Project Page

North Dakota Great Plains X

Implementing Organization

US Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS)


DWH Project Funding


Known Leveraged Funding


Funding Organization

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)

Funding Program

North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA


Project Category


Project Actions

Land Acquisition/Protection

Targeted Resources


Project Description

This project is phase ten of a multi-year project to establish, enhance and protect valuable wetland and associated upland habitat. With our matching partner and grant funds from this project, 2,164 acres of native grasslands and 94 acres of wetlands will be perpetually protected by fee donation or acquired easements. Additionally, 400 acres of cropland will be restored to grassland habitat, and 7,155 upland acres will be enhanced through the implementation of managed grazing systems. These practices will enhance 354 acres of wetlands within the project area. The grazing management components of this project are designed to help private landowners improve the infrastructure needed to implement rotational grazing systems that will improve the overall rangeland condition on their ranches. By installing cross-fences and water developments to create additional paddocks, livestock managers can better control the timing and duration of their grazing. This gives the vegetation in each paddock time to rest and recover. Improved rangeland condition provides higher quality habitat for grassland nesting waterfowl and other birds as well as better forage for livestock. Grazing systems also provide benefits to the wetlands that are associated with these uplands by reducing soil erosion and improving water quality. It has also been found that these infrastructure improvements have the added benefit of keeping livestock on the landscape, which conserves the grassland habitat that is prevalent in the project area.


Steve Fairbairn
Project Website
Project Partners

Ducks Unlimited, North Dakota Game & Fish Department, North Dakota Natural Resources Trust, Private Contributors

Affiliated Institutions


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