Wind Resilience in Coastal Louisiana: A Social Equity Approach to Enhanced Building Code Practices
Implementing Organization
Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA), Louisiana State University (LSU), RESTORE Act Center of Excellence for Louisiana (LA-COE)
DWH Project Funding
Known Leveraged Funding
Funding Organization
The U.S. Department of Treasury
Funding Program
The RESTORE Act Funds Bucket 5: Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program
Project Category
Project Actions
Social Science Research
Targeted Resources
Built Environment
Project Description
This project aims to incorporate wind risk assessment and risk reduction through enhanced code practices into the Louisiana Coastal Master Plan. The project will examine how various social equity factors influence individuals' direct experience of economic impacts from wind events, while also evaluating the effectiveness of enhanced building code practices in reducing wind risk. In doing so, it will establish a comprehensive library for wind-risk metrics, both before and after fortifying resilience efforts in Coastal Louisiana. code practices into the Louisiana Coastal Master Plan (CMP). This involves establishing a comprehensive library for wind-risk metrics, both before and after fortifying resilience efforts in Coastal Louisiana. Going beyond conventional risk assessment, this multidisciplinary, integrated project explores risk and risk reduction while acknowledging the interplay of social equity factors impacting individuals' economic vulnerability to wind events, while also assessing the efficacy of enhanced building codes in mitigating wind risks. This project adds a new dimension to understanding risk within the coastal zone not previously addressed in the CMP.
Ayat Al Assi225-578-7913
Project Website