Project Page

Marine Mammal Strategic Framework Development for Living Coastal and Marine Resources

Implementing Organization

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; State of Alabama; State of Florida; State of Louisiana; State of Mississippi; State of Texas; US Department of Agriculture; US Department of the Interior; US Environmental Protection Agency


DWH Project Funding


Known Leveraged Funding


Funding Organization

Natural Resource Damage Assessment Trustees (NRDA)

Funding Program

Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA


Project Category


Project Actions


Targeted Resources

Marine Mammals

Project Description

Consistent with the Trustees’ Final Programmatic Damage Assessment and Restoration Plan (Programmatic Restoration Plan), the Regionwide Trustee Implementation Group (TIG) completed strategic frameworks that will provide context for prioritization, sequencing and selection of specific restoration projects to address ecosystem-level injuries to marine mammals. The Strategic Frameworks will help the Trustees consider resources at the ecosystem level, while implementing restoration at the local level. These strategic frameworks build off of the information presented in the Programmatic Restoration Plan, and will provide a shared knowledge set for all Trustees to use for restoration.


Nanciann Regalado
(678) 296-6805
Project Website
Project Partners


Affiliated Institutions

For official trustee information regarding the Deepwater Horizon NRDA, including information regarding the NRDA process and the status of projects, see

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