Photochemical degradation and ozonation of persistent BP oil compounds in the spill-affected Alabama coast water and sediment - Penetration, Accumulation and Degradation of BP DWH Oil in Florida Sandy Beaches
Implementing Organization
Auburn University
DWH Project Funding
Known Leveraged Funding
Funding Organization
Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI)
Funding Program
Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program
Project Category
Project Actions
Chemical Aspects Research
Targeted Resources
Human and/or Institutional Capacity
Project Description
The recent BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill has resulted in releases of unprecedented amounts of crude oil and oil dispersants into the Gulf of Mexico. Many petroleum hydrocarbons and PAHs are known to be carcinogenic, highly adsorptive to sediment and recalcitrant to natural attenuation. The overall goal of this explorative research is to fill the knowledge gap on the roles of photochemical reaction and ozonation in oil weathering and to determine the effects of the oil dispersants and adsorption on these chemical processes.
Don Zhao334-844-6277
Project Website