Wind-Tidal Flat Restoration Pilot (Planning & Implementation)
Implementing Organization
US Department of the Interior (DOI)
DWH Project Funding
Known Leveraged Funding
Funding Organization
Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council
Funding Program
The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 2: Comprehensive Plan
Project Category
Project Actions
Habitat Restoration and Enhancement
Targeted Resources
Project Description
The RESTORE Council has approved $321K in Council-Selected Restoration Component funding for the Wind-Tidal Flat Restoration Pilot project in support of decommissioning of onshore orphaned energy facilities. The sponsor is the U.S. Department of the Interior, on behalf of the U.S. National Park Services (NPS). This includes $21K in planning and $300K in implementation funds as FPL Category 1. Building on investments made in the Council’s 2015 Initial FPL, the project will support the primary RESTORE Comprehensive Plan goal to restore and conserve habitat in coastal Texas, including Padre Island National Seashore. The Wind-Tidal Flat Restoration Pilot Project will test various restoration techniques and assess the efficacy and cost effectiveness of those techniques. The wind-tidal flat areas at Padre Island National Seashore are significant in that they protect portions of the largest freshwater wetland in Texas, conserve protected species, and provide wintering habitat for millions of migratory birds. However, impacts from previous energy exploration have impaired these important habitats. This project will lead to the restoration and improved resiliency for 5 acres of Gulf wind-tidal flat habitat and will provide lessons learned that can be applied to other tidal flat sites in need of restoration. Project duration is 2.5 years although key information will be gained within the first year of field work implementation.
Project Website