Project Page

Early-Career Research Fellow - Adam Skarke

Implementing Organization

The National Academies of Sciences and Engineering Gulf Research Program (NASEM GRP)


DWH Project Funding


Known Leveraged Funding


Funding Organization

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine – Gulf Research Program (NASEM - GRP)

Funding Program

NASEM Gulf Research Program Fellowships


Project Category


Project Actions

Education and Outreach

Targeted Resources

Nearshore/Littoral Zone

Project Description

Dr. Skarke is an assistant professor of Geology in the Department of Geosciences at Mississippi State University. He earned a B.A. in geology from Colgate University as well as an M.S. and Ph.D. in geology from the University of Delaware. Dr. Skarke conducts research focused on understanding the fundamental physical relationships between fluid dynamics, sediment transport processes, morphological expression, and the stratigraphic record in marine environments that span the continental margin from coastal waters to the deep sea. His technical approach is field-based and focused on the analysis of geological, geophysical, and oceanographic data collected with innovative environmental observing sensors and platforms. Results of Dr. Skarke’s research may help scientists and environmental managers better understand and mitigate processes detrimental to the health and resilience of marine ecosystems, commercial fisheries, and coastal property and infrastructure.


Maggie Walser
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