Predator Removal and Seabird Nesting Colony Restoration at Mona Island
Implementing Organization
US Department of the Interior
DWH Project Funding
Known Leveraged Funding
Funding Organization
Natural Resource Damage Assessment Trustees (NRDA)
Funding Program
Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA
Project Category
Project Actions
Species Restoration
Targeted Resources
Birds/Bird Habitat
Project Description
This project will increase seabird nesting success and productivity through the removal of invasive plants and animals and the reestablishment of native plants and seabird colonies at Mona Island, Puerto Rico. Restoration activities will occur over eight to ten years and will be conducted in phases. Restoration activities include: (1) vegetation management, including removing invasive plant species and propagating and planting native plants; (2) predator control, including removing invasive rodents, feral cats, and feral pigs; (3) reestablish existing (or establish new) seabird nesting colonies through social attraction techniques; and (4) develop and implement biosecurity measures to reduce the risk of (re)introduction of invasive species.
Ben Frater(251) 517-8019
Project Website
For official trustee information regarding the Deepwater Horizon NRDA, including information regarding the NRDA process and the status of projects, see