Eliminating Light Pollution on Sea Turtle Nesting Beaches - Phase II
Implementing Organization
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC), Sea Turtle Conservancy
DWH Project Funding
Known Leveraged Funding
Funding Organization
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF)
Funding Program
NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund GEBF
Project Category
Project Actions
Habitat Restoration and Enhancement
Targeted Resources
Sea Turtles
Project Description
This project will improve nesting beach habitat quality for sea turtles on Florida Panhandle beaches by reducing visible light on an estimated 85 properties. Funds will be used to implement complete retrofits of beachfront lights (identified during Phase I) that impact nesting beaches. Additionally, this project will engage all FWC Marine Turtle Permit Holders along the Florida Gulf Coast in timely and accurate reporting of all disorientation events on their surveyed beaches. This project will create an online database that will provide a tool for local government, property owners, and others to address documented impacts to sea turtle nests on their beaches. Permit Holders will be trained to correctly document disorientation events and to provide accurate and timely information to FWC, local government officials, and beachfront communities.
David Godfrey352-373-6441
Project Website