Project Page

Scallop Enhancement for Increased Recreational Fishing Opportunity in the Florida Panhandle

Implementing Organization

State of Florida


DWH Project Funding


Known Leveraged Funding


Funding Organization

Natural Resource Damage Assessment Trustees (NRDA)

Funding Program

Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA


Project Category

Recreational Use

Project Actions

Engineering and/or Construction

Targeted Resources

Recreational Resources

Project Description

This project involves enhancing local scallop populations in targeted areas in the Florida Panhandle. The improvements include the harvesting and redistribution of naturally occurring juvenile scallops supplemented with stocking from a commercial scallop hatchery. Implementing this project will hopefully increase scallop populations in the targeted locations to self-sustaining levels that will support recreational harvests in Bay County (St. Andrew Bay system). Scallop populations in Gulf and Franklin Counties have also been targeted for enhancement in order to reduce the risk of population collapses in current recreationally harvested areas. Restoration efforts were suspended in Choctawhatchee Bay after 2017 and in Pensacola Bay after 2022 due to a lack of success following several years of cage installations, larval releases, and free planting spat.


Gareth Leonard
(850) 508-4796
Project Website
Project Partners


Affiliated Institutions

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