Bayou L'Ours Marsh Terracing
Implementing Organization
Ducks Unlimited, Inc.
DWH Project Funding
Known Leveraged Funding
Funding Organization
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
Funding Program
North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA
Project Category
Project Actions
Habitat Restoration and Enhancement
Targeted Resources
Birds/Bird Habitat
Project Description
This project will restore 1,254 acres of coastal marsh and 130 acres of sand dunes in southeast Louisiana. Approximately 75% of the marsh vegetation in the project area has died. The restoration will restore native plant communities using terraces. Marsh terraces use existing soil to create long, linear segments of marsh that are aligned to reduce the effect of erosion, resulting in calm water that promotes the growth of aquatic vegetation. This will create migration and wintering habitat for priority waterfowl and as many as 40 species of other wetland birds, along with alligators, shrimp, blue craps, and other animals.
Project Website
Louisiana Land and Exploration, Lafourche Parish Government, Barataria-Terrebonne Estuary Foundation, Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority
Restore 1254 acres of coastal marsh and 130 acres of sand dunes . 1384 acres impacted in total