Project Page

Glaciated Wetlands and Prairies of North Dakota and Minnesota - V

Implementing Organization

Ducks Unlimited, Inc.


DWH Project Funding


Known Leveraged Funding


Funding Organization

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)

Funding Program

North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA


Project Category


Project Actions

Land Acquisition/Protection

Targeted Resources

Birds/Bird Habitat

Project Description

In this fifth phase of the Glaciated Wetlands and Prairies Project, project activities will secure 5,586 acres of native grassland and 912 acres of wetland habitat through perpetual easements. A bargain sale transfer of an additional 683 acres of restored tallgrass prairie and 536 acres of wetlands will be added to the Glacial Ridge National Wildlife Refuge. Project activities span the borders of North Dakota and Minnesota in the Prairie Pothole Joint Venture and will protect a total of 7,717 acres that provide critical breeding habitat to a multitude of priority migratory bird species including American Bittern, Black- crowned Night-Heron, Pied-billed Grebe and Piping Plover.


Randy W. Renner
Project Website
Project Partners

Grohne Family Foundation, The Nature Conservancy

Affiliated Institutions


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