Project Page

Missouri Coteau Habitat Conservation XVII

Implementing Organization

Ducks Unlimited, Inc.


DWH Project Funding


Known Leveraged Funding


Funding Organization

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)

Funding Program

North American Wetlands Conservation Act NAWCA


Project Category


Project Actions

Land Acquisition/Protection

Targeted Resources


Project Description

This is phase seventeen of an ongoing project designed to protect wetland and grassland communities using a landscape-level approach to planning and targeting. The grantee will acquire grassland and wetland easements and one fee donated tract in the Missouri Coteau Region of North Dakota to protect 4,054 acres of grassland and wetland habitat for migratory birds. The easements will become part of the National Wildlife Refuge System under the Small Wetlands Acquisition Program. Habitat losses have resulted in declines of many grassland and wetland-dependent birds that depend upon the Prairie Pothole Region for breeding and migratory habitat. Several species of grassland and wetland-dependent birds as well as plants and insects in the area are now listed as federally or state endangered, threatened, proposed, candidate or watch species because of habitat loss. Most of the remaining grassland habitat in the Missouri Coteau is native prairie. These grassland habitats are critically important components of the prairie pothole ecosystem and are largely responsible for maintaining the functions and values of adjacent prairie wetlands.


Randy Renner
Project Website
Project Partners

Bass Pro Shops, Ducks Unlimited, Private Contributors

Affiliated Institutions


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