Project Page

Santa Rosa County Septic to Sewer Conversion

Implementing Organization

State of Florida


DWH Project Funding


Known Leveraged Funding


Funding Organization

Natural Resource Damage Assessment Trustees (NRDA)

Funding Program

Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA


Project Category


Project Actions

Water Quality Restoration and Maintenance

Targeted Resources


Project Description

The project is being led by Santa Rosa County and will improve water quality in the Pensacola Bay watershed by connecting homes currently served by septic systems to central wastewater treatment systems. Specifically, the project will: • Analyze existing data to characterize and prioritize septic to sewer conversion areas. • Decommission residential septic tanks and replace them with connections to the municipal sewage system. Up to 900 residences will be converted from septic to sewer. Septic tanks will be replaced with gravity sewer systems or low-pressure grinder pumps and piped into each city’s municipal centralized sewage transmission and connection system. • Monitor waterways prior to and following the septic tank conversion. In Santa Rosa County, approximately 47,000 residential septic tank systems are in use, 60 percent of which are single-family homes. Historical reports indicate that many of the septic systems are not actively managed, permitted, and/or maintained, with as many as 40 percent of septic tank systems poorly maintained. Improper and irregular maintenance as well as aging septic systems may generate system failures, fostering bacterial and viral pathogen growth. Solids may migrate into drain fields and clog septic systems, potentially contaminating groundwater with pathogens and nitrates. Florida has a relatively high water table, with most septic tanks sitting only a few feet above the table. Untreated wastewater discharges disease-causing pathogens and nitrates into coastal waters, causing potential health concerns for the local populace (if close to a drinking water well), increasing algal growth, and on "More Info" link below


Pearce Barrett
(850) 245-2106
Project Website
Project Partners


Affiliated Institutions

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