FL TIG Restoration Plan #2
Implementing Organization
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; State of Florida; US Department of the Interior; US Environmental Protection Agency
DWH Project Funding
Known Leveraged Funding
Funding Organization
Natural Resource Damage Assessment Trustees (NRDA)
Funding Program
Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA
Project Category
Project Actions
Targeted Resources
Birds/Bird Habitat
Project Description
This initiative produced draft (February 2021) and final (June 2021) versions of Restoration Plan 2 for Restoration Types: 1) Habitat Projects on Federally Managed Lands, 2) Sea Turtles, 3) Marine Mammals, 4) Birds, and 5) Provide and Enhance Recreational Opportunities. The planning effort included incorporating public comments; planning and logistics associated with the completion of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documents related to the restoration plan; logistical support for public review meetings for the draft restoration plan, including meeting facilitation, newspaper ads, translation services, security, and organizing and summarizing public comments; and assisted Trustees with producing restoration related information/documents for the Administrative Record, the case file, and any requests made under the Freedom of Information Act.
Nanciann Regalado(678) 296-6805
Project Website
For official trustee information regarding the Deepwater Horizon NRDA, including information regarding the NRDA process and the status of projects, see https://www.gulfspillrestoration.noaa.gov/