Assessing Impacts of Oil Exposure to Deep Sea Ecosystems of the Gulf of Mexico Using Sharks and Scavengers As Integrative Models
Implementing Organization
Florida International University
DWH Project Funding
Known Leveraged Funding
Funding Organization
Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI)
Funding Program
Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative GoMRI Grant Program
Project Category
Project Actions
Environmental Research
Targeted Resources
Human and/or Institutional Capacity
Project Description
The deep sea ecosystems of the Gulf of Mexico are likely to be negatively impacted by the Deepwater Horizon Spill due to the volume of oil released and the unprecedented use of dispersants at the surface and deep underwater. Because of the difficulty in accessing these ecosystems, assessing the impacts of the spill is difficult. However, by assessing the physiology, community structure, and trophic dynamics of a group of sentinel species it will be possible to establish ecosystem baselines and assess exposure to oil and its impacts.
Michael Heithaus305-919-5234
Project Website