Texas Gulf Coast XIII
Implementing Organization
Ducks Unlimited, Inc.
DWH Project Funding
Known Leveraged Funding
Funding Organization
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
Funding Program
North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA
Project Category
Project Actions
Habitat Restoration and Enhancement
Targeted Resources
Birds/Bird Habitat
Project Description
This proposal continues a 24-year partnership of private landowners, a private foundation, state and federal agencies, and non-governmental organizations, committed to the long-term support of wetlands conservation on the Texas Gulf Coast, and will include projects across each of the three initiative areas within the Texas portion of the Gulf Coast Joint Venture (Chenier Plain Initiative Area, Texas Mid-Coast Initiative Area, and Laguna Madre Initiative Area). This proposal will restore, and enhance an additional 2,519 acres of wetland habitat on private lands that will provide important migration, wintering, and breeding habitat for numerous species of waterfowl, shorebirds, wading birds, and neo-tropical migrant songbirds. This proposal will provide breeding habitat for mottled ducks, black-bellied and fulvous whistling ducks, as well as wintering/migration habitat for 6 high priority (mottled duck, northern pintail, mallard, lesser scaup, greater scaup, and Cackling Canada Goose) and 5 other priority waterfowl species (redhead, canvasback, American wigeon, wood duck, and ring-necked duck), and over 30 NAWCA priority waterbird and landbird species.
Todd MerendinoNone
Project Website
Gulf Coast - BCR 37 Gulf Coast Prairie