Determining vegetation establishment thresholds with custom-built sensors
Implementing Organization
Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA), Louisiana State University (LSU), RESTORE Act Center of Excellence for Louisiana (LA-COE)
DWH Project Funding
Known Leveraged Funding
Funding Organization
The U.S. Department of Treasury
Funding Program
The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program
Project Category
Project Actions
Environmental Research
Targeted Resources
Project Description
This project aims to deploy a network of custom-built water level loggers across two deltaic wetland environments and one marsh creation site, all with newly developed land, to directly measure the water level and enable an accurate calculation of inundation time. Studying land that originated in different manners allows researchers to assess a fuller range of establishment criteria relevant to the Louisiana coast. The project findings will be used to develop species-specific establishment thresholds based on inundation time, salinity, and any other factors determined from the analysis, that can be used as criteria for vegetation growth on newly developed land.
Madeline Foster-MartinezNone
Project Website