow River WMA | FL | Recreational Use | 2,576,365 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Enhancement of Franklin County Parks and Boat Ramps | FL | Recreational Use | 1,771,385 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Florida Artificial Reef Creation and Restoration | FL | Recreational Use | 11,402,031 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Florida Cat Point Living Shoreline Project | FL | Environmental | 1,218,611 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Florida Oyster Cultch Placement Project | FL | Environmental | 5,370,596 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Florida Pensacola Bay Living Shoreline Project | FL | Environmental | 10,828,063 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Florida Seagrass Recovery Project | FL | Environmental | 2,691,867 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Freeport Artificial Reef Project | TX | Recreational Use | 2,155,365 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Galveston Island State Park Beach Redevelopment | TX | Recreational Use | 10,745,060 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Gulf County Recreation Projects | FL | Recreational Use | 1,722,004 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Gulf Islands National Seashore Ferry Project | FL | Recreational Use | 4,020,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Gulf State Park Enhancement Project | AL | Recreational Use | 29,221,693 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Provide and Enhance Recreational Opportunities | LA | Recreational Use | 463,928 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Louisiana Outer Coast Restoration | LA | Environmental | 318,363,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Matagorda Artificial Reef Project | TX | Recreational Use | 3,252,398 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Mid-Upper Texas Coast Artificial Reef | TX | Recreational Use | 1,919,765 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Mississippi Hancock County Marsh Living Shoreline Project | MS | Environmental | 60,500,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Navarre Beach Park Coastal Access and Dune Restoration | FL | Recreational Use | 579,584 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Navarre Beach Park Gulfside Walkover Complex | FL | Recreational Use | 1,744,203 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Norriego Point Restoration and Recreation Project | FL | Recreational Use | 13,598,248 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Northwest Florida Estuarine Habitat Restoration, Protection and Education - Fort Walton Beach | FL | Recreational Use | 1,746,282 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Pascagoula Beach Front Promenade | MS | Recreational Use | 3,673,704 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Perdido Key Dune Restoration Project | FL | Environmental | 392,930 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Popp's Ferry Causeway Park | MS | Recreational Use | 4,525,147 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Restoration Initiatives at the INFINITY Science Center | MS | Recreational Use | 10,382,404 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Scallop Enhancement for Increased Recreational Fishing Opportunity in the Florida Panhandle | FL | Recreational Use | 2,890,250 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Sea Rim State Park Improvements | TX | Recreational Use | 510,100 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Shell Point Beach Nourishment | FL | Recreational Use | 587,272 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Strategically Provided Boat Access Along Florida's Gulf Coast | FL | Recreational Use | 2,947,377 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Wakulla County Mashes Sands Park Improvements | FL | Recreational Use | 1,668,096 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Walton County Boardwalks and Dune Crossovers | FL | Recreational Use | 581,111 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Bike and Pedestrian Use Enhancements Project, Davis Bayou, Mississippi District, Gulf Islands National Seashore | MS | Recreational Use | 6,996,751 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Bon Secour National Wildlife Refuge Trail Enhancement Project | AL | Recreational Use | 545,110 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Osprey Restoration in Coastal Alabama | AL | Environmental | 62,580 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Oceanic Fish Restoration Project | GOM | Environmental | 20,000,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Point aux Pins Living Shorelines | AL | Environmental | 3,800,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Restoring Living Shorelines and Reefs in Mississippi Estuaries | MS | Environmental | 30,000,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Seagrass Recovery Project at Gulf Islands National Seashore, Florida District | FL | Environmental | 53,981 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Sea Turtle Early Restoration Project | AL, FL, LA, MS, GOM, MX - TAM, TX | Environmental | 45,199,650 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Texas Rookery Islands | TX | Environmental | 20,603,770 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Florida Coastal Access Project | FL | Recreational Use | 47,176,285 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
MS TIG-MS DEQ Administrative Oversight and Comprehensive Planning Funds | MS | Other | 10,650,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Open Ocean TIG-DOI Administrative Oversight and Comprehensive Planning | GOM | Other | 26,646,841 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Open Ocean TIG-EPA Administrative Oversight and Comprehensive Planning | GOM | Other | 7,409,596 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Open Ocean TIG-NOAA Administrative Oversight and Comprehensive Planning | GOM | Other | 33,315,559 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Cross-TIG Monitoring and Adaptive Management (MAM) work group | AL, FL, LA, MS, GOM, TX | Science | 5,331,924 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
FL TIG-FWC Administrative Oversight and Comprehensive Planning | FL | Other | 1,765,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
AL TIG Restoration Plan 1 | AL | Other | 1,648,899 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Bird Strategic Framework Development for Living Coastal and Marine Resources | AL, FL, LA, MS, GOM, TX | Other | 135,803 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Sea Turtle Strategic Framework Development for Living Coastal and Marine Resources | AL, FL, LA, MS, GOM, TX | Other | 141,366 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Oyster Strategic Framework Development for Living Coastal and Marine Resources | AL, FL, LA, MS, TX | Other | 119,508 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Marine Mammal Strategic Framework Development for Living Coastal and Marine Resources | AL, FL, LA, MS, GOM, TX | Other | 131,864 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
FL TIG-DEP Administrative Oversight and Comprehensive Planning | FL | Other | 2,165,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Shoreline Protection at Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve | LA | Environmental | 24,271,610 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Terrebonne Basin Ridge and Marsh Creation Project: Bayou Terrebonne Increment | LA | Environmental | 162,345,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Barataria Basin Ridge and Marsh Creation Project: Spanish Pass Increment | LA | Environmental | 100,290,142 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Lake Borgne Marsh Creation Project: Increment One | LA | Environmental | 114,642,153 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Queen Bess Island Restoration Project | LA | Environmental | 19,210,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Rabbit Island Restoration Project | LA | Environmental | 16,440,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Marine Mammal Open Ocean Restoration Planning | GOM | Other | 131,899 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Fish and Water Column Invertebrates Open Ocean Restoration Planning | GOM | Other | 417,677 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Mesophotic and Deep Benthic Communities Open Ocean Restoration Planning | GOM | Other | 125,805 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
LA TIG Restoration Plan #3: Barataria Basin Habitat Strategic Plan and #3.2: Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion Planning | LA | Other | 10,348,204 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Sea Turtle Open Ocean Restoration Planning | GOM | Other | 104,985 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Sturgeon Open Ocean Restoration Planning | GOM | Other | 30,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Bird Open Ocean Restoration Planning | GOM | Other | 34,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
AL TIG-ACDNR Administrative Oversight and Comprehensive Planning | AL | Other | 4,462,643 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Mid-Island Parks and Public Beach Improvements Project (Parcels B & C) | AL | Recreational Use | 1,210,200 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Open Ocean TIG Restoration Plan #1-Environmental Assessment: Birds and Sturgeon | GOM | Other | 388,889 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Open Ocean TIG-USDA Administrative Oversight and Comprehensive Planning | GOM | Other | 4,201,656 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Upper Pascagoula Water Quality Enhancement Project | MS | Environmental | 4,000,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Bahia Grande Coastal Corridor Habitat Acquisition | TX | Environmental | 2,273,778 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Bahia Grande Hydrologic Restoration | TX | Environmental | 5,050,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Bessie Heights Wetland Restoration | TX | Environmental | 4,905,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Fort Morgan Pier Rehabilitation Restoration | AL | Recreational Use | 3,256,993 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Bird Island Cove Habitat Restoration Engineering | TX | Environmental | 177,465 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Dredged Material Planning for Wetland Restoration | TX | Environmental | 1,964,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Essex Bayou Habitat Restoration Engineering | TX | Environmental | 372,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Follets Island Habitat Acquisition | TX | Environmental | 2,037,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Indian Point Shoreline Erosion Protection | TX | Environmental | 2,199,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Laguna Atascosa Habitat Acquisition | TX | Environmental | 5,396,528 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
McFaddin Beach and Dune Restoration | TX | Environmental | 18,372,790 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Mid-Coast Habitat Acquisition | TX | Environmental | 1,997,075 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Oyster Restoration Engineering | TX | Environmental | 309,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Pierce Marsh Wetland Restoration | TX | Environmental | 3,095,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Graveline Bay Land Acquisition and Management | MS | Environmental | 11,500,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Grand Bay Land Acquisition and Habitat Management | MS | Environmental | 16,000,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
LA TIG Restoration Plan #4: Provide and Enhance Recreational Opportunities and Nutrient Reduction | LA | Other | 608,426 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
FL TIG Restoration Plan #1 | FL | Other | 389,388 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Laguna Cove Little Lagoon Natural Resource Protection | AL | Recreational Use | 4,400,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Open Ocean TIG Restoration Plan-EA #2: Fish, Sea Turtles, Marine Mammals, and Mesophotic and Deep Benthic Communities | GOM | Other | 1,907,673 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Bayfront Park Restoration and Improvements | AL | Recreational Use | 1,000,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Dauphin Island Eco-Tourism and Environmental Education Area | AL | Recreational Use | 2,238,613 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
LA TIG-Monitoring and Adaptive Management Planning | LA | Science | 2,727,518 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Gulf State Park Lodge and Associated Public Access Amenities Project | AL | Recreational Use | 56,283,611 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
LA TIG-CPRA Administrative Oversight and Comprehensive Planning | LA | Other | 16,427,611 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Large Scale Barataria Marsh Creation – Upper Barataria Component | LA | Environmental | 181,380,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Open Ocean Monitoring and Adaptive Management Planning | GOM | Science | 1,010,679 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
LA TIG Restoration Plan #1 Phase II-Wetlands, Coastal and Nearshore Habitats, Habitat Projects on Federally Managed Lands, and Birds | LA | Other | 703,516 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Louisiana Marine Mammal Abundance, Distribution, and Density | LA | Science | 297,972 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Assessment of Marine Mammal Physiological Responses to Low Salinity Exposures | LA | Environmental | 204,429 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Restoring the Night Sky—Assessment, Training, and Outreach (E&D) | AL | Science | 486,639 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Coastal Alabama Sea Turtle (CAST) Habitat Usage and Population Dynamics | AL | Environmental | 1,631,696 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Colonial Nesting Wading Bird Tracking and Habitat Use Assessment—Two Species | AL | Environmental | 1,547,500 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Lower Perdido Islands Restoration - Phase I | AL | Environmental | 994,523 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Little Lagoon Living Shoreline | AL | Environmental | 260,999 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Weeks Bay Land Acquisition (East Gateway Tract) | AL | Environmental | 3,252,192 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Magnolia River Land Acquisition (Holmes Tract) | AL | Environmental | 5,138,162 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Oyster Cultch Relief and Reef Configuration | AL | Environmental | 480,262 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Oyster Hatchery at Claude Peteet Mariculture Center—High Spat Production With Study | AL | Environmental | 156,159 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Side-scan Mapping of Mobile Bay Relic Oyster Reef | AL | Environmental | 104,229 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
CAST Conservation Program | AL | Environmental | 935,061 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Southwestern Coffee Island Habitat Restoration Project—Phase I (E&D) | AL | Environmental | 1,650,450 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
CAST Triage | AL | Environmental | 1,071,935 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
CAST Protection: Enhancement and Education | AL | Environmental | 906,874 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Enhancing Capacity for the Alabama Marine Mammal Stranding Network | AL | Environmental | 2,432,389 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Alabama Estuarine Bottlenose Dolphin Protection: Enhancement and Education | AL | Environmental | 686,374 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Oyster Grow-Out and Restoration Reef Placement | AL | Environmental | 962,370 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Assessment of Alabama Estuarine Bottlenose Dolphin Populations and Health | AL | Science | 3,245,129 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Louisiana Statewide Artificial Reefs | LA | Recreational Use | 5,784,080 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Pointe-aux-Chenes Wildlife Management Area - Island Road Fishing Piers | LA | Recreational Use | 2,170,528 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Atchafalaya Delta Wildlife Management Area - Campground Improvements | LA | Recreational Use | 4,207,807 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Middle Pearl Boat Launch | LA | Recreational Use | 758,504 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Atchafalaya Delta Wildlife Management Area - Access Improvements | LA | Recreational Use | 589,773 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Pass-a-Loutre Wildlife Management Area - Crevasse Access | LA | Recreational Use | 788,851 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Pass-a-Loutre Wildlife Management Area - Campground Improvements | LA | Recreational Use | 1,738,325 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Pointe-aux-Chenes Wildlife Management Area - Recreational Use Enhancement | LA | Recreational Use | 3,632,194 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge Piers and Signage | LA | Recreational Use | 676,059 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Elmer's Island Access Project | LA | Recreational Use | 6,000,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Bayou Segnette State Park Improvements | LA | Recreational Use | 2,126,724 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Cypremort Point State Park Improvements | LA | Recreational Use | 4,477,338 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Grand Isle State Park Improvements | LA | Recreational Use | 6,126,967 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
St. Bernard State Park Improvements | LA | Recreational Use | 1,098,625 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Sam Houston Jones State Park Improvements | LA | Recreational Use | 2,425,250 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
LA TIG Restoration Plan #3.1: Barataria Basin Marsh Creation and Ridge Restoration | LA | Other | 111,640 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Toulmins Spring Branch Engineering and Design | AL | Environmental | 479,090 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Fowl River Nutrient Reduction | AL | Environmental | 1,000,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Weeks Bay Nutrient Reduction | AL | Environmental | 2,000,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Nutrient Reduction on Dairy Farms in St. Helena and Tangipahoa Parishes | LA | Environmental | 2,500,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Nutrient Reduction on Dairy Farms in Washington Parish | LA | Environmental | 2,500,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Nutrient Reduction on Cropland and Grazing Land in Bayou Folse | LA | Environmental | 3,000,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Winter Water Holding on Cropland in Vermilion and Cameron Parishes Plus Agricultural Best Management Practices | LA | Environmental | 4,250,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
RW TIG Restoration Plan-Environmental Assessment #1: Sea Turtles | AL, FL, LA, MS, TX | Other | 439,961 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
RW TIG Restoration Plan-Environmental Assessment #1: Oysters | AL, FL, LA, MS, TX | Other | 500,829 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
RW TIG Restoration Plan-Environmental Assessment #1: Birds | AL, FL, LA, MS, TX | Other | 499,967 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
RW TIG Restoration Plan-Environmental Assessment #1: Marine Mammals | AL, FL, LA, MS, TX | Other | 313,646 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Louisiana Coastwide Fish and Shellfish Monitoring Program | LA | Science | 10,532,689 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
TX TIG-GLO, TCEQ, TPWD Administrative Oversight and Comprehensive Restoration Planning | TX | Other | 1,500,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Texas Gulf Coast Water Quality Restoration Planning | TX | Other | 250,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Louisiana Colonial Waterbird Monitoring | LA | Science | 430,287 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Lower Suwannee National Wildlife Refuge Hydrologic Restoration - Planning and Design | FL | Environmental | 303,430 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Rattlesnake Bluff Road and Riverbank Restoration | FL | Environmental | 3,579,719 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
St. Vincent National Wildlife Refuge Predator Control | FL | Environmental | 580,772 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Characterizing Gulf Sturgeon Spawning Habitat, Habitat Use and Origins of Juvenile Sturgeon in the Pearl and Pascagoula River Systems | LA, MS | Environmental | 2,761,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Beach and Dune Habitat Protection at Gulf Islands National Seashore | FL | Environmental | 1,870,906 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Rehabilitation of Okaloosa Unit Recreational Facilities at Gulf Islands National Seashore | FL | Recreational Use | 3,201,383 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Invasive Plant Removal at Gulf Islands National Seashore | FL | Environmental | 875,765 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Restoration of Common Loons in Minnesota | MN | Environmental | 7,520,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
LA TIG Restoration Plan #5: Living Coastal and Marine Resources (LCMR) – Marine Mammals and Oysters | LA | Other | 441,497 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Restoration of Black Terns in North and South Dakota | ND, SD | Environmental | 6,250,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Perdido River and Bay Paddle Trail | FL | Recreational Use | 1,165,488 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Carpenter Creek Headwaters Park Amenities | FL | Recreational Use | 446,080 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Joe’s Bayou Recreation Area Improvements | FL | Recreational Use | 12,202,891 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Topsail Hill Preserve State Park Improvements | FL | Recreational Use | 3,926,811 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Camp Helen State Park Improvements | FL | Recreational Use | 3,326,027 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
St. Andrews State Park Improvements | FL | Recreational Use | 10,875,855 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Carpenter Creek Headwaters Water Quality Improvements | FL | Environmental | 1,689,900 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Pensacola Beach Reclaimed Water System Expansion | FL | Environmental | 4,683,404 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Pensacola Bay Unpaved Roads Initiative (Planning & Design) | FL | Environmental | 705,473 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Alligator Lake Coastal Dune Lake Hydrologic Restoration | FL | Environmental | 1,382,400 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
City of Port St. Joe Stormwater Improvements | FL | Environmental | 961,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
City of Carrabelle's Lighthouse Estates: Septic Tank Abatement - Phase II | FL | Environmental | 3,237,986 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Lower Charlotte Harbor Flatwoods Hydrologic Restoration Initiative, Yucca Pens Unit (Planning and Design) | FL | Environmental | 630,491 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Gulf Islands National Seashore (Florida) Night Sky Restoration (Planning and Design) | FL | Environmental | 432,093 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Informing Gulf Sturgeon Population Status and Trends as a Baseline to Evaluate Restoration | GOM | Science | 910,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
AL TIG Restoration Plan 3 | AL | Other | 20,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Louisiana Secretive Marsh Bird Habitat Relationships and Distributions in Selected Coastal Louisiana Marshes | LA | Science | 1,441,421 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Juvenile Gulf Sturgeon - Gulf-wide Population Dynamics and Habitat Use | FL, LA, MS | Science | 2,578,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge Coastal Trail Connection, Spring Creek to Port Leon | FL | Recreational Use | 1,200,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Pensacola Bay and Perdido River Watersheds - Nutrient Reduction | FL | Environmental | 2,100,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Lower Suwannee River Watershed - Nutrient Reduction | FL | Environmental | 3,150,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Lake Charles Science Center and Educational Complex | LA | Recreational Use | 7,000,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Grand Avoille Boat Launch Improvements | LA | Recreational Use | 167,617 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Belle Chasse Walker Road Boat Launch Improvements | LA | Recreational Use | 250,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
LA TIG Restoration Plan #6: Wetlands, Coastal, and Nearshore Habitats | LA | Other | 293,717 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Wetlands Harbor Activities Recreational Facility, Phase 1 | LA | Recreational Use | 995,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Chitimacha Boat Launch | LA | Recreational Use | 649,262 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Evaluating the Cumulative Impact of Multiple Stressors on Cetaceans | GOM | Science | 3,834,230 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
LA TIG Phase II Restoration Plan #3.3: Large-Scale Barataria Marsh Creation: Upper Barataria Component (BA-207) | LA | Other | 254,067 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Reducing Juvenile Sea Turtle Bycatch through Development of Reduced Bar Spacing in Turtle Excluder Device | GOM | Environmental | 2,249,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Developing Methods to Observe Sea Turtle Interactions in the Gulf of Mexico Menhaden Purse Seine Fishery | GOM | Environmental | 3,000,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Developing a Gulf-wide Comprehensive Plan for In-water Sea Turtle Data Collection | GOM | Environmental | 655,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Identifying Methods to Reduce Sea Turtle Bycatch in the Reef Fish Bottom Longline Fishery | GOM | Environmental | 290,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Gulf of Mexico Sea Turtle Atlas | GOM | Environmental | 5,700,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Restoring for Bluefin Tuna via Fishing Depth Optimization | GOM | Environmental | 6,175,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Communication Networks and Mapping Tools to Reduce Bycatch – Phase I | GOM | Environmental | 4,416,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Reduction of Postrelease Mortality from Barotrauma in Gulf of Mexico Reef Fish Recreational Fisheries | GOM | Environmental | 30,011,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Better Bycatch Reduction Devices for the Gulf of Mexico Commercial Shrimp Trawl Fishery | GOM | Environmental | 17,171,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Reduce and Mitigate Vessel Strike Mortality of Cetaceans | GOM | Environmental | 3,834,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Reduce Impacts of Anthropogenic Noise on Cetaceans | GOM | Environmental | 8,992,200 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Reducing Impacts to Cetaceans during Disasters by Improving Response Activities | GOM | Environmental | 4,287,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Compilation of Environmental, Threats, and Animal Data for Cetacean Population Health Analyses | GOM | Environmental | 5,808,500 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Mesophotic and Deep Benthic Communities - Habitat Assessment and Evaluation | GOM | Environmental | 52,639,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Mesophotic and Deep Benthic Communities - Active Management and Protection | GOM | Environmental | 20,689,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Mesophotic and Deep Benthic Communities - Mapping, Ground-truthing, and Predictive Habitat Modeling | GOM | Environmental | 35,909,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Mesophotic and Deep Benthic Communities - Coral Propagation Technique Development | GOM | Environmental | 16,951,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Long Term Nesting Habitat Protection for Sea Turtles | FL | Environmental | 7,500,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Bayfront Park Restoration and Improvement Phases IIa and IIb | AL | Recreational Use | 8,567,385 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Gulf State Park Pier Renovation | AL | Recreational Use | 3,955,606 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Perdido Beach Public Access Coastal Protection | AL | Recreational Use | 56,013 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Stewardship of Coastal Alabama Beach Nesting Bird Habitat | AL | Environmental | 2,067,381 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Dauphin Island West End Acquisition | AL | Environmental | 7,938,770 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
LA TIG Restoration Plan-Environmental Assessment #7: Birds and Wetlands, Coastal, and Nearshore Habitats | LA | Other | 628,329 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Biloxi Marsh Living Shoreline | LA | Environmental | 66,600,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
West Grand Terre Beach Nourishment and Stabilization | LA | Environmental | 92,500,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Golden Triangle Marsh Creation | LA | Environmental | 50,000,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
FL TIG Restoration Plan #2 | FL | Other | 303,657 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Developing Guidance For Avian Habitat Restoration and Monitoring | LA | Other | 503,391 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Louisiana’s Coastwide Reference Monitoring System (CRMS) | LA | Science | 22,918,224 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Des Allemands Boat Launch | LA | Recreational Use | 1,841,116 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
The Wetlands Center | LA | Recreational Use | 2,000,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Recreational Use Improvements at Barataria Preserve in Jefferson Parish - Jean Lafitte National Historic Park | LA | Recreational Use | 1,284,062 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Enhancing Oyster Recovery Using Brood Reefs | LA | Environmental | 9,701,447 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Hatchery-Based Oyster Restoration | LA | Environmental | 5,850,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Cultch Plant Oyster Restoration | LA | Environmental | 10,070,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Louisiana Enhanced Marine Mammal Stranding Network | LA | Environmental | 3,095,628 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Gulf Coast Conservation Reserve Program (GCCRP) (Planning & Implementation) - Florida | FL | Environmental | 1,500,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Lake Lery Marsh Creation Project | LA | Environmental | 2,997,844 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
Freshwater Bayou Canal Shoreline Protection | LA | Environmental | 4,832,624 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
Westward Expansion of the CWPPRA Rockefeller Refuge Shoreline Stabilization Project | LA | Environmental | 6,848,575 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
Grand Bayou Freshwater Reintroduction (Engineering and Design) | LA | Environmental | 599,386 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
Manchac Landbridge (Rock Breakwater) Shoreline Protection Project | LA | Environmental | 3,179,266 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
3-3: Choctawhatchee Bay Estuary Program | FL | Environmental | 1,066,139 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
19-1: Sarasota County Dona Bay Hydrologic Restoration Program, Phases III-V – E&D | FL | Environmental | 2,973,261 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
22-1: Comprehensive Watershed Improvement Program - Monitoring and Master Plan | FL | Science | 820,516 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
5-2: St. Andrew Bay Stormwater Improvement Program – St. Andrew Bay Watch – Water Quality Monitoring | FL | Science | 545,139 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
4-1: Choctawhatchee Bay Septic to Sewer Conversion – Feasibility Study | FL | Science | 679,029 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
9-2: Wacissa River Park Improvement Program – Planning and Acquisition | FL | Recreational Use | 62,979 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
13-2: Cross Florida Barge Canal Boat Ramp - E&D | FL | Recreational Use | 695,024 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
14-1: Artificial Reef Program - E&D and Monitoring | FL | Recreational Use | 778,622 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
Alabama Gulf Seafood Marketing | AL | Human and Social | 2,997,422 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
State Expenditure Plan #14 Replacement of Substandard Facilities at the ADEM Coastal Office and Mobile Field Office | AL | Other | 8,088,599 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
State Expenditure Plan #2: Development of a Regional Strategic Plan for the Coastal Alabama Region | AL | Recreational Use | 681,361 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
State Expenditure Plan #5: Characterization and Delineation of Significant Sand Resource Areas Essential for Beach Restoration | AL | Science | 1,234,074 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
Mobile Bay National Estuary Program - Implementation | AL | Environmental | 1,742,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
FY20 RESTORE Nature Based Tourism | TX | Recreational Use | 7,580,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
Hancock County Marsh Living Shoreline | MS | Environmental | 5,992,526 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
Mississippi Sound Oyster Shell Recycling Program | MS | Other | 649,722 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
Upper Mobile Bay Beneficial Use Wetland Creation Site (Planning) | AL | Environmental | 2,500,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
State Expenditure Plan #13: Longevity, Stability & Water Quality Improvements to Bon Secour DMDA | AL | Environmental | 585,159 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
State Expenditure Plan #8: Aloe Bay/Mississippi Sound Water Quality Enhancement Project | AL | Environmental | 268,290,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
RW TIG - Colonial Waterbird Monitoring | AL, FL, LA, MS, TX | Science | 2,494,256 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Hancock County Coastal Preserve Habitat Management-Wachovia Tract | MS | Environmental | 1,760,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Wolf River Coastal Preserve Habitat Management-Dupont Tract and Bell’s Ferry Tract | MS | Environmental | 3,127,500 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Mississippi Oyster Gardening Program | MS | Environmental | 500,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Oyster Spawning Reefs in Mississippi | MS | Environmental | 10,000,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Bird’s Foot Delta Hydrologic Restoration | LA | Environmental | 6,000,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Grande Cheniere Ridge Marsh Creation | LA | Environmental | 65,000,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Terrebonne HNC Island Restoration | LA | Environmental | 38,400,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Howard Creek Lower Landing Acquisition | FL | Recreational Use | 671,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Walton Works Training Center Of Excellence | FL | Human and Social | 1,504,494 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Planning Assistance For The Eleven Mile Creek Stream Restoration Design | FL | Environmental | 1,370,515 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Soar With Restore Workforce Development Program | FL | Human and Social | 899,800 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Ted Sperling Park At South Lido Beach Improvements | FL | Recreational Use | 1,874,091 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Restoring Florida's Shorebird and Seabird Populations - Phase II | FL | Environmental | 10,100,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Marine Mammal Pathobiology Laboratory | FL | Environmental | 16,766,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Ladson Tract Conservation Easement | FL | Environmental | 118,582 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Hydrological Restoration of Brazoria National Wildlife Refuge Wetlands - Phase II | TX | Environmental | 911,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Carancahua Bay Habitat Preservation and Enhancement - Phase II | TX | Environmental | 6,100,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Bon Secour River Headwaters Restoration - Phase II | AL | Environmental | 5,100,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Migratory Bird Habitat Creation in the Lower Mississippi River Valley | MS | Environmental | 6,027,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Bahia Grande Habitat Restoration - Phase II | TX | Environmental | 5,640,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Powderhorn Lake and Matagorda Bay Shoreline Conservation - Phase I | TX | Environmental | 560,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Wolf Creek Headwaters Restoration - Phase I | AL | Environmental | 500,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Ecological and social drivers of mangrove expansion and restoration in the future Gulf of Mexico | MA, GOM | Science | 697,868 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
A Coupled Natural-Human Framework for Risk Assessment of Coastal Communities from Land-Use and Climate Change | AL | Science | 1,113,056 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Development of Gulf Coast Resiliency Management Plan Using Sentinel Species and Natural Infrastructure | TX | Science | 1,204,180 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Ecological and Economic Impacts of Land-Use and Climate Change on Coastal Food Webs and Fisheries | FL | Science | 1,107,499 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
OysterFlows: Using Science and Data Visualization to Evaluate Freshwater Impacts to Oysters in the Gulf | LA, GOM | Science | 557,171 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Panacea or Pandora’s Box: Coastal Restoration and Recreational Fishing Livelihoods in Salt Marshes of Coastal Louisiana | LA | Science | 588,579 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Early Career Research Fellow - Matthew Ajemian | FL | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early Career Research Fellow - Christine Angelini | FL | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early Career Research Fellow - Monica Patrice Barra | SC | Human and Social | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early Career Research Fellow - Marshall Bowles | LA | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early Career Research Fellow - Kelly Dunning | AL | Environmental | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early Career Research Fellow - Cassandra Glaspie | LA | Environmental | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early Career Research Fellow - Vikram Kapoor | TX | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early Career Research Fellow - Joshua Lewis | LA | Environmental | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early Career Research Fellow - Sarah Lowe | CT | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early Career Research Fellow - Vineetha Menon | AL | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early Career Research Fellow - Hamed Moftakhari | AL | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early Career Research Fellow - Aditya Nayak | FL | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early Career Research Fellow - Natalie Nelson | NC | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early Career Research Fellow - Mike Polito | LA | Environmental | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early Career Research Fellow - Borja Reguero | CA | Environmental | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early Career Research Fellow - Garett Sansom | TX | Environmental | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early Career Research Fellow - Amina Schartup | CA | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early Career Research Fellow - Stephanie Smallegan | AL | Environmental | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early Career Research Fellow - Elyse Zavar | TX | Environmental | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early Career Research Fellow - Phoebe Zito | LA | Science | 76,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Hanna Bauer | TX | Human and Social | 55,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Jeanne Bloomberg | MS | Human and Social | 55,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Simone Chapman | FL | Human and Social | 55,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Rachel Correll | TX | Human and Social | 55,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Stephen Formel | MS | Human and Social | 55,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Ellen Kujawa | LA | Human and Social | 55,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Carey Schafer | GA | Human and Social | 55,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - John Schiff | LA | Human and Social | 60,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Jennifer Summers | LA | Human and Social | 60,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Dauphin Island East End Beach and Dune Restoration - Phase I | AL | Environmental | 1,400,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Mississippi Beachfront Resilience | MS | Environmental | 4,998,347 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
Activity #9: Beneficial Use of Dredge Material for Marsh Creation and Restoration in Mississippi | MS | Environmental | 18,970,873 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
State Expenditure Plan #19: Meaher Park Improvements | AL | Recreational Use | 4,583,500 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
24-1: Adaptive Planning and Compliance Project | FL | Other | 604,602 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
Gulf of Mexico Habitat Restoration via Conservation Corps Partnerships/Youth Conservation Corps 2 | LA, MS, AL, FL | Human and Social | 300,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Comprehensive Living Shoreline Monitoring (Planning and Implementation) | AL | Environmental | 4,000,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Houma Navigation Canal Lock Complex (Implementation) | LA | Environmental | 189,853,512 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
White Island Restoration | FL | Environmental | 9,000,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Bon Secour National Wildlife Refuge Recreation Enhancement - Mobile Street Boardwalk Restoration | AL | Recreational Use | 3,227,212 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
LA TIG Restoration Plan #8: Wetlands, Coastal, and Nearshore Habitats | LA | Other | 312,007 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
TX TIG Restoration Plan #2 | TX | Other | 530,947 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Beulah Master Plan | FL | Other | 631,220 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Center For Security And Emerging Technologies | MS | Human and Social | 3,299,737 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Work- Ready Community Program | MS | Human and Social | 6,042,846 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
State Expenditure Plan #21 - Alabama Point Seawall Repair | AL | Environmental | 112,323 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
State Expenditure Plan #1-Environmental Restoration of Cotton Bayou & Terry Cove (Phase 1-Planning) | AL | Environmental | 550,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
State Expenditure Plan #6: City of Chickasaw Sewer Rehabilitation Project | AL | Environmental | 1,339,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
18-2: Portosueno Park Living Shoreline | FL | Environmental | 689,687 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
16-2: Wastewater Collection System Improvements - E&D | FL | Environmental | 2,085,262 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
1-1: Bayou Chico Contaminated Sediment Remediation Project - E&D | FL | Environmental | 1,121,773 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
LA TIG-Lower Trophic Level Inventory | LA | Science | 8,387,458 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Evaluating Orientation Response of Sea Turtle Hatchlings to Physical Cues on Nesting Beaches | FL | Environmental | 315,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Open Ocean TIG Restoration Plan-EA #3: Birds and Sturgeon | GOM | Other | 681,305 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
St. Vincent National Wildlife Refuge Access and Recreational Improvements through Acquisition at Indian Pass | FL | Recreational Use | 5,586 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Pensacola Beach Fort Pickens Road Wildlife Lighting Retrofits | FL | Environmental | 540,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Egmont Key National Wildlife Refuge Vegetation Management and Dune Retention | FL | Environmental | 1,032,922 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Bay Adams Headland Restoration And Marsh Creation (Cpra Master Plan Project Id: 002.Rc.101) Phase 1 | LA | Environmental | 1,194,728 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
County-Wide Dune Restoration Planning | FL | Environmental | 110,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
St. George Island Storm Water Drainage Improvement Planning | FL | Environmental | 108,250 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
St. Andrew/St. Joseph Bays Estuary Program (Sasjbep) | FL | Environmental | 720,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Buccaneer State Park Improvements | MS | Recreational Use | 1,163,386 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Point Cadet Marina Upgrades | MS | Recreational Use | 3,299,737 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Arnaudville Pavilion | LA | Recreational Use | 335,927 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
North Bay Wastewater System Reuse | FL | Environmental | 1,500,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Cbep Comprehensive Conservation And Management Plan Development | FL | Environmental | 437,500 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Plant Removal And Habitat Improvement In Walton County'S Rare Coastal Dune Lakes Project 3 | FL | Environmental | 113,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Multi-Port Energy Router Using Intelligent Transformers (MERIT) to Interconnect Renewable Resources and Subsea Oil and Gas Factories via HVDC Link | TX | Science | 139,500 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
General Operations of the SSI Center of Excellence | TX | Other | 490,022 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Asset Integrity of Valves and Bolted Connections | TX | Science | 139,500 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
High Accuracy Localization and Underwater Communication | TX | Science | 139,500 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Developing Bio-Inspired Buoyancy Control for Subsea Service AUVs | TX | Science | 128,264 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Operational and Administrative Costs for the Texas OneGulf Center of Excellence | TX | Other | 427,585 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Sensors Based on Organic Electrochemical Transistors | TX | Science | 127,190 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
High-Energy High-Power Quasi-Solid State Lithium Batteries for Subsea Applications | TX | Science | 107,650 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Geospatial Framework and Analysis for Coastal Resilience, South Texas Coastal Bend | TX | Human and Social | 432,574 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Quantify marsh edge erodibility as a function of salinity and nutrients | LA | Science | 497,849 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Flooding, migration, and economic change in coastal Louisiana | LA | Science | 426,544 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Improving the Design and Construction Practice of Marsh Creation Projects | LA | Science | 95,760 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Projecting 50 years of relative sealevel rise in coastal Louisiana | LA | Science | 99,910 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Patch-scale effect of saltwater intrusion on carbon fluxes in coastal areas | LA | Science | 86,319 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Dynamics of N and P cycling across Barataria Basin | LA | Science | 91,798 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Ecological and Social Ridge Dynamics in the Barataria-Terrebonne Basins | LA | Science | 495,368 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Subsidence related to subsurface stratigraphy in diversion receiving basins | LA | Science | 499,675 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Releases on the Functional Integrity of Salt Marshes and Seagrass Meadows and Associated Fauna | AL, FL | Science | 74,750 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Investigation of the Three Dimensional Eulerian Flow and Resulting Lagrangian Transport Pathways on the Alabama Shelf pathways on the Alabama shelf | AL, CO, FL | Science | 41,400 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Modeling of Circulation and Physical Transport for the Alabama Coastal Waters to Assess Transport and Distribution of Oil-Derived Substances | AL, LA | Science | 53,055 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Impacts of the Deep Horizon Accident on Food Web Structure in the North Central Gulf of Mexico | AL, FL | Science | 206,389 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Recovery: Sentinel Macrofauna | AL, NM | Science | 272,700 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Acute Effects of Oil on Northern Gulf of Mexico Reefs and Reef Communities | AL, DC, FL | Science | 236,929 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Food Web Impacts of Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on Coastal Alabama Waterfowl | AL | Science | 199,223 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Impacts of the Deep Horizon Oil Spill on Ecosystem Structure and Function in Alabama's Marine Waters | AL, FL, MS | Science | 83,481 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Recovery: Plankton | AL, FL, MS, ESP - IB | Science | 404,897 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Does the 'Priming Effect' Caused by the DWH Oil-spill Result in Increased Microbial and Zooplankton Consumption of Labile and Refractory Dissolved Organic Carbon? Phase II | AL, GA, MS, ESP - IB, CAN - PQ | Science | 274,783 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Potential Impacts of the DWH Oil Spill on Fishery Resources: Will There be Reduced Recruitment of Economically Important Shrimp, Crabs, and Finfish in Seagrass and Marsh Nursery Habitats of the North Central Gulf of Mexico? | AL, FL | Science | 193,775 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
NGI/BP Gulf Research Initiative Phase I and II Education and Outreach Support | AL | Science | 65,615 | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program | BP |
Bayou Dularge Ridge Restoration, Marsh Creation & Hydrologic Restoration Phase 1 (Tribal Proposal) (Planning) | LA | Other | 4,260,677 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Biloxi Marsh Living Shoreline (Planning) | LA | Other | 2,568,167 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
West Grand Terre Beach Nourishment and Stabilization (Planning) | LA | Other | 3,608,221 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Golden Triangle Marsh Creation (Planning) | LA | Other | 2,778,769 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Sea Grant Education and Outreach (Planning & Implementation) | MS | Human and Social | 592,485 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Mississippi River Reintroduction into Maurepas Swamp (Planning) | LA | Other | 14,190,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Lowermost Mississippi River Management (Planning) | LA | Other | 9,300,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Coastal Alabama Comprehensive Watershed Restoration Planning Project (Planning) | AL | Environmental | 4,342,500 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Alabama Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Restoration and Monitoring Program (Implementation) | AL | Environmental | 875,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Enhancing Opportunities for Beneficial Use (BU) of Dredge Sediments in the Mississippi Sound | MS | Other | 2,178,847 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Strategic Land Protection, Conservation, and Enhancement of Priority Gulf Coast Landscapes in MS (Implementation) | MS | Environmental | 15,500,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Enhancing Opportunities for Beneficial Use of Dredge Sediments | AL | Environmental | 3,000,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Alabama Living Shorelines Program (Construction Planning Component) | AL | Environmental | 908,500 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Adaptive Management | LA | Environmental | 60,124,929 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
Houma Navigation Canal Lock Complex (Planning) | LA | Other | 18,520,214 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
Compatibility, Coordination and Restoration Planning | MS | Other | 2,759,505 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
Mississippi Gulf Coast Water Quality Improvement Program | MS | Science | 14,326,789 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
Laboratory to Support Mississippi Gulf Coast Water Quality Improvement Program | MS | Other | 1,133,224 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
Pascagoula Oyster Reef Complex Relay and Enhancement | MS | Environmental | 4,100,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
Gulf of Mexico Coast Conservation Corps (GulfCorps) Program | AL, FL, LA, MS, TX | Environmental | 11,971,250 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Gulf of Mexico Conservation Enhancement Grant Program | AL, FL, LA, MS, TX | Environmental | 2,472,917 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
7-3: Apalachicola Bay Cooperative Dredging | FL | Human and Social | 1,060,333 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
18-10: Kingfish Boat Ramp Renovation and Expansion - Construction | FL | Recreational Use | 4,538,586 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
State Expenditure Plan #20: Mobile County Dirt Road Paving (Sediment Reduction) Program | AL | Environmental | 10,395,914 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
Characterizing cryptic mortality in Gulf of Mexico reef fish: Evaluating the nature and extent of depredation | MS | Science | 118,023 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 4: NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program | Transocean |
Integrating socioeconomic impacts into fisheries restoration decisions | GOM | Science | 121,735 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 4: NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program | Transocean |
Knowledge co-production for place-based recreational fishery conservation in Charlotte Harbor, Florida | FL | Science | 114,058 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 4: NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program | Transocean |
Is the Bahia Granda currently functioning as a fishes nursery, and what are the associated resource management implications? | TX | Science | 126,663 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 4: NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program | Transocean |
Planning a next-generation forecasting platform to achieve stock assessment and management objectives | GOM | Science | 81,047 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 4: NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program | Transocean |
A decision-driven integrated ecosystem approach to maximize benefits of barrier islands restoration and management of the Chandeleur Islands for seagrass and associated communities | LA | Science | 127,065 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 4: NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program | Transocean |
Restoration of Gulf of Mexico islands and beaches for wildlife: Reducing the uncertainty | LA | Science | 102,694 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 4: NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program | Transocean |
Decision support for multi-species coastal habitat management on properties with multi-use objectives | FL | Science | 97,200 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 4: NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program | Transocean |
Structured decision making to co-produce an actionable science plan in support of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama Coastal System water quality management | LA | Science | 126,646 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 4: NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program | Transocean |
Co-production of a water flow decision tool to support resource management | TX | Science | 124,998 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 4: NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program | Transocean |
From planning to adaptive management: Natural resources decision making in response to the allocation of riverine inflows in the Northern Gulf of Mexico | LA | Science | 124,926 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 4: NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program | Transocean |
Incorporating co-benefits and costs to coastal hazard mitigation decision making | LA | Science | 115,482 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 4: NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program | Transocean |
Restoring coastal wetlands for shorebirds: Leveraging lessons learned to identify research priorities and strategies to maximize future success | TX | Science | 122,346 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 4: NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program | Transocean |
Designing effective stewardship and post-restoration management plans through co-production to protect vulnerable Gulf of Mexico coastal birds | GOM | Science | 99,758 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 4: NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program | Transocean |
Creating secure warm-water habitat networks for manatees along Florida’s Gulf Coast: Developing a vision, identifying gaps, and prioritizing restoration sites | FL | Science | 124,996 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 4: NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program | Transocean |
Developing a research framework to support assessments of cumulative effects from multiple stressors on dolphins in the Houston area under CERCLA and OPA | TX | Science | 65,113 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 4: NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program | Transocean |
The potential for conservation grazing in coastal uplands | MS | Science | 130,200 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 4: NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program | Transocean |
Building resilience into seagrass bed restoration: The role of genetic variation | LA | Science | 121,081 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 4: NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program | Transocean |
Tampa Bay restoration and Pyrodinium bahamense blooms dynamics: Filling knowledge gaps to enhance recovery | FL | Science | 103,503 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 4: NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program | Transocean |
Planning for a future of marsh creation: Evaluating the decision to continue to create high elevation confined marshes | LA | Science | 78,260 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 4: NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program | Transocean |
Gulfarium Care Center | FL | Environmental | 87,181 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Bayou Benoit Dock Extension | LA | Recreational Use | 240,500 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Salvation Army Center Of Hope | MS | Human and Social | 1,315,796 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Gomez Key Oyster Reef Expansion and Breakwaters for American Oystercatchers | FL | Environmental | 5,073,904 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Northeast Florida Coastal Predation Management | FL | Environmental | 449,295 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Florida Shorebird and Seabird Stewardship and Habitat Management – 5 Years | FL | Environmental | 10,500,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Increased Observers and Outreach to Reduce Incidental Hooking of Sea Turtles in Recreational Fisheries along Florida’s Gulf Coast | FL | Environmental | 1,394,808 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Reducing Threats to Sea Turtles through Removal of In-water Marine Debris along Florida’s Gulf Coast | FL | Environmental | 3,667,400 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Assessing Risk and Conducting Public Outreach to Reduce Vessel Strikes on Sea Turtles along Florida’s Gulf Coast | FL | Environmental | 1,155,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Pensacola Community Maritime Park Public Fishing Marina | FL | Recreational Use | 3,190,502 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Baars Park and Sanders Beach Kayak Fishing Trail Access Upgrades | FL | Recreational Use | 1,402,531 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Gulf Breeze Parks Boating and Fishing Access Upgrades | FL | Recreational Use | 1,221,660 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Lincoln Park Boat Ramp and Dock Improvements | FL | Recreational Use | 457,500 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Florida Artificial Reef Creation and Restoration – Phase 2 | FL | Recreational Use | 10,404,055 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Apollo Beach Recreational Sportfish Hatchery Facility | FL | Recreational Use | 8,320,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Perdido Key Sediment Placement | FL | Environmental | 6,773,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Conducting Habitat Suitability Analyses to Identify Optimal Oyster Restoration Locations Along Florida's Gulf Coast | FL | Environmental | 2,802,812 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Johnson Beach Access Management and Habitat Protection | FL | Environmental | 3,200,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Tiger Point Wastewater Treatment & Reclamation Facility Expansion | FL | Other | 6,000,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Rockefeller Refuge Shoreline Stabilization Project | MS | Other | 10,224,441 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
East Bay Living Shoreline And Seagrass Project | MS | Human and Social | 1,186,543 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Perdido River Land Conservation & Habitat Enhancements | AL | Environmental | 26,880,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
SEP #10: Bayou La Batre Collection System/Lift Station Upgrades | AL | Environmental | 13,189,150 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
Apalachicola River Ecosystem Land Acquisition & Management | FL | Environmental | 32,973,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Point Cadet Nearshore Habitat Restoration -- Planning | MS | Environmental | 410,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Bellefontaine Nearshore Habitat Restoration -- Planning | MS | Environmental | 1,040,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
West Hancock County Nearshore Habitat Restoration Project - Phase I - Planning | MS | Environmental | 1,410,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Graveline Bay Marsh Restoration - Phase II | AL | Environmental | 6,437,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Dauphin Island Beach Nourishment Engineering and Design | AL | Environmental | 1,143,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Fowl River Watershed Restoration: Coastal Spits and Wetlands Project – Phase II | AL | Environmental | 19,798,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Deer River Coastal Marsh Stabilization & Restoration - Phase II | AL | Environmental | 16,046,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Offshore Artificial Reef and Habitat Enhancement: Barrier Island Reefs | MS | Environmental | 3,125,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Artificial Reef and Habitat Enhancement: Katrina Key | MS | Environmental | 8,500,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Inshore Artificial Reef Assessment and Petit Bois Planning - Phase I | MS | Environmental | 662,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Using ecosystem modeling to understand the impacts of seagrass restoration and red tides on sea turtles, marine mammals, and seabirds on the West Florida Shelf | FL | Science | 308,279 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Predicting benefits in Panhandle Estuary Systems: A partnership to quantify impacts, stressors, and outcomes using adaptive management frameworks | FL | Environmental | 499,996 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Understanding genomic, behavioral, and microbial drivers of ontogenetic shifts in early sea turtle foraging ecology and habitat use | FL | Science | 339,867 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
After the tide: Characterizing sub-lethal effects of a catastrophic red tide on nesting sea turtles | FL | Science | 233,333 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Tissue Clocks: new methods for ageing and decoding sea turtle life histories | FL | Science | 395,364 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Health and movements of Florida’s dolphins | FL | Science | 364,432 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Developing a standardized framework for data integration and distribution on the west Florida Shelf | FL | Science | 349,723 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Spawning Habitat and Early-life Linkages to Fisheries Phase III (SHELF III) | FL | Science | 1,205,826 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
State Expenditure Plan #24: Storm Water Management Improvements for Toulmin Springs Branch and Gum Tree Branch | AL | Environmental | 1,222,744 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
13-1: NW Quadrant Sewer Force Main Project – Construction | FL | Environmental | 5,997,571 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
18-6: Applied Research for Shellfish Aquaculture | FL | Science | 349,885 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
Florida Strategic Gulf Coast Land Acquisition Program (Planning & Implementation): Apalachicola River Ecosystem Land Acquisition Workplan: Upper Phase III A | FL | Environmental | 14,000,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Coastal Dune Lakes Hydrological Restoration Project | FL | Recreational Use | 1,175,396 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Islenos Community Archive Project | LA | Human and Social | 102,890 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Bayou Terre aux Boeufs Ridge Armoring Project | LA | Environmental | 1,300,178 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
North Santa Rosa WWTP | MS | Human and Social | 1,099,513 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Robinson Preserve Expansion Phase III Coastal Habitat Enhancements Project | TX | Other | 2,372,845 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
FY22 RESTORE Shoreline & Beach Restoration (BKT 3) | TX | Environmental | 8,680,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
Develop Ecological Flow Decision-Support for Mobile River & Perdido River Basins | AL | Science | 3,400,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
State Expenditure Plan #26: Little Lagoon Restoration Project | AL | Environmental | 6,175,557 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
10-2: Hodges Park Rehabilitation | FL | Recreational Use | 1,075,161 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
8-1: Wakulla Springshed Water Quality Protection Program - Otter Creek WWTF Construction | FL | Environmental | 7,721,441 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
3-4: Shoal River Headwaters Protection Program-Phase I Construction | FL | Environmental | 1,431,554 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
15-1: Port Richey Watershed Stormwater Management Project-Construction | FL | Environmental | 5,090,277 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
Wind-Tidal Flat Restoration Pilot (Planning & Implementation) | TX | Environmental | 321,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Florida Water Quality Improvement Program (Planning) | FL | Environmental | 6,750,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Florida Gulf Coast Resiliency Program (Planning) | FL | Environmental | 5,600,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
2-1: Santa Rosa Sound Water Quality Improvement Program - Monitoring | FL | Environmental | 3,460,834 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
State Expenditure Plan #4: Auburn University Gulf Coast Engineering Research Station | AL | Other | 11,295,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
State Expenditure Plan #3: Expansion of the Orange Beach Wildlife Rehabilitation and Education Center | AL | Other | 1,192,255 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
AL TIG Restoration Plan 2 | AL | Other | 0 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
RW TIG Restoration Plan-Environmental Assessment #1 | AL, FL, LA, MN, MS, GOM, TX | Other | 660,911 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Conservation and Enhancement of Nesting and Foraging Habitat for Birds | AL, LA, MS, TX | Environmental | 22,500,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Weeks Bay Land Acquisition (Lloyd Tract) | AL | Environmental | 3,606,900 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Reducing Marine Debris Impacts on Birds and Sea Turtles | AL, FL, LA, MS, TX | Environmental | 7,040,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
LA TIG Phase 2 Restoration Plan #7.1: Birds | LA | Other | 108,678 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Enhance Marine Mammal Stranding Network Diagnostic Capabilities and Consistency across the Gulf of Mexico | AL, FL, LA, MS, TX | Environmental | 2,300,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Pilot Implementation of Automatic Identification System in the Gulf of Mexico Inshore Shrimp Fishery to Inform Efforts to Reduce Sea Turtle Bycatch | AL, FL, LA, MS, TX | Environmental | 2,231,124 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Bird Nesting and Foraging Area Stewardship | AL, FL, MS, TX | Environmental | 8,510,750 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Restore and Enhance Sea Turtle Nest Productivity | AL, FL, MS, MX - TAM | Environmental | 7,655,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Louisiana Barrier Island Comprehensive Monitoring Program | LA | Science | 6,627,039 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Monitoring the Effects of Coastal Wetland Restoration on Fish and Invertebrates | LA | Science | 5,327,350 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Sea Turtle Habitat Use and Abundance in Eastern Louisiana Waters | LA | Science | 1,681,993 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Monitoring Approaches for Bottlenose Dolphin Restoration in Louisiana | LA | Science | 641,966 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Modeling to Inform Sustainable Oyster Populations in Louisiana Estuaries | LA | Science | 2,251,670 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Barrier Island System Management Program | LA | Science | 1,622,927 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Louisiana Interactive Lessons Learned Database | LA | Science | 630,991 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Characterizing the Barrier Island Geomorphic State | LA | Science | 703,592 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Quantifying Changes in Wetland Area and Habitat Types | LA | Science | 638,205 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Clower Thornton Nature Park Trail Improvement | MS | Recreational Use | 630,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Improve Native Habitat by Removing Marine Debris from Mississippi Barrier Islands | MS | Environmental | 3,000,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Maintaining Enhanced Marine Mammal Stranding Network Capacity and Diagnostic Capabilities | MS | Environmental | 2,350,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Reduction of Marine Mammal Fishery Interactions through Trawl Technique and Component Material Improvements | MS | Environmental | 3,090,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Maintaining Enhanced Sea Turtle Stranding Network Capacity and Diagnostic Capabilities | MS | Environmental | 2,500,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Bird Stewardship and Enhanced Monitoring in Mississippi | MS | Environmental | 6,105,500 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Environmental Education and Stewardship at Walter Anderson Museum of Art | MS | Recreational Use | 1,356,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Gulf of Mexico Leading with Equity in Adaptation Practice (LEAP) Program | TX | Human and Social | 299,994 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Building Small Town and Rural Resilience Through Equity-Informed Land-Use Planning and Policy | TX | Human and Social | 300,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
JUST CoP: Joining to Understand and Strengthen Trust for Climate and Resilience Community of Practice | MS | Human and Social | 299,982 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Linking Coastal-Watershed Resilience to Urban Reinvestment: Build Baton Rouge and Louisiana Watershed Initiative Region 7 | LA | Human and Social | 298,259 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Equity Informed Climate Resilience Planning for a Texas Gulf Coastal Golden Triangle At-Risk Community | TX | Human and Social | 274,243 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Understanding and Overcoming Data Biases to Enable More Equitable and Reliable Flood Alert | TX | Human and Social | 300,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Heat Vulnerability Playbook: Preparing Tampa’s At-Risk Communities for Extreme Heat | FL | Human and Social | 299,603 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Democratizing Data for Equitable Recovery | LA | Human and Social | 300,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Incorporating Equity and Social Vulnerability into the Design of Flood Risk Mitigation Strategies | IN | Human and Social | 299,913 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Ripples to Waves: Developing Standards for Place-Based, Justice-Centered Environmental Science Curriculum on the Gulf Coast | LA | Science | 1,133,149 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Providing Environmental Justice Education to Louisiana Youth | LA | Science | 1,209,126 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
STEMMING THE TIDE: Empowering Youth to Meet Coastal Environmental Challenges | AL | Science | 1,250,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Environmental and Climate Justice Storytellers Collective (ECJS Collective) | LA | Science | 1,250,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Texas Gulf Coast STEMM Youth Environmental Leadership Program | NY | Science | 1,243,984 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Science Education Achievement - Watershed Environmental Justice (SEA-WEJ) | FL | Science | 128,733 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Environmental Justice (EJ) Youth Expose to STEMM (YES) Program - EJ YES Program | FL | Science | 529,290 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Mississippi Gulf Coast Environmental Justice STEMM Leadership Development Program | MS | Science | 970,737 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Facilitating Dynamic Adaptive Pathways for Coastal Decision-Makers through Land Ice and Water Projections | PA | Environmental | 1,999,672 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Improving Prediction and Projection of Gulf of Mexico Sea-Level Changes Using Eddy-Resolving Earth System Models | TX | Environmental | 1,507,437 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Coherent dynamic sea-level changes along the Gulf Coast: physics, seasonal predictions, and long-term projections | CA | Environmental | 1,124,699 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
When the Water Lives, We Live: Cohort-Based Community Engagement and Planning in Southcentral Alaska | AK | Human and Social | 299,688 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Creation of a Community Resilience Registry: The Case for Fifth Ward and Kashmere Gardens | TX | Human and Social | 300,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Engaging New Orleanians in community-based flood monitoring and campaigns to discuss impacts and resilience. | LA | Human and Social | 300,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Community Art Living Shorelines (C.A.L.S.) | LA | Human and Social | 134,571 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Reclaiming the Narrative: Cultivating Black Innovation in Green Spaces | LA | Human and Social | 300,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Engaging Community Leaders in Tampa Bay through Storytelling and Personal Experiences of Climate Change | LA | Human and Social | 299,020 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
The Loop Current and the Mississippi-Atchafalaya River System: interactions, variability and modeling requirements | GA | Science | 240,729 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Loop Current System SSH and subsurface current prediction with a transfer learning approach | FL | Science | 346,179 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Technology and Methods for Yucatán Channel Monitoring | CA | Science | 414,868 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
M-O-M-S on the Bayou: Implementation of an intervention for mental health in pregnancy | LA | Human and Social | 999,306 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Testing the Feasibility of an Online Stress Management Intervention for Disaster Exposed Young Adult Vietnamese-Americans | NY | Human and Social | 999,661 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Nature-based therapy: A socioecological and RE-AIM approach to treating disaster-related PTSD in flood-vulnerable communities | TX | Human and Social | 448,879 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Reducing Disparities in Disaster-Related Mental Health Burden: Adaptating a multi-level intervention to build community-based response | LA | Human and Social | 999,992 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
An Operational System using Real-time Subsurface Observations to Improve Loop Current Forecasts | MA | Science | 7,609,329 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Advancing Gulf of Mexico Operational Forecasting with Application to Fisheries, Industry Safety, and Natural Hazards (GOFFISH) | FL | Science | 8,998,374 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Gulf Consortium for Offshore Risk Reduction Engaging Stakeholders (GulfCORES) | TX | Science | 5,400,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Theodore Hilton | MS | Human and Social | 55,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Jordan Logarbo | FL | Human and Social | 55,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Miranda Madrid | MS | Human and Social | 55,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Jackson Martinez | LA | Human and Social | 55,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Blair Morrison | FL | Human and Social | 55,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Allison Snider | LA | Human and Social | 60,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Kirstie Tandberg | MS | Human and Social | 60,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Science Policy Fellow - Matthew Varkony | FL | Human and Social | 55,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early Career Research Fellow Track 3 (Offshore Energy Safety) - Irfan Khan | TX | Human and Social | 75,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early Career Research Fellow Track 3 (Offshore Energy Safety) - Binbin Wang | TX | Human and Social | 75,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early Career Research Fellow Track 3 (Offshore Energy Safety) - Paul Miller | LA | Human and Social | 75,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early Career Research Fellow Track 3 (Offshore Energy Safety) - Changwon Son | TX | Human and Social | 75,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early Career Research Fellow Track 3 (Offshore Energy Safety) - Ranjana Mehta | TX | Human and Social | 75,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early Career Research Fellow Track 3 (Offshore Energy Safety) - Brendy Rincoon Troconis | MO | Human and Social | 75,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early Career Research Fellow Track 2 (Environmental Protection and Stewardship Track) - Jeseth Delgado Vela | DC | Human and Social | 75,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early Career Research Fellow Track 2 (Environmental Protection and Stewardship Track) - Brandi Kiel Reese | AL | Human and Social | 75,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early Career Research Fellow Track 2 (Environmental Protection and Stewardship Track) - Robert Miller | LA | Human and Social | 75,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early Career Research Fellow Track 2 (Environmental Protection and Stewardship Track) - Sylvia Dee | TX | Human and Social | 75,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early Career Research Fellow Track 2 (Environmental Protection and Stewardship Track) - Lauren Fuess | TX | Human and Social | 75,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early Career Research Fellow Track 2 (Environmental Protection and Stewardship Track) - Ebeneezer Nyadjro | MS | Human and Social | 75,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early Career Research Fellow Track 2 (Environmental Protection and Stewardship Track) - Yina Liu | TX | Human and Social | 75,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early Career Research Fellow Track 2 (Environmental Protection and Stewardship Track) - Mauricio Arias | FL | Human and Social | 75,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early Career Research Fellow Track 1 (Human Health and Community Resilience Track) - Micah Hahn | AK | Human and Social | 75,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early Career Research Fellow Track 1 (Human Health and Community Resilience Track) - Adrienne Katner | LA | Human and Social | 75,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early Career Research Fellow Track 1 (Human Health and Community Resilience Track) - Dongying Li | TX | Human and Social | 75,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early Career Research Fellow Track 1 (Human Health and Community Resilience Track) - Alexis Merdjanoff | NY | Human and Social | 75,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early Career Research Fellow Track 1 (Human Health and Community Resilience Track) - Kelsey Pieper | MA | Human and Social | 75,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early Career Research Fellow Track 1 (Human Health and Community Resilience Track) - Eric Sarmiento | TX | Human and Social | 75,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early Career Research Fellow Track 1 (Human Health and Community Resilience Track) - Janille Smith-Colin | TX | Human and Social | 75,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early Career Research Fellow Track 1 (Human Health and Community Resilience Track) - Ruijie Bian | LA | Human and Social | 75,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early Career Research Fellow Track 1 (Human Health and Community Resilience Track) - Xilei Zhao | FL | Human and Social | 75,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early Career Research Fellow Track 1 (Human Health and Community Resilience Track) - Renato Molina | FL | Human and Social | 75,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early Career Research Fellow Track 1 (Human Health and Community Resilience Track) - Jennifer Scott | LA | Human and Social | 75,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early Career Research Fellow Track 1 (Human Health and Community Resilience Track) - Kristin Nielsen | TX | Human and Social | 75,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Early Career Research Fellow - Andia Chaves Fonnegra | FL | Human and Social | 75,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships | BP and Transocean |
Collab Grant - Michael Martinez-Colon - Novel application of the FORAM ecosystem health index to coral reefs in the Gulf of Mexico: An investigation of microbial mediation of heavy metal bioavailability | FL | Human and Social | 73,346 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Collab Grant - Jill McDermott - Novel application of the FORAM ecosystem health index to coral reefs in the Gulf of Mexico: An investigation of microbial mediation of heavy metal bioavailability | PA | Human and Social | 37,704 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Collab Grant - Adrienne Correa - Novel application of the FORAM ecosystem health index to coral reefs in the Gulf of Mexico: An investigation of microbial mediation of heavy metal bioavailability | TX | Human and Social | 56,369 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Collab Grant - Christopher Patrick - Moving upstream: Quantifying materials flow between estuaries and coastal rivers | TX | Human and Social | 93,642 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Collab Grant - Hannah Vander Zanden - Moving upstream: Quantifying materials flow between estuaries and coastal rivers | FL | Human and Social | 34,853 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Collab Grant - Wanyun Shao - Cascading Effects of Rising Coastal Risks for Petrochemical Facilities on Socio-Economic-Ecological Vulnerability and Risk Perceptions | AL | Human and Social | 29,436 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Collab Grant - YeongAe Heo - Cascading Effects of Rising Coastal Risks for Petrochemical Facilities on Socio-Economic-Ecological Vulnerability and Risk Perceptions | OH | Human and Social | 30,000 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
Collab Grant - Christoph Aeppli - Cascading Effects of Rising Coastal Risks for Petrochemical Facilities on Socio-Economic-Ecological Vulnerability and Risk Perceptions | ME | Human and Social | 23,354 | NASEM Gulf Research Program Grants | BP and Transocean |
ADCNR Road Infrastructure Project | AL | Human and Social | 1,573,777 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
ALDOT Capacity Improvements - Project 4 North | AL | Human and Social | 21,708,150 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Perdido Boat Ramp Project | FL | Human and Social | 2,500,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Perdido Key Multi-Use Path Project | FL | Human and Social | 4,363,918 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Florida Gulf Coast Tributaries Hydrologic Restoration Program | FL | Environmental | 3,437,500 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
18:1 - Manatee River Oyster Restoration | FL | Environmental | 2,039,612 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
FY22 RESTORE TX LAND ACQUISITION (BKT 2) | TX | Environmental | 24,300,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Impacts of water quality on oyster development to inform oyster reef restoration and sustainability on the Mississippi Gulf Coast | MS | Science | 442,942 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
The distribution of submarine groundwater discharge and its effect on coastal water quality in Mississippi | MS | Science | 450,052 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Optical observation for oyster larvae | MS | Science | 449,907 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Abiotic and biotic influences on current and historic distribution of oyster reefs | MS | Science | 377,388 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Sustainability and restoration of oyster reef habitat in Mississippi Sound: a larval transport and recruitment approach | MS | Science | 344,784 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Water quality and benthic habitat observations for enhanced understanding and sustainable management of oyster reefs in Mississippi Sound | MS | Science | 388,184 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Monitoring, mapping, and visualization of oyster reefs habitat in the Mississippi Gulf Coast | MS | Science | 232,402 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Deepwater Horizon Memorial Internship Program | MS | Science | 70,686 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
MBRACE Synthesis Project | MS | Science | 155,910 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Coastal Environmental Sensitivity Index Mapping of Florida Gulf Coast | FL | Science | 1,473,993 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Florida Gulf Coast Marine Mammal Stranding Network | FL | Environmental | 5,000,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Vessel Surveys for Abundance and Distribution of Marine Mammals and Seabirds | GOM | Science | 2,368,770 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
East Orleans Landbridge Restoration | LA | Environmental | 4,900,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Bayou Dularge Ridge and Marsh Creation | LA | Environmental | 57,500,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Bayou La Loutre Ridge Restoration and Marsh Creation | LA | Environmental | 32,000,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Bird Island Cove Habitat Restoration - Construction | TX | Environmental | 5,000,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Follets Island Habitat Acquisition Phase 2 | TX | Environmental | 3,300,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Jones Bay Oystercatcher Habitat Restoration | TX | Environmental | 2,680,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Laguna Vista Rookery Island Habitat Protection | TX | Environmental | 2,100,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Landscape Scale Oyster Restoration in Galveston Bay | TX | Environmental | 9,500,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Reducing Sea Turtle Mortality Through Removal of Illegal Fishing Gear | TX | Environmental | 2,220,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Texas Breeding Shorebird and Seabird Stewardship Project | TX | Environmental | 3,400,000 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Upper Texas Coast Sea Turtle Rehabilitation Facility | TX | Environmental | 0 | Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA | BP |
Pasco Energy and Marine Centers Restoration and Research Project | TX | Human and Social | 2,564,140 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Gulf Coast Small Business Incubator Capacity Enhancement Project | MS | Human and Social | 400,766 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Stormwater Program (Design and Permitting) Project | FL | Other | 2,500,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Washington Avenue Gateway | TX | Environmental | 4,076,320 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Multiyear Implementation Plan Update Preparation | MS | Human and Social | 8,622,679 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Hollywood Road Extension Bridge over Bayou Black | MS | Human and Social | 5,487,653 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Westward Expansion Of The Cwppra Rockefeller Refuge Gulf Shoreline Stabilization Project | LA | Environmental | 2,116,895 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Rockefeller Refuge Shoreline Stabilization Project | LA | Environmental | 877,112 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
East End Beach and Dune Restoration - Phase II | AL | Environmental | 26,066,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Lower Fish River Watershed Resetoration Phase II | AL | Environmental | 9,003,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Wolf Creek and Sandy Creek Headwaters Restoration (AL) – Phase II | AL | Environmental | 2,788,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Habitat Restoration: Federal Lands Program (MS) - NPS Gulf Islands National Seashore - Phase II | MS | Environmental | 1,578,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Wolf River Tract Acquisition (MS) | MS | Environmental | 15,103,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
East Bay Living Shoreline And Seagrass Project | FL | Environmental | 500,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
North Santa Rosa Wastewater Treatment Plant (Wwtp) | FL | Human and Social | 6,500,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Planning assistance for the Cantonment Community Center design | MS | Other | 1,451,556 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Multiyear Implementation Plan Update Preparation | MS | Human and Social | 2,284,946 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Hollywood Road Extension Bridge over Bayou Black | MS | Human and Social | 3,299,235 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Planning assistance for the Cantonment Community Center design | MS | Human and Social | 691,528 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Enhancing Hydrologic Connectivity in Justin's Bay (Mobile Bay) | AL | Environmental | 1,000,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan | Transocean and Anadarko |
Public / Private Partnership (Accelerate MS) | MS | Human and Social | 2,199,550 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
10-3: Keaton Beach and Steinhatchee Boat Ramps By-Pass | FL | Recreational Use | 383,665 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
13-3: Artificial Reef Program – Implementation | FL | Environmental | 1,246,249 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 3: Spill Impact Component | Transocean and Anadarko |
Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion: Construction | LA | Environmental | 660,000,000 | NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF | BP and Transocean |
Multiyear Implementation Plan Update Preparation | LA | Other | 50,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Hollywood Road Extension Bridge Over Bayou Black Project | LA | Human and Social | 3,240,326 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The Direct Component | Transocean, Anadarko, and BP |
Cantonment Community Center Planning Project | FL | Other | 500,000 | The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 1: The |