Project Page

Missouri Coteau Working Wetlands

Implementing Organization

Ducks Unlimited, Inc.


DWH Project Funding


Known Leveraged Funding


Funding Organization

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)

Funding Program

North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA


Project Category


Project Actions

Land Acquisition/Protection

Targeted Resources


Project Description

This project area consists of the critically important Missouri Coteau of the Prairie Pothole Region (PPR) that is utilized by nearly two million breeding pairs of ducks in any given year. The targeted counties contain more than 870,000 wetland basins where nearly 71% of those wetlands are currently unprotected and at-risk of drainage. Through innovative and new program options, teamed with tried and true easement options, Ducks Unlimited and its partners are proposing to leverage grant funding and matching contributions to acquire critical grassland and wetland easements in perpetuity while offering short-term grassland retention and enhancement programs to conserve 9,169 acres of prairie pothole habitat for migratory birds and the rural farming communities of North Dakota.


Jonas Davis
Project Website
Project Partners

Ducks Unlimited, North Dakota Game & Fish Department, North Dakota Natural Resources Trust, Private Contributors

Affiliated Institutions


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